A totally original movie...no, not really.

Oct 15, 2006 22:01

*spoiler alert* if you're set on watching Rest Stop, I give away some stuff...

so, I watched yet another 'torture' movie, called Rest Stop. Sigh. It was basically several other movies spliced together.

the movie involves a couple who stop at a gross rest stop and then the guy is kidnapped and she has to survive on her own(i.e. Hostel). You never really see the bad guy, who drives a truck(Joy Ride). He likes to take people and torture them(Wolf Creek). the thing that made me not like the movie was that any character or situation could suddenly become 'unreal' (Nightmare on Elm Street). So, she never really stands a chance(Saw 2)?

Joey Lawrence, the 'Whoa!' brother of Blossom, shows up with no hair and is supposed to save her, but of course, he gets run down and paralyzed and is basically a talking head that tells her what to do.

A couple sick-funny moments were when someone gets shot point blank with the gun in his mouth, then the next moment he yells, 'you missed! do it again!' wh-hat???
And at one point, the main chick puts her hand out the hole in the door to unlock it and the bad guy puts her finger in his mouth to suck on (High Tension).

There's weird a sub-plot with a religious family(shades of Texas Chainsaw and House of a 1,000 Corpses). One is a deformed 'child' in a high chair (The Hills Have Eyes remake). There is also a crazy woman and twin brothers who don't speak (The Shining). They disappear after their scene, and to find out what happens to them you have to watch a DVD extra, 'Scotty's Blog Expose'. It involves the weirdly model-pretty twins masturbating together with a flashlight (Blue Velvet)and then smiling when their mom whips them as 'punishment', and also the deformed child seeing the parents go at it doggy style. Then it's a family massacre. Guess they won't be the villains in the sequel, like I thought!

The DVD also has 3 horrible alternate endings that prove they didn't know what to do with the 'story'.

Did I mention girls cower in closets with wet hair? (i.e. The Ring, The Grudge, etc. etc.)

Speaking of original horror movies, I think I'll watch the Omen remake for more cheesy Horror thrills! :-) Mia Farrow, yeay! She's creepy enough on her own!

celebrity, sex, horror, masturbation

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