this is the strangest sprained ankle I've ever had

Jun 08, 2008 12:57

This is my first official post as a NEW YORK RUNNER! WOO HOO!

I have a sprained ankle that actually feels BETTER when I walk on it, worse when I am off it for hours. Anyone ever have this?

here's what happened: I live in a place that has high front stairs as it is, and they took the stone off the top of one to be replaced. I was walking down the steps yesterday on the way out for a run, and I don't know if i misjudged it or whatever but BAM my ankle turned on my way down. After the requisite MOTHER F*&*ER language, I sat down for a minute to recover. Oddly enough, it hurt a little, but I could still walk on it. I DESPERATELY wanted some exercise so I decided to still go out for at least a walk. After ten minutes of walking, it felt...ok.
I gingerly did a few steps of jogging...still ok.
So, I decided unless it started hurting more, i'd do my intended workout. I did it - and more! Had a nice wearing out of the craftyredhead and came home. I was pooped, ate some lunch, and took a nap. When I awoke several hours later - it hurt! I thought ok, I guess i did overdo it. I iced it while I was around the house, and put an ACE brace on it when I walked around a bit on a date last night. Again, it didn't feel too bad!
So I get up this morning, and BAM it hurts again!! I ice it, treat it gingerly again, but I have things i HAVE TO DO, so I limp around on it. Surprisingly, the more I walk on it, the better it feels!

Anyone else ever have this odd kind of sprain? If it helps, the place where it hurts is not around the main ankle bone - but go forward about two inches, the other bone that sticks out on the inside of your foot (not sure what it's called). That is a little swollen.
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