My daughter, Kasia, is very into babies. She has been walking around for at least 6 months with dolls or stuffed animals jammed down in her shirts, saying she has a baby in her tummy. Lately, she has been saying she has a baby pig in her tummy. Sometimes there are 2, or sometimes there is just one and he/she is joined by a puppy and/or kitty. But there is always a baby pig. So it was just natural for me to make her an amigurumi pig. I was going to make my own, but I saw the Lion Brand free pattern and decided it would be just as easy to modify that one. This is what I came up with.
My daugter just told me that the pig's name is going to be Ella (which is her best friend's name!). I hope she isn't offended if she finds out - but then, since she is a 3 yr old, I doubt she will be!
Here are the modifications I made to the Lion Brand pattern:
Body - after completing the increase rows, sc around for 17 rows to make a longer body before beginning the decrease rows.
Eyes - I used larger ones than they did (9 mm)
Nose - ch 3; sc 6 in 2nd chain from hook; sc 6 in 3rd chain from hook. Join with sl st to 1st sc (in 2nd ch from hook). Finnish off. If this sounds confusing, just try and do it rather than trying to imagine what I did. It will probably make more sense then.
Embroider on smile with dk pink.
Ears - added one more row: (inc, sc 5) 2x (=14 st).
Having larger features gives it more of a baby look.
Legs - with dk pink: Magic loop 6 sc (or ch 2, 6 sc in 2nd loop from hook)
inc in each sc around (=12 sc)
Join light pink and sc around in bk loops only (=12 sc)
sc around for 5 more rows. Finish off.