An unorthodoxed Christmas...

Jul 24, 2013 17:40

'T is the season to give gifts! Or so it seems. There are a ridiculous amount of birthdays in August in my family, so I've been busy making and buying things. Warning: this post is pic heavy. =P

This shawl was made for my sister's birthday--plain knitting with a really strange pattern that wasn't quite even. You can see it on the close up along the spine:

I think the dimensions ended up being 60"x21.5".

I think I started dreaming in cables at one point. The pattern is gorgeous, but the repetitions near well killed me, haha. I think if I ever attempt another one with this pattern (or one like it), I'd add a border along the bottoms of the scarf as well, just to give it a neater finish. Maybe more cables? Who knows.

A little penguin pouch! I have no idea how or what it could be used, but it's cute, so I made it and it'll be gifted.

A little plush Cthulhu for a friend who loves HP Lovecraft.

A frog hat that eats your head when you wear it. This was originally meant for a friend as a sort of runner-up joke to a hat made her earlier in the year with bunny ears, and she mentioned that I should make a frog hat so we could go to our exams in them. It's not quite on time, but there's always next year. And the year after that. And the year after that.

hats, crochet, knitting, amigurumi

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