::Kurumi wants to send file: mileswindcharger.html:: Accept! -This is way backdated, when Windcharger ended up coming out to see Miles. Miles, consequently, learns about the giant robots on his planet.
::Kurumi wants to send file: trentmiles2.html:: Accept! -Takes place a few hours after this log. Trent and Miles hang out in the hospital, and then Trent's mom shows up. :D
::Kurumi wants to send file: trentmiles1.html:: Accept! -Trent is borrowing his mom's ride to get to practice at school. Miles doesn't look both ways when he crosses the street. HERE'S HOW NOT TO HANDLE A SITUATION.
Alright, so basically me and Miles/Brawl-mun got bored sick enough of waiting around for something for the humans to happen, so we made up our own action. It is filled with drunk!Trent and tired!Miles, plus the promise of more things to come in the future? :O