Tomorrowland, pt. 1

Nov 24, 2007 17:31

Tomorrowland has been desecrated pretty thoroughly.

Firestar (12:29:14 AM): *bounces excitedly *
Chromia (12:30:42 AM): -waiting in the amazingly short line, being snuggly with Firestar and oblivious to any stares they're getting-
Firestar (12:31:04 AM): *smirks at the stares, kiiiiiiiiiiissssssssssss *
Chromia (12:31:23 AM): -kiss back!-
Chromia (12:37:40 AM): -finally gets to the ride, and clambers in happily, staring at the tunnel ahead eagerly-
Chromia (12:37:47 AM): This is gonna be fuuuuun
Firestar (12:38:06 AM): Eee! *squeaks and scrambles in * Yay!
Firestar (12:38:22 AM): waits expectantly, hasn't ever done anything like this
Firestar (12:38:24 AM): **
Chromia (12:38:38 AM): -bounces in her seat-
Firestar (12:40:13 AM): *giggles, then squeaks as the ride starts to move * Uh...this...this isn't scray, right?
Chromia (12:40:22 AM): I don't know....?
Firestar (12:40:37 AM): .......
Chromia (12:40:48 AM): ...what?
Chromia (12:41:18 AM): -aaaaaand off it goes! down the tunnel and into the dark, glowy area!-
Firestar (12:41:34 AM): *beams happily, oooh pretty pretty lights!*
Chromia (12:42:14 AM): -laughing gleefully- Fire, this is awesome!
Firestar (12:42:31 AM): *giggles, luuuurch in stomach.* o.O
Chromia (12:44:17 AM): Wheeeeeeee!
Firestar (12:44:53 AM): *shrieks echo through the building!*
Chromia (12:47:39 AM): -shrieks of joy or fear? Chromia does not know, assumes joy!-
Firestar (12:47:53 AM): *fear, mostly, but joy as well!*
Chromia (12:50:13 AM): -ride pulls to a stop, crawls out laughing-
Firestar (12:50:23 AM): *twitching, but laughing *
Chromia (12:51:05 AM): -hugs Fire and gives her a kiss on the cheek- Ooooh, I like that kind of ride.
Firestar (12:51:13 AM): I do too! *wobbles out *
Chromia (12:51:59 AM): Buuuut, I think it's time for something a bit more dark and secluded. -whispers, grinning-
Firestar (12:54:47 AM): Oh...?
Firestar (12:54:55 AM): *purrs, taking her hand * What did you have in mind?
Chromia (12:59:43 AM): Hmmm... -//Search- Pirates of the Caribbean.


Starscream (1:01:02 AM): *enters the general environs of Tomorrowland like a conquering hero(ine, given the holo)...*
Starscream (1:01:10 AM): *...and promptly dissolves into a gigglefit*
Firestar (1:01:31 AM): *shifts, waiting, holds her hand and kissies *
Skyfire (1:01:42 AM): *follows! hand in hand and... ???* What is so funny, Starscream? *amused*
Chromia (1:02:21 AM): -drags her off, having accessed an online map-
Starscream (1:02:23 AM): Skyfire Skyfire /look!/ look at the - /hee!/ *points at - well, everything* *laughing so hard she's having difficulty /standing/*
Skyfire (1:04:49 AM): *grins at Starscream's amusement and looks around* Yes... y-yes it is, *snicker* primitive but, of course, we s-shouldn't *snort*
Chromia (1:05:47 AM): -breezes by Screamer and Skyfire, waving at them and grinning-
Firestar (1:06:37 AM): *skips after Chromia, clutchign her hand and waving at the other two!*
Starscream (1:06:39 AM): /Of course we should!/ Look at the /aesthetics!/ *dissolving in laughter, holding herself up by clinging to Skyfire's arm*
Starscream (1:07:10 AM): Are those supposed to be /spaceships?/ *points and /laughs/ and laughs*
Skyfire (1:08:23 AM): *gamely holds up Starscream, unable to help laughing himself* So it would s-seem... *shakily waves at chromia and Firestar as they pass*
Skyfire (1:09:22 AM): ...though I think that one up there actually IS Megatron in alt mode... :x *points*
Starscream (1:09:45 AM): ...what, where? *peers up*
Starscream (1:10:31 AM): He blends /right in!/ *and there she goes again*
Starscream (1:10:41 AM): *cracking /up/*
Skyfire (1:11:25 AM): *didn't mean it like that but..but OH he just starts LAUGHING...~*
Starscream (1:12:34 AM): *standing is for people not laughing as hard as Starscream is right now* *sinking slowly to the ground, clinging to Skyfire's hand as she laughs so hard she /cries/*
Starscream (1:12:46 AM): W- we've /got/ to get a /picture/ of that...!


Fratboy #1 (1:12:50 AM): .....dude.
Fratboy #1 (1:12:53 AM): that chick's hot.
Fratboy #1 (1:12:58 AM): *points to starscream*
Starscream (1:13:19 AM): *too busy laughing her /ass/ off to notice right now*
Fratboy #2 (1:13:24 AM): omg.
Fratboy #2 (1:13:27 AM): dude.
Fratboy #1 (1:13:48 AM): ...she's rly, rly, hot.
Fratboy #1 (1:13:50 AM): we should lyk.
Fratboy #1 (1:13:59 AM): take a picture of her or something.
Fratboy #1 (1:14:03 AM): and post it on our myspace.
Fratboy #2 (1:14:09 AM): yeah we should.
Fratboy #2 (1:14:11 AM): and also.
Fratboy #2 (1:14:14 AM): go talk to her.
Fratboy #1 (1:14:15 AM): and
Fratboy #1 (1:14:17 AM): youtube!
Fratboy #2 (1:14:21 AM): i mean, look at that guy shes with.
Fratboy #1 (1:14:28 AM): ...yea!
Fratboy #2 (1:14:34 AM): youtube, dude!
Skyfire (1:14:37 AM): *is TALL BIG guy. XP*
Fratboy #1 (1:14:46 AM): ...but that guy's rly tall too.
Fratboy #1 (1:14:49 AM): but rly ugly.
Fratboy #2 (1:14:51 AM): true.
Fratboy #1 (1:14:51 AM): DX
Fratboy #2 (1:14:55 AM): but i mean,
Fratboy #2 (1:14:59 AM): the bigger they are
Fratboy #2 (1:15:02 AM): the harder they fall,
Fratboy #1 (1:15:04 AM): the stupider?
Fratboy #2 (1:15:04 AM): dude.
Starscream (1:15:05 AM): ...okay. Okay. I'm okay. *giggling, clinging to Skyfire* As long as I don't /look/ at him, I'm okay...
Fratboy #1 (1:15:05 AM): lol.
Fratboy #2 (1:15:10 AM): yeah,, that too.
Fratboy #1 (1:15:20 AM): yeah, let's go say hi to her!
Fratboy #2 (1:15:24 AM): okay!
Fratboy #2 (1:15:25 AM):
Fratboy #1 (1:15:47 AM): HEEEEY LADY. *walking over to starscream*
Fratboy #2 (1:15:48 AM): *saunters up to her, ~*
Skyfire (1:15:49 AM): *laughs, straightens up, clinging right back*
Starscream (1:16:08 AM): Fuck off. *giggling up at Skyfire, flips off fanboys without even looking at them*
Skyfire (1:16:25 AM): *blinkblink*
Dani (1:19:51 AM): * rolls in*
Fratboy #2 (1:20:48 AM): Hey, pretty girl, can I flirt with you? :3
Fratboy #1 (1:21:23 AM): Why don't you drop this zero and get with the heros?
Starscream (1:21:37 AM): *blinks.*
Starscream (1:21:51 AM): *turns, slowly.* *STARES at them, from head to toe.*
Skyfire (1:21:52 AM): *wow. that is a SERIOUS WTF stare he's giving them now*
Starscream (1:22:04 AM): *imagine the most withering stare you can possibly imagine.*
Starscream (1:22:31 AM): ...shoo. *waves a hand at them*
Dani (1:22:35 AM): * stops and watches* 0.o * this isnt going to end well...
Fratboy #2 (1:22:56 AM): But you haven't been with a real guy until you've been with... us?
Fratboy #1 (1:23:25 AM): Yeah, really. Wanna come see our harddrives? I promise they ain't 3.5 inches and they ain't floppy.
Starscream (1:23:47 AM): *okay, yeah, no, that gets a contemptuous giggle*
Skyfire (1:23:52 AM): *snortLAUGH*
Starscream (1:24:08 AM): Go away, little boys.
Fratboy #2 (1:24:21 AM): Baby, I'm an American Express lover... you shouldn't go home without me!
Starscream (1:25:30 AM): Fail. *waves hand dismissively, other hand still looped around Skyfire's arm*
Jeff (1:25:35 AM) has entered the room.
Skyfire (1:25:46 AM): *back to frown in 2.1 seconds!* ...Your attempts at a...mating call are weak and moronic. Leave. now.
Fratboy #2 (1:26:03 AM): ... *:/ not used to being turned down, WHAT IS THIS FEELING? D:*
Starscream (1:26:31 AM): *this is the feeling of hitting on someone who //isn't// a drunk hooker! enjoy it.*
Dani (1:26:34 AM): * is just watching*
Jeff (1:27:16 AM): ...*strolls by *
Dani (1:27:27 AM): * waves to Jeff* hey Jeff
Starscream (1:27:29 AM): I think they used Google to find those. *nods up at Skyfire*
Fratboy #1 (1:27:44 AM): wai.
Jeff (1:27:45 AM): *waves at her * Hey, how are- what is going on?
Dani (1:27:59 AM): I don't know.
Dani (1:28:06 AM): it's rather insane.
Jeff (1:28:15 AM): Hmm. *eyes screamer's holo, smokin' hot!*
Fratboy #2 (1:28:16 AM): Not google.
Fratboy #2 (1:28:24 AM): We're so smooth...
Starscream (1:28:30 AM): MSN search engine? Altavista?
Skyfire (1:28:31 AM): Ugh. So it would seem.
Jeff (1:28:35 AM): *but knows better. D: D: D: *
Fratboy #1 (1:28:47 AM): *unlike them, apparently!*
Dani (1:29:01 AM): * rolls up to him* the two humans are idiots, right?
Fratboy #2 (1:29:04 AM): *clueless lol!*
Skyfire (1:29:19 AM): *hell YES he best know better. :/ Skyfire would be disapointed in the ENTIRE human species, if he did not KNOW BETTER in this case.*
Fratboy #2 (1:29:32 AM): We're so smooth, ice cubes are jealous.
Fratboy #2 (1:29:37 AM): Or Ice Cube is jealous.
Dani (1:29:52 AM): * thinks that the fan boys are insane*
Jeff (1:30:05 AM): *shrugs, he knows those two idiots are gonna end up bitch slapped, and just strolls off, humming under his breath *
Starscream (1:30:24 AM): *ignores them in favor of leaning, imploring and adorable, up against Skyfire* I can make sure the authorities never find their dismembered bodies... *cute?*
Dani (1:30:46 AM): * and follows Jeff 0- not sticking around now*
Skyfire (1:31:20 AM): *eyebrow arches up* Mmm... you have no IDEA how tempting that is right now... *leans in closer to 'her', smirking - may or may not be serious*
Starscream (1:31:52 AM): *brightens* /Really?/
Fratboy #1 (1:32:00 AM): Hey now, babe. Don't be playin' hard to get - you can't deny this. *may or may not have grabbed Starscream's hand*
Dani (1:32:31 AM): *catches up to Jeff* hey, Jeff...
Skyfire (1:32:39 AM): D< *oooh, humans do not naturally MAKE those kinds of engine-growly sounds...*
Jeff (1:33:00 AM): *stops, blinking * Hey.
Fratboy #2 (1:33:03 AM): *grabs her other hand! :3* C'mon, you know you want us.
Jeff (1:33:27 AM): *has his cell out, trying t o call Firestar, mumbling something under his breath about a missed appointment *
Skyfire (1:33:31 AM): *wrist grab TIGHT* LET. GO. NOW. DX
Starscream (1:33:37 AM): *oh you better hope you /didn't,/ because the fingernails on that hand? your face? they are going to say hi to each other if you did* You miserable sacks of /meat!/
Dani (1:33:38 AM): ... Can i speak with you... somewhere private... please? * looks a little nervous*
Fratboy #1 (1:33:41 AM): Ditch this zero and come home with us heros. We're savin the day here, savin' you from making a mistake by being with this loser face
Fratboy #2 (1:33:49 AM): WHY DON'T YOU MAKE ME.
Fratboy #1 (1:33:53 AM): YEAH, MAKE US.
Starscream (1:34:02 AM): *this is a faceslap courtesy Starscream. be happy you still /have/ a face. ...mostly.*
Fratboy #2 (1:34:17 AM): ...
Jeff (1:34:22 AM): Private? *stares blankly at her *
Fratboy #2 (1:34:38 AM): I'll take that as a "I love you and want to spend the rest of my life with you!" *KISSES!*
Dani (1:34:46 AM): * nods* yea... about... the skullfaces... and i'd rather others nmo over hear.
Skyfire (1:34:51 AM): *that sound? yeah, thats your metacarpals grinding together.* ..DDDDDDDDXX
Dani (1:34:51 AM): not*
Bonecrusher (1:34:55 AM) has entered the room.
Jeff (1:34:58 AM): *....kerblink * Here? You wanna talk abotu that here?
Dani (1:35:22 AM): Well... when ever,,, its just been weighting on my mind all day..
Skyfire (1:35:28 AM): *FISTSWING GO POW*
Starscream (1:35:28 AM): *SHOVE* *introduces high-heeled shoe to stomach* *HARD*
Fratboy #1 (1:35:36 AM): DX!
Fratboy #1 (1:35:42 AM): *punches skyfire*
Fratboy #2 (1:35:43 AM): D8!
Fratboy #1 (1:35:45 AM): no you didn't!
Fratboy #1 (1:35:54 AM): YOU DID NOT HIT MY HOMIE.
Skyfire (1:35:55 AM): *fight = ON* *RIGHT HOOK*
Fratboy #1 (1:36:02 AM): *KICK IN THE NUTS!*
Fratboy #2 (1:36:19 AM): *SUCKER PUNCH LOL!*
Bonecrusher (1:36:42 AM): *is magically alone for once for no particular reason other than maybe kinda totally got lost from the rest of his group*
Skyfire (1:36:49 AM): *drity fighter, huh? has no real nuts! :B fakes pain, JABJABJAB*
Jeff (1:37:02 AM): *has a blank and confused look on his face.*
Fratboy #2 (1:37:07 AM): *BEATS UP THE GUY!*
Skyfire (1:37:09 AM): *TACKLES!*
Fratboy #1 (1:37:19 AM): *PUNCHPUNCHPUNCH*
Starscream (1:37:22 AM): *you better WISH you had, though, because there is one (1) angry F-22 holo in your face and she does not play nice.*
Skyfire (1:37:24 AM): *WAILS ON*
Fratboy #2 (1:37:27 AM): *JUMPS ON HIS BACK!*
Dani (1:37:28 AM): ... Don't worry about it.. * weak smile. *
Fratboy #2 (1:37:41 AM): *STARTS CHOKIN!*
Jeff (1:37:45 AM): Whats freakin you out?
Skyfire (1:37:48 AM): *HEADBUTT to the one guy he's on*
Starscream (1:38:13 AM): */drags/ the unfortunate kisser off of Skyfire by the simplest expedient of grabbing him around the waist and PULLING*
Skyfire (1:38:14 AM): *BACKWARDS headbutt to the guy behind*
Fratboy #1 (1:38:28 AM): DX!!!!
Bonecrusher (1:38:29 AM): *sees Jeff, kindasorta wanders over, also watching Starscream, fanboys, and Skyfire* What's going on with them?
Fratboy #2 (1:38:37 AM): D8!!
Dani (1:38:38 AM): Just... the feeling of being watched... when I came here... I had this feeling.. that told me that I was being watched,... and I'm scared.
Starscream (1:38:40 AM): Can I kill them, /please?/
Fratboy #2 (1:38:54 AM): No, you don't want to kill us.
Starscream (1:38:59 AM): Actually, I really think I do.
Fratboy #2 (1:39:00 AM): You wanna take us home~!
Fratboy #2 (1:39:02 AM):
Skyfire (1:39:03 AM): *gags for air but possessive!rage! make skyfrie GRR!*
Jeff (1:39:39 AM): *blinks at her, the nshrugs * I'm sure you're fine. It's prolly nothing. *nods.* Hey, Crusher!
Skyfire (1:39:59 AM): ::Stop...tempting.. ME. Must not kiiiillll.... DX ::
Dani (1:40:02 AM): *smiles then nods* yea.. its probbly nothing.
Dani (1:40:22 AM): * looks to Crusher and shurgs* i dont know.
Fratboy #2 (1:40:26 AM): C'mon, baby... *puppy dog eyes?*
Starscream (1:40:27 AM): ...the human population is big enough that killing them can't /possibly/ impact it! *still dragging away unfortunate #2 from Skyfire*
Starscream (1:40:41 AM): It's not like they're ever going to be /breeding./ Especially not after I'm done with them.
Jeff (1:40:44 AM): I think they *points to idiots * Were hitting on...*Squints * I think that's Starscream.
Bonecrusher (1:40:46 AM): *frowns and looks away from the half-fight to the humans* Meh. Fights are way too common with them, for being... noncombative.
Fratboy #2 (1:40:46 AM): *is unfortunate #2! D:*
Dani (1:41:01 AM): 0.o;;;;;
Fratboy #1 (1:41:06 AM): *then what's happening to number one?!*
Skyfire (1:41:08 AM): *left jab! right! left!*
Fratboy #1 (1:41:12 AM): *oh yeah, he's number one.*
Fratboy #2 (1:41:17 AM): *skyfire is happening!*
Fratboy #1 (1:41:18 AM): *can't touch this, can't touch this.*
Jeff (1:41:18 AM): Wanna ride somethin, Crusher?
Fratboy #1 (1:41:27 AM): *KICK IN THE FACE*
Fratboy #2 (1:41:29 AM): *HAMMER TIME*
Jeff (1:41:30 AM): I wanna talk to ya.
Jeff (1:41:32 AM): Also.
Jeff (1:41:37 AM): Along with rides.
Jeff (1:41:38 AM): And stuff.
Fratboy #2 (1:41:42 AM): Aww, baby.
Dani (1:41:43 AM): * rolls over, is tired and hungry, needs to eat.
Skyfire (1:41:47 AM): *reels! snarls and TACKLES toward the ground!*
Fratboy #2 (1:41:52 AM): I only wanna make you happy~
Dani (1:41:56 AM): off*
Fratboy #1 (1:41:59 AM): *punches! D<*
Fratboy #1 (1:42:01 AM): *GTFO*
Bonecrusher (1:42:34 AM): ....Eh, I dunno if any of the rides here are really worth it. It's kinda.... *raises an eyebrow at all the... 'future'* Retro.
Bonecrusher (1:42:47 AM): ...Besides, I'm sick of rides for the moment. *:<*
Skyfire (1:42:51 AM): *nu! punch to jaw - hope you didn't like those teeth! D<*
Starscream (1:42:54 AM): *your face, unfortunate #2! Starscream's fingernails! those bits of skin, you /did/ want them? whoopsie* So you're /volunteering/ to let me kill you? How wonderful!
Jeff (1:43:01 AM): *nods.* What all have ya done?
Fratboy #2 (1:43:06 AM): No!
Fratboy #2 (1:43:11 AM): I don't want you to kill me!
Fratboy #2 (1:43:15 AM): D: D: !
Fratboy #1 (1:43:20 AM): ...WAIT, KILL?
Starscream (1:43:24 AM): : D
Fratboy #2 (1:43:30 AM): I want you to looooove me!
Starscream (1:44:24 AM): Did no one ever teach you not to hit on women who were so obviously taken? *oh, screw this clawing slag - if punches work for Megatron, they can work for Starscream!*
Bonecrusher (1:44:26 AM): ....That... horse thing. Carousel. And tried to make out with Blackout on the Haunted Mansion ride.... *:\* Didn't work out.
Fratboy #2 (1:45:18 AM): I didn't know you were taken! I thought he was just some weirdo... I was trying to save you! I guess. In a way.
Fratboy #1 (1:45:30 AM): yeah, yeah!
Skyfire (1:45:31 AM): *still punching!* DX
Fratboy #1 (1:45:31 AM): what he said!
Fratboy #1 (1:45:37 AM): *STILL PUNCHING BACK*
Fratboy #1 (1:45:40 AM): *KICK IN THE GROIN AGAIN*
Jeff (1:45:48 AM): ...why not?
Skyfire (1:45:51 AM): DDDDX
Starscream (1:45:56 AM): ...killing them would raise the average IQ of the species! Are you /sure/ you won't let me?
Fratboy #2 (1:46:07 AM):
Fratboy #2 (1:46:30 AM): I thought I was helping... *SAD PUPPY FACE*
Bonecrusher (1:46:32 AM): ....He got surprised at something and we kind of ended up on the floor. *:\*
Jeff (1:47:02 AM): ...on the floor of the ride?
Jeff (1:47:06 AM): What surprised him?
Jeff (1:47:41 AM): *ignoring the fight *
Starscream (1:47:45 AM): Oh, you are /such/ a poor liar. *approaches, hands into fists...* You are /never going to reproduce,/ just for that.
Fratboy #2 (1:47:57 AM): No, I'm not lying!
Bonecrusher (1:48:00 AM): *sighs* I don't know, whatever it is in that Haunted House that scares people.
Fratboy #2 (1:48:00 AM): Really!
Fratboy #2 (1:48:11 AM): I mean,
Jeff (1:48:12 AM): *blinks * I've been in there, it's not scary.
Fratboy #2 (1:48:18 AM): why don't we act like this never happened?
Fratboy #2 (1:48:22 AM): Start over?
Fratboy #2 (1:48:27 AM): We can just be... friends?
Starscream (1:48:44 AM): Because I haven't removed your reproductive capabilities yet, and I fully intend to do so for the overall benefit of your species?
Starscream (1:48:50 AM): *approaaaaachiiiiiing*
Fratboy #2 (1:48:54 AM): ... That wouldn't be cool.
Bonecrusher (1:48:56 AM): I know, but he gets.... distracted. Meh, he wandered off after the ride and I decided to leave the slagger alone.
Fratboy #2 (1:48:59 AM): *baaaaacks up D:*
Fratboy #1 (1:49:01 AM): **I THINK WE SHOULD RUN!!!**
Starscream (1:49:04 AM): /I/ think it would be.
Jeff (1:49:07 AM): Oooh. *nods.*
Fratboy #1 (1:49:09 AM): **RUNNING IS GOOD NOW!!!**
Fratboy #2 (1:49:16 AM): *I THINK SO TOO THIS CHICK IS CRAZY!!*
Jeff (1:49:17 AM): How're thing sgoin with him, anyhow? Good?
Fratboy #2 (1:49:28 AM): *YEAH OKAY*
Fratboy #2 (1:49:41 AM): *ruuuuuns away! flailing! ahhhh!*
Jeff (1:49:48 AM): *watches in amusement *
Bonecrusher (1:49:52 AM): ......Eh, he tried to only cut my head off with razor knuckles once so far, so I count that as a victory.
Starscream (1:49:53 AM): *chases? chases!*
Fratboy #1 (1:49:53 AM): *gets in one more punch before dramatic fleeing!*
Fratboy #1 (1:49:57 AM): *DON'T LEAVE ME MAN*
Fratboy #2 (1:50:06 AM): *WELL HURRY UP MAN*
Skyfire (1:50:09 AM): *punches at heads as they flee*
Fratboy #1 (1:50:12 AM): *IS HURRYING!!!*
Starscream (1:50:39 AM): *I hope you enjoyed those reproductive capabilities while you had them 'CAUSE YOU'RE NOT GONNA FOR LONG*
Starscream (1:50:44 AM): */chase/*
Fratboy #2 (1:50:58 AM): *WAIT WHAT D: D: BUT I TTLY RAN AWAY*
Skyfire (1:51:14 AM): *chases as well! Starscream, there is that rage you always hoped for in him! *
Starscream (1:51:32 AM): *YAY rage!* *you and your dramatic fleeing, pfah!*
Skyfire (1:51:58 AM): *they escape?*


Starscream (1:52:08 AM): *slows to a trot* ...aww. I think they got away. Besides, I'm not done with /Tomorrowland/ yet.
Skyfire (1:52:48 AM): *snarlsnarlHUFF D<* *slows*
Jeff (1:53:37 AM): ...he did what? Razor knuckles? Where'd he get those?!
Dani (1:55:56 AM): Rolls back in*
Dani (1:56:55 AM): * bypasses screamer and skyfire holos, humming a song as she heads to one of the rides - Star Tours*
Starscream (2:30:50 AM): I think I'm going to keep a scan out for two males of their facial type as they exit. *contemplative* And... /introduce.../ myself. But later!
Skyfire (2:32:20 AM): *angry still! angry pace! Making angry jet engine sounds = bad*
Starscream (2:32:50 AM): *thrumm* */likes/ the angry jet engine noises*
Dani (2:33:02 AM): * pauses to look at the displays, then looks up, eyes widening at one, then shaking her head* when did they add that in there. mm
Dani (2:33:24 AM): * twists and digs around for cammra or art book*
Starscream (2:33:47 AM): We'll find them later, Skyfire. /Promise./
Skyfire (2:33:49 AM): *angry, angry /possessive/ jet engine sounds*
Starscream (2:34:09 AM): *//best// jet engine sounds*
Skyfire (2:35:59 AM): *spins on heel, grabs holo!screamer!* *ttly ignoring hatred of holofroms and KISSES!*
Dani (2:36:12 AM): ^__^ * cammra time* * and click click click, photos of the attractions, getting them all. may or may not have cought megs alt mode on film.*
Starscream (2:36:34 AM): *kisses BACK with ENTHUSIASM and climbing and arms around neck and general PDA*
Skyfire (2:37:32 AM): *snarls against mouth - total possessive, snarly, grabby-hands full on CLING and mouth RAVAGE kiss*
Prowlieboy (2:38:40 AM) has left the room.
Starscream (2:39:11 AM): *THRUM and kiss BACK and someone better throw cold water on them because Skyfire angry and possessive and forceful = Starscream COMPLETE LUST*
Arcee (2:40:36 AM): *walks by and WHISTLES!*
Arcee (2:41:01 AM): *catcalls at them, XD.*
Starscream (2:41:18 AM): *climbing /up/ Skyfire, but spares the hand to flip off Arcee*
Arcee (2:41:40 AM): Nice to see you too, baby!
Dani (2:41:48 AM): * is now at the frount of the ride, waiting eadgerly*
Skyfire (2:42:44 AM): *THRUMS himself - humans don't make those sounds, but what the hell does angry!Skyfire care? Makes with the inapproprate hand grabbing and heaves Starscream up, pulling 'her' legs around his waist*
Arcee (2:43:05 AM): *stops to watch. is a perv.*
Starscream (2:43:06 AM): ::I would kill you, Arcee, but I /really can't be bothered/ right now...::
Arcee (2:43:19 AM): ::I can see that. You look busy.::
Skyfire (2:43:27 AM): ::*inarticulate snarling over comm*::
Starscream (2:43:48 AM): *what the hell does turned-on!/Starscream/ care about holo verismilitude? thrums right /back,/ and wraps legs around Skyfire's waist firmly*
Starscream (2:44:02 AM): ::As it so happens, we /are./::
Arcee (2:44:09 AM): ::Ehehehehe.:: *takes a seat.*
Skyfire (2:45:59 AM): *clings and thrums, hands roaming over and caressing what ever they can reach* *growls - needs a wall for this, damnit*
Starscream (2:47:01 AM): *screw /walls,/ has a /Skyfire/ and intends to /enjoy/ it*
Skyfire (2:47:57 AM): *will find a /wall/ to enjoy more of a /Starscream/, thanks!*
Arcee (2:48:08 AM): *has bought popcorn from a nearby vendor, and is fully enjoying the show *
Starscream (2:48:59 AM): *and /what a show it is,/ full of increasing holo PDA and also jet engine noises*
Dani (2:49:08 AM): * and back to here with a weirded out face. * .... fangirls...
Arcee (2:49:37 AM): *eats her popcorn *
Starscream (2:49:40 AM): *congrats Dani you are now seeing what is very close to public sex with Starscream and Skyfire's holos*
Dani (2:49:59 AM): * better than mad fangirls. *
Arcee (2:50:55 AM): *swings holos legs, punching a guy in the nose when he tries to hit on her *
Skyfire (2:51:10 AM): *Is too busy kissing pretty holo!Starscream to bother with trival things, like watching where he is going, soooo blindly stumbles to the nearest wall of a building*
Arcee (2:51:25 AM): *oooh, a wall! Relocates to better see.*
Dani (2:51:42 AM): * joins near Arcee* * is bored*
KurumiRP (2:51:45 AM) has entered the room.
Starscream (2:51:49 AM): */wriggles/* */likes/ being walled* *likes it a LOT and it /shows/*
Arcee (2:51:56 AM): *grins.*
Skyfire (2:52:30 AM): *shoves Starscream up against it, hitching 'her' up further for better, deeper kisses and groping further up the thighs*
Arcee (2:53:40 AM): ::You can do better than that, Screamer...::
Arcee (2:53:45 AM): *totally egging them on. *
Skyfire (2:54:32 AM): ::*Snarls over the comm - interferring busy-bots! D<*::
Arcee (2:54:59 AM): *curls on a bench, eating her popcorn.*
Starscream (2:55:01 AM): ::--! Oh, you're still over there. Shut up, I'm /busy./:: *arches back against the wall and attempts to discover exactly /where/ best on Skyfire's holo to touch, stroke, possibly lick later...*
Dani (2:55:29 AM): * ok, never mind, shes going back to fantasy land, does not wanna see sex. much. >_>
Dani (2:56:02 AM): * ohh,,, lookies, a hose. >D
Dani (2:56:40 AM): * to use it or not. mmmmm... * thinking*
Dani (2:57:54 AM): mmmm... ah, what the hell. * doesnt use it, yet. >__>*
Dani (2:59:30 AM): * puts down hose, for now and parks chair next to arcee*
Dani (3:00:55 AM): * then decides not to - will be back latter and heads to fanasty land* [[ i give her three secs till shes back here with whats ghappening in fantasy land,.
Dani (3:03:54 AM): * come back with more a little wide eyed look* * to arcee* ... aren you meant to be umm... blending in.. and not. you know... transforming..?
Skyfire (3:04:40 AM): *Shivers against Starscream, tightening his grasp on the legs around his waist and nipping at her neck with a loud thrumm, exploring with possessive intent*
Starscream (3:06:46 AM): *arches and squirms to direct Skyfire's hands, her own lightly scratching down his back - yes, through clothing! do not doubt Starscream!claws, in whatever form* ::Maybe I /will/ let those two slaggers live...::
Skyfire (3:12:48 AM): *SNARLS at the mention of those two miserable little humans-!* *KISSES, hard and deep and insistant, large hands roaming and pulling her tight and close, searching for all those little sensitive places on the holo*
Arcee (3:14:41 AM): *eats her popcorn *
Dani (3:15:15 AM): .. Can i have some popcorn please?
Starscream (3:15:43 AM): *THRUMS, twisting and downright /grinding/ between Skyfire's holo and the wall - oh, synapse mapping is /such/ a good thing right now...* *buries hands in Skyfire's hair and kisses /back/*
Arcee (3:15:58 AM): *absently holds it out to her *
Dani (3:16:34 AM): thanks. * smiles, then blinks* ... you.. you wher one of the ones that wher at the recuse, right?


Wildrider (3:17:24 AM): *pulling Nightbird to space mountain, easily cutting all the lines and ignoring the porn show *
Arcee (3:17:36 AM): Eh? *is really distracted by the porn.* Yeah.
Nightbird (3:18:11 AM): *too distracted by Rider dragging her around and being nice to her that she barely registers the porn*
Starscream (3:18:25 AM): *would be insulted, if he knew that*
Dani (3:18:34 AM): thanks. * and goes back to watching the porn. ^_^*
Wildrider (3:18:50 AM): *helps her into the ride. again. how nice!*
Arcee (3:19:16 AM): *noms on her popcorn, enjoying the show *
Skyfire (3:19:54 AM): Mine... *growled out against her jaw line as he traces it with teeth and tongue, nipping* ..../mineminemine/...*shudders at the strange sensation of fingers in his hair - but ENJOYS it - and grinds back, pressing into the wall*
Nightbird (3:21:25 AM): *no shrine will ever do him justice* ^____^ ....*blinks, that was porn she was missing on ;_;*
Wildrider (3:21:44 AM): *gets in behind her, grinning at the darkness * Cool...
Dani (3:23:01 AM): * leaves*
Starscream (3:23:04 AM): *hologram synapse mapping is the /best thing ever/* *tips head back with a moan that is somewhere between the holo's voice and Starscream's own*
Arcee (3:24:47 AM): ....
Wildrider (3:25:00 AM): *grinning, shouts at the drops and darkness. Surprises are fun *
Nightbird (3:25:25 AM): *grins back, and joins in the shouting*
Wildrider (3:26:03 AM): *dizzily gets off after the ride ends, holding out a shakey hand to her *
Skyfire (3:30:26 AM): *groans gutterally at that sound - Starscream's real voice makes it even BETTER, more real, and his hands grip at thighs, grinding their bodies together where the synapse mapping reads the sharpest pleasure*
Nightbird (3:30:30 AM): *gets out with his help* Uh.. maybe we should go look for Dino. He must be wondering where I am.
Wildrider (3:31:05 AM): If you really want to. *looks mildly disappointed *
Nightbird (3:32:04 AM): *kisses his cheek* Yep, come on so we can have more fun!
Wildrider (3:33:19 AM): *nods, fade to black!*


Starscream (3:35:59 AM): *braces her back against the wall and /rubs/ her hips up against Skyfire's, one hand still in his hair and the other running down his chest, scratching with nails*
Starscream (3:36:04 AM): Holos are so ... /mm!/ ...slagging awkward figuring /out/ the... right /there!/ ...first time...
Arcee (3:36:21 AM): *watches!*
Skyfire (3:47:52 AM): *hisses, knees going weak and hips bucking back into hers automatically, reading nothing but raw pleasure from the simple, repetitive action* *arches under those fingernails, his own raking around the side of her waist and down her side*
Mmhmm... *mumbles in agreement against her mouth* Interesting, though.. /Nnn,/ Starscreeeam.. *keens softly*
Starscream (3:57:14 AM): *laughs a little, staticky and breathless* Educational, even... */squirms,/ twisting her hips to try and get /just/ the right /angle/ - the heat and pressure are /almost/ right, but not /exactly,/ and it's /maddening/*
Arcee (4:00:28 AM): *eating popcorn *
Skyfire (4:14:53 AM): *chuckles weakly* Ooh...for science, even... *shudders, full bodied, at that tormenting squirming, and paws at her hips and thighs, grasping at her tightly and /tilting/ her hips up just /so/, in a way that lets him get a little bit closer and /shouts/ against her neck, pressed close and bucking against /warmwarmwarmNIIICE/ as his sensors start to go crazy with rapidfire pleasure input*


Warpath (4:19:47 AM): *strolls into Tomorrowland, being half-led, half-dragged by Trailbreaker's holo and staring at all the crowds and "advanced" flashiness*
Arcee (4:20:46 AM): *eating popcorn happily *
Trailbreaker (4:21:23 AM): *watches all the attractions and lights with a big grin on her face, shooting a happy look in her partner's direction.* ..which one you want to take first?
Warpath (4:23:03 AM): You're the one who's so keen on it, you pick one out. I'd sooner try some liquor first, but 'pparently they don't have any here.
Starscream (4:23:49 AM): *and then, off in a corner, one of the /other/ attractions of Tomorrowland lets out a rather... /loud.../ staticky, needy, half-Starscream-voice and half-holo-voice /whine/ as she tilts her hips back /down/ just a fraction, and digs her nails into Skyfire's shoulders - this is so /maddeningly/ complicated, with one angle so /much/ better than another just half a degree off!*
Trailbreaker (4:25:17 AM): *sighs dramatically* What about that one? *points to the one the map refers to as "Star Tours."*
Arcee (4:26:03 AM): *has been watching. With popcorn. *
Warpath (4:27:40 AM): ...aren't we from the stars? What makes you think-*gives up as soon as he looks at her face, letting out a dramatic sigh of his own* Fine, but there'd better be popcorn.
Trailbreaker (4:29:10 AM): *grins in triumph* Oh come on, it'll be interesting! I'll even get you popcorn when it's done. *gives him one of her prettiest smiles, hoping to light Warpath's apparent foul mood some*
Warpath (4:31:28 AM): Interestin' how ignorant humans are, probably. *can't help but smile back, giving her a little affectionate snug* An' don't think I'm gonna let you slide on that offer.
Trailbreaker (4:34:16 AM): *winks and squeezes his hand* At least it'll give you a good laugh?
Warpath (4:36:40 AM): I'll give you a good l...uh. *eyes glaze over. points. over her shoulder. towards the holosex.*
Trailbreaker (4:38:38 AM): *tilts head in curiousity, turning around to see what caught Warpath's attention. Freezes up and watches the scene with an almost horrified expression on her face*
Starscream (4:39:04 AM): *are those the sound of revving jet turbines you hear, in addition to the moans and stuff? yes, yes they are*
Warpath (4:39:53 AM):, how many of us do you think won't be kicked outta here by the end of the day?
Trailbreaker (4:41:03 AM): *turns around slowly to give Warpath's holo a look.*
Skyfire (4:41:43 AM): *whimpers at the motions of her hips, willingly grinding down into the altered angle of her thighs, lower back quivering and arching towards her, hands kneading at her legs and the curve of her spine, keeping her close*
Warpath (4:41:44 AM): *blinks, looking back in some confusion* Umm... you okay, 'Breaker?
Skyfire (4:41:51 AM): "Nrgh.! What it's..? It's...Primus damned sexual.. dimorphism! W-where, Starscream? *moans, burying his face against her bared neck and trailing the curve with his tongue*
Trailbreaker (4:42:26 AM): *looks about ready to bolt* ...let's go another place, shall we?
Warpath (4:43:23 AM):'re not getting any ideas, are you?
Trailbreaker (4:43:49 AM): *highly indignified look* No!
Warpath (4:46:13 AM): If you say so. *looks more than a little suspicious as he tries to look for Star Tours, his gaze drifting pretty readily back to the show*
Trailbreaker (4:48:34 AM): *blushes a deep red, looking everywhere but the scene. Primus, how could they do it in public like that?*
Starscream (4:49:58 AM): *by virtue of doing it once over the Nevada desert where anyone for miles around could see! fliers have no shame, fliers /need/ no shame.*
Starscream (4:50:31 AM): /Had/ to pick the slagging /complicated/ gender... *snarls, panting with frustration and tilting her head to let Skyfire lick /wherever/ he wants* Too /diffuse.../ */squirms/*
Warpath (4:51:35 AM): Honestly, I'm kinda torn between the Star Tours thing and waitin' for security to show up, now.
Trailbreaker (4:52:53 AM): *punches the holo's shoulder half-playfully* Are you watching for inspiration or something?
Warpath (4:54:53 AM): *flushes a little bit at being caught out* What!? No! Hey, I was the one who wasn't even sure he wanted to be comin' in here!
Trailbreaker (4:56:21 AM): *gives him a skeptical look, one eyebrow lifting, cheeks still apple-red* I didn't know they were doing it here!
Warpath (4:57:56 AM): *keeps glancing back over to the holosex, even in mid-answer* A likely story! You wanna hit the ride, or not?
Trailbreaker (4:59:31 AM): *rolls her eyes in exasperation, giving the hand she's holding a hard tug* Stop it. Please.
Warpath (5:00:16 AM): *yelps a bit, thrown a little off balance* Stop what?
Trailbreaker (5:01:38 AM): *watches the holo imploringly, really not comfortable with what Screamer and Skyfire are doing.*
Warpath (5:04:44 AM): Okay, okay. Maybe later. *nudges her with a wink and starts dragging her towards the Star Tours sign before she has a chance to respond*
Trailbreaker (5:07:55 AM): *sighs with resignation as she lets herself be led/dragged to the ride, careful not to look in that direction.*
Warpath (5:09:00 AM): *...and is once again, faced with a lengthy line* Hmm. You gotta plan for sneakin' in?
Skyfire (5:09:59 AM): Of all the fraggin... impossible...*hisses between clenched teeth, mouthing and nipping at Starscream's neck as he tilts his own hips, trying to find this impossible angle and just. slagging. get thereeeere...*
Skyfire (5:10:02 AM): *arches sharply against Starscream, grinding down and wriggling against her, hands stroking across her body, serching for more sensitive places, even while curbing his own, resorting to toning down input from his holo to simply /hold out/*
Trailbreaker (5:13:34 AM): *eyes the line, eager to get on with it and away from this wretched place. Damn those horny fliers.* We could always just...sneak.
Trailbreaker (5:13:40 AM): *peers up at Warpath's holo a big-eyed look, expression almost pleading, looking like a sparkling who just lost his reprogrammed turbo-fox* ...I could always use that to get us past people.
Warpath (5:14:43 AM): *blinks, rubbing the back of his neck in confusion* ...use that? Sneakin'? Or... what do you mean?
Trailbreaker (5:16:15 AM): For sneaking. I don't know if these humans will fall for it though. *frowns as she watches the line.*
Warpath (5:17:06 AM): Use what for sneakin'? *takes another look himself, sighing a bit as he calculates the estimated time waiting*
Trailbreaker (5:18:03 AM): *blinks, eyebrows rising.* That look.
Trailbreaker (5:19:49 AM): The males seem to have a weakness against it. I'm not so sure it would work on the females. *sighs, doesn't want to wait all day*
Warpath (5:23:05 AM): OH. Oh. *glances over at the front of the line, spotting a male attendant* ...then let's give it a shot. I have a backup plan, anyway.
Trailbreaker (5:24:15 AM): *follows the holo's line of sight, giving him a questioning look.* You want me to give that one the look?
Starscream (5:24:50 AM): *makes snarly, frustrated noises, finally resorting to grabbing Skyfire by the wrist, pushing his hand up her skirt, and /holding/ it there for something to move against the way she wants to*
Starscream (5:24:54 AM): /There!/ Right - like - /that!/ *with overtones of electronic keening in her voice, still that odd mix of the holo's and Starscream's* /Slagging/ holos -!
Warpath (5:25:01 AM): Well, you'll probably have to say something too. C'mon, it's worth a shot. *gives her hand a reassuring squeeze*
Trailbreaker (5:30:14 AM): *looks a bit doubtful, but nods* Alright. *breaks free from his side, slowly making her way through the crowds and to the employee. She smiles at him, giving him the dear-eyed look.
Trailbreaker (5:30:19 AM): She speaks with him in low tones, looking over at the other holo, waving slightly, hoping he'll take the hint and wave back.*
Warpath (5:33:10 AM): *does indeed wave back, tilting his head a little bit out of curiosity as to what 'Breaker could possibly be saying to the human*
Trailbreaker (5:35:35 AM): *smiles to him, tainted with sadness before turning back to the man, exchanging some more words before nodding and heading back to Warpath's holo, taking his hand and leading him to where the attendant is standing.*
Warpath (5:37:23 AM): *follows as if in a daze, shaking his head after a moment to give 'Breaker a penetrating stare. He leans in to whisper:* What did you do!? *quickly flashes a smile at the attendant as they approach*
Trailbreaker (5:42:36 AM): *glances sideways at him, looking a bit uncomfortable.*I told him you are dying and your last wish was to spend a day in Disneyland.
Trailbreaker (5:42:44 AM): *gives the unsuspecting employee a heartfelt 'thank you' and a grateful smile, squeezing the other's hand.*
Skyfire (5:43:49 AM): *KEENS, arching up against her and pressing into that spot with hips and hand, forehead resting lightly against Syarscream's neck as he pants for unneeded air, nuzzling at her shoulder* *makes sure to note that spot for future reference before /pressing/ at it with his hand, grinding back and forth, hips unconsciously settling into the rhythm as well, sensors slowly going back up, drawning out a deep, lusty /THRUM/*
Warpath (5:44:27 AM): *gives her an alarmed glance as they go in* are devious, y'know that?
Trailbreaker (5:45:36 AM): *smiles sheepishly, eyebrow rising slightly in apology.* It was the only thing I could come up with.
Starscream (5:47:47 AM): *SHRIEKS, rather like an air raid siren if one were being unkind, electronic overlays on what's mostly Starscream's own voice by this point*
Starscream (5:47:59 AM): *holo flickers just a nanosecond as she spasms, legs clamping /tight/ around Skyfire's waist and hand tightening to the point of pain around his wrist*
Warpath (5:48:44 AM): That's pretty dang good. *shudders at the noise from outside and edges 'Breaker's holo forward inside a little faster* C'mon, let's laugh at some human stuff.
Starscream (5:50:13 AM): *across the entire facility, in a field, underneath Hound's hologram, an F-22 shudders on his tires, ailerons flexing spasmodically*
Trailbreaker (5:52:21 AM): *eyes dart back to where they came from, a distinctly uncomfortable expression crawling onto her face. Presses closer to the other, slipping an arm around his waist* ...let's.
Warpath (5:53:46 AM): *returns the favor, although his hand drifts a little suspiciously close to her rear... but hey, time to sit down for the ride!*
Trailbreaker (5:56:41 AM): *is a bit too distracted by the ride appearing to take real notice of the wandering hand. Gets in, sits down, gives Warpath an excited grin*
Warpath (6:00:24 AM): And just for the record, you owe me for this. *elbows her gently with a pointed look*
Trailbreaker (6:01:30 AM): *just continues to grin, Warpath would get his damn popcorn afterwards! Is looking forwards to this with a sparkling's enthusiasm*
Skyfire (6:01:37 AM): *Howls right back, as legs at his back shove him close, /hard/, and he bucks back, slamming them both against the wall with it, shuddering jerkily as unrefined pleasure courses through his systems, holo going staticky around the edges as he wails Starscream's name eletronically, hand tensing against her before going pliant in the tight grasp; an invisible jet body going limp on its shocks with a high finishing engine thrum*
Starscream (6:03:57 AM): *shudders through aftershocks, mostly held up against the wall by Skyfire's weight and her legs around his waist* .../so/ frustrating... worth it, though...
Starscream (6:05:04 AM): *giggles a little, tiredly* Going to have to reset the holos in a bit...
Skyfire (6:05:51 AM): *nods weakly* Uh huh... 's good...
Starscream (6:08:57 AM): ...all of you slaggers can slag off now. *takes the time to flip off all onlookers, of which there are... .../several./*
Starscream (6:09:26 AM): *and by several we mean a small crowd. but at least Security has /learned fear./*

starscream, log, skyfire, wildrider, disney, chromia, firestar, warpath, nightbird, trailbreaker

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