Assault on Club 33

Nov 24, 2007 03:02

Bombshell and Shrapnel really aren't into amusement park rides. Luckily, there's more than one way to get into trouble and have a good time at Disneyland. For the curious, Bombshell's holo is Peter Lorre and Shrapnel's is David Bowie.

At the park entrance:

Bombshell: *slips into line, trying to look invisible and kind of failing in a suit*
~insert ticket hijinx here~
Bombshell: It begins. I just know this park is going to be rubble by the end of the day.
Shrapnel: *The bug does not wish to be here...but the bug has no choice*
Bombshell: *keeps a wary eye out for Moonracer as he creeps inside*
Shrapnel: *reluctantly entering. Hey, look! Bombshell! He slinks over to his fellow Insecticon*
Bombshell: Ahh, Shrapnel... perhaps this catastrophe will not be a complete loss.
Shrapnel: ...No, it's still pretty much (much) guaranteed to fail (fail). *...such an optimist*
Bombshell: For the clueless ones? Yesss.
Bombshell: But I have done the necessary research on... concessions.
Shrapnel: Oh? That sounds (sounds) interesting.
Bombshell: ...though I don't look forward to having to explain your speech impediment.
Bombshell: There is an abundance of sucrose-rich comestibles within the park bounds.
Shrapnel: If they ask (ask) about my speech (speech) patterns, I'll hit (hit) them. *such a sweetie* As for what you (you) have found out (out), it sounds perfect.
Bombshell: There are a variety of lesser goods available, though this "cotton candy" shows promise...
Bombshell: But I have determined that the premium goods lie behind some basic security measures.
Shrapnel: And where will we find (find) these goods (goods)? *didn't bother to get the map, since he doesn't want to be here*
Bombshell: This reported "Club 33," in the "New Orleans Square."
Bombshell: In other words, Shrapnel, there's a human party I'd like to crash.
Shrapnel: It sounds like (like) wonderful fun (fun). *creepy holo man grins*
Bombshell: *cackles, with a dramatic finger thrust* Then to New Orleans Square! Insecticons, ATTACK!
Bombshell: *glances sideways* ...I probably need to cut down on that.
Shrapnel: *seems amused...but with much less flair...because Shrapnel is more silently cool, where as Bombshell is just...weird*
Shrapnel: Yes, it might (might) be a novel concept (concept).
Bombshell: You just have no taste for the theatrical.
Shrapnel: You never seem (seem) to mind (mind). *especially when Shrapnel has his pincers within Bombshell's line of sight*
Bombshell: *snatches some cotton candy from a kid and starts munching on it as he strides towards the Square*
Shrapnel: *steals some of the cotton candy from Bombshell*
Bombshell: Shrapnel, might I acquaint you with the term "please"?
Shrapnel: You might (might). I can't (can't) guarantee it would (would) work. *...'least he's honest*
Bombshell: I'd be happy to share if you were more considerate about it! *sniff*
Shrapnel: Fine, fine (fine). Please? *so totally just humoring him*
Bombshell: YOU'RE WELCOME! *hands the whole thing to him with a disturbing giggle*
Shrapnel: *He is Shrapnel, thus he is rather used to Bombshell's oddities. So, he takes the cotton candy*
Bombshell: *to the Square!*
Shrapnel: *Huzzah!*

At New Orleans Square:

Bombshell: *arrives, eyeing the human crowds and "festivity" and "happiness" with distaste*
Shrapnel: *the bug is equally displeased with the cheeriness. It /burns/. Well, okay. NOt quite.*
Bombshell: I have gathered intelligence carefully from the human database "Wikipedia."
Bombshell: The most relevant information was quickly removed... no doubt by this place's security taskmasters.
Shrapnel: You are positive (positive) the information you (you) managed to get (get) was accurate?
Bombshell: ...
Bombshell: ...yes, yes, why wouldn't it be?
Shrapnel: I have learned (learned) of this (this) 'Wikipedia.' The information comes (comes) from whomever feels (feels) like putting it (it) there.
Bombshell: ...nonsense. Now stop being ridiculous and keep an eye out for the wandering security robots with tesla cannons.
Shrapnel: ...I see no (no) security droids (droids), Bombshell.
Bombshell: Obviously they've been cunningly disguised.
Shrapnel: Or you were duped (duped).
Bombshell: ...
Bombshell: are not being emotionally supportive right now, Shrapnel.
Shrapnel: ...Sorry? *is he /ever/?*
Bombshell: Regardless. If we do not actually have to prove our corporate affiliation by dismembering an infant in front of them, that makes gaining access only more pitifully simple.
Shrapnel: Then that is good (good). Unless you want (want) to dismember an infant (infant), in which case (case) I have no complaints (complaints).
Bombshell: I have been wondering how they taste... but that is not as important right now as COCKTAIL S'MORES!
Bombshell: Now, there are three approaches I have determined to gaining access. I prepared slides, not that anyone ever asks to see them.
Bombshell: We could hack their computer systems and take the place of non-member guest reservations. We could masquerade as members to gain access. Or we could break in.
Shrapnel: *infant dismemberment later?* Breaking in sounds (sounds) the most amusing (amusing).
Bombshell: We do stand the highest risk of breaking our cover, though...
Bombshell: Normally, I would not mind an excuse to depart from this ludicrous exercise, but Megatron has been... displeased with me.
Bombshell: Which means you should break in.
Shrapnel: If I break in (in) then what would you (you) do?
Bombshell: Wait for you to sneak me in, of course!
Bombshell: It's foolproof.
Shrapnel: Fine (fine). What would be the (the) most ideal place (place) for me to break in (in)?
Bombshell: The duranium-alloy door should be virtually impregnable. *jabs above the Blue Bayou restaurant* If you could scale onto the balcony and enter through the window, however...
Shrapnel: *looks up at the window* It looks (looks) simple enough.
Bombshell: Yes... *ahem* Simple. *takes a look at the large number of potential spectators*
Shrapnel: *He can reproduce at will. Climbing a wall without being seen is /simple/ for him* Just cause a distraction (distraction) for a few moments (moments).
Shrapnel: *and while everyone around is busy going 'Wtf?' and rushing to see what is happening with the kid and the psycho, Shrapnel heads over to the wall and starts climbing all unseen like*
Bombshell: LET GO! LET GO, YOU RAPSCALLIOUS BEAST, LET GO! And stop trying to squirm away from me, this will only be a second. *turns to shriek more at the parents that are now trying to pull him off*
Shrapnel: *climbing climbing climbing...while reaffirming that Bombshell is, infact, insane*
Bombshell: IF COSMIC RUST DEPRIVED YOU OF EVERY MOTOR FUNCTION, I WOULD NOT- *stops yelling when he realizes that he's actually attracted a LOT MORE attention than was necessary. He lets go of the kid with a smile* Ah-hem. Hello, friends.
Shrapnel: *climb climb climb, hey, look! The window! He balances on the window ledge, forcing the window open and dropping through*
Bombshell: My name is Peter Lorre. You may remember me your local nickelodeon, starring in such fine motion pictures as Casablanca and the Maltese Falcon. While my career took an unfortunate downturn since my demise...
Shrapnel: *private to Bombshell* ::Where would you (you) advise I let you in (in)?::
Bombshell: ::THE MAIN DOOR. QUICKLY.::
Bombshell: ...I am happy to say that I have made a full recovery, and am practicing for my new role as a heroic engineer who finds his true love in an alien war encampment.
Bombshell: There is certainly no need to fire tesla cannons at me! Ha! Ha ha!
Shrapnel: *and quickly! To the main door! Quick like a ninja bug!*
Bombshell: ::OPEN OPEN OPEN NOW::
Shrapnel: ::It is open (open). Hurry up!:: *standing by the open door*

Runabout: *holds Six's hand tight*
Sixshot: *Looks a round, not quite sure what to expect*
Sixshot: ...where is this Pirate ride?
Runabout: *smiles* We're getting there... *leans against him* I'm.. happy you came..
Bombshell: *lets out a scream at an ear-rending pitch carefully calibrated to shatter some glass windows, then BOLTS for the door in the resulting confusion*
Runabout: O_O! *jumps into Six's arms*
Sixshot: *squeezes his hand and--*
Sixshot: What the slag was that?
Runabout: I have NO idea.
Sixshot: *Is looking around nervously*
Runabout: :: THE HELL WAS THAT?! ::
Runabout: *clings to Six and looks up at him*
Runabout: *sighs and looks up at Six* One of our own probably... nothing to worry about it.. *smiles and leans up for another kiss?*
Sixshot: *nods, relaxing some*

Bombshell: *dives through the open Club 33 door and quickly slams it shut behind him*
Bombshell: Excellent work, Shrapnel.
Bombshell: We have access, and our cover is completely intact.
Bombshell: We didn't ev-*turns to stare at the horrified receptionist*
Shrapnel: Well, that was a (a) wonderful plan (plan). *looks at the receptionist...granted, they can get by her pretty easily*
Bombshell: ::Do you want to handle this one, or should I?::
Shrapnel: ::By all means (means).:: *gestures Bombshell forward*
Bombshell: *grabs the receptionist by the collar and starts ruthlessly decking him, pulling him down to the floor to pummel him into unconsciousness*
Bombshell: *stands up and straightens out his suit when the witness has been thoroughly neutralized* We didn't even have any complications.
Shrapnel: Not bad for (for) a dead man (man). *sarcasm* Only one casualty (casualty).
Bombshell: (( And now, unfortunately, I have to run. Shall we assume that the Insecticons are mercilessly plundering the buffet? ))

Later, Kickback and Bombshell share some quality time ransacking the buffet, but that's another log.

shrapnel, bombshell, log, disney

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