Log: Magnus Meets Vector

Jun 04, 2008 12:17

Ultra Magnus: *This is really the first time Magnus has been back to the Ark since transferring to Metroplex. Though he wishes to stay with the city-mech, he has been concerned about the chapel, considering that he put a fair bit of work into it, especially the key texts he inscribed on the walls. Thankfully, the Rust never got anywhere near this area so the chapel has not been touched - just a little dusty. Magnus idly sweeps up the dust that has gathered, humming a classic Cybertronian hymn softly.*

Vector Prime: *Depending on how much attention he's paying, he may or may not notice that there's another occupant. A silent one, in a rather...well, lazy posture. Hands pillowing head, feet resting up on the seat in front of him, chin tucked to neck. Behold, the magnificent Vector Prime...catching five breems of sleep*

Ultra Magnus: *Magnus only really notices Vector there as he turns to sweep that side of the room. Really, he hadn't noticed anyone else up until now... which is odd... He looks closely at this big mech, someone he's never seen around the base, at all, and despite his tendency to workaholism, he has made a point of knowing what most of the residents at least look like - even the likes of Nova, who seems to spend most of his time in the library. This mech however... is unusual. Most mechs have some sort of inscription on them, but this one has ornate scrollwork across most of his armour... rather ancient-styled scrollwork too.*

Vector Prime: *If mechs like Nova and Trion are old, then indeed, this mech is ancient. Beyond ancient. It's like comparing a stone wheel to the steel bearings used in modern science...but only in outward design, because despite the age, it's obvious the armor is not just for show. Getting close, the near-inaudible sound of cogs and gears turning can be heard coming from his chassis*

Ultra Magnus: *Magnus listens for a few moments to those cogs and gears... it is an unusual sound for a mech, given that Magnus is used to the sound of an average mech of modern times, with engines that do not sound so... clockwork. Still, the strange mech is asleep and Magnus does not want to wake him... Though his next task might do just that - the task of placing the stone cube he'd got from Hound. Not that the cube is really big, especially for Magnus - it is only six feet cubed, but just getting it into place in the fixture he'd previously installed is a substantial clunk of rock against metal.*

Vector Prime: *And that clunk causes ruby optics to turn on. Vector remains where he is, comfortable for now, though his attention immediately settles on Magnus and the cube. He watches wordlessly, expression as it was in sleep - unreadable*

Ultra Magnus: *Magnus thoughtfully adjusts the cube in it's setting, until it is sitting properly, without any wobble. It was a feature of the church of Primus he first attended, way back before his first major upgrade - even before he met Orion - that the main chapel had a replica of the Allspark. This cube has been left featureless, unlike the one he recalls, in a kind of memorial of the Allspark's destruction. Magnus stands back, looking at it for a few moments, before setting on one of the nearer seats to pray. He has not noticed the other mech has woken at all.*

Vector Prime: *Having seen a number of Primus-dedicated places of worship in his long life, he picks up on a number of the details quickly. He lowers his feet silently, standing on them as Magnus sits down. The semi's positioning is not missed, either, but he doesn't say anything - merely walks towards the cube to settle his own curiosity. He doesn't touch it, but does examine it, noting its smooth sides...quite unlike the carvings and glyphs given to the Allspark*

Ultra Magnus: *The footsteps are quite soft for a mech that large, though they still draw Magnus' attention. He watches for a moment as Vector looks at the stone cube and wonders what the ornate mech is thinking. It has never slipped Magnus' mind how irreligious Cybertronian society has become over the course of the war.*

Vector Prime: *Perfectly mathematical - for that, alone, he approves, nodding slightly as he straightens and turns away - only to meet Magnus's gaze. For a moment, he remains where he is...then he arches his brow with a slight smile*

Vector Prime: Many mechs hath lost faith. 'Tis...reassuring to know that it be-eth not only the Prime who still holds to such.

Ultra Magnus: *Magnus tilts his head at the archaic manner of speech.* It has been one of my life-long comforts, my beliefs and my faith. I believe I might not have turned out as even-tempered as I am if not for it.

Vector Prime: Faith in a cause can be-eth a reason to be passionate as well. The war be-eth evidence enough of such. *Shrugs lightly, stepping away from the cube, and to sit down next to Magnus*

Ultra Magnus: *He nods to that.* That is true... certainly it is such that held me to the Autobot side in the fight.

Vector Prime: Sides. *Makes a snort-like noise of derision* Thou wert always on the same side. 'Tis not good for the children of Primus to fighteth each other.

Ultra Magnus: *Magnus gives him a look at that.* You speak as one who views himself outside the war.

Vector Prime: *Gazes at him calmly* The war I fighteth be-eth far greater than ideals.

Ultra Magnus: Such ideals would have a great deal of effect on other races... If Optimus and Megatron had not worked things out and called an end to the fighting, how much of this world would have eventually been devastated by our presence? How many other worlds besides? And how many already have been? *Magnus shakes his head slightly.*

Vector Prime: *Dims his optics briefly, appearing to consider that. Finally;* 'Tis not mine to decide. The future be-eth ultimately in mortal hands - even ones that do not come to pass.

Vector Prime:*Translation - he doesn't know.*

Ultra Magnus: *That gains a quirk of an eyebrow plate.* Not yours to decide? Why would you have a say in it anyway?

Vector Prime: I doth not. *Plain and simple* Less such a future would damage the fabric of time, I art compelled to be-eth an observer.

Ultra Magnus: ... *Well that did not help clear much up for Magnus, and he returns his optic to the cube, though not really looking at it as he thinks over the other's cryptic words.*

Vector Prime: Take advantage of the future thou hast. It be-eth by no means setteth in stone. *Good advice, in his opinion. He follows Magnus's gaze, leaning back in the seat*

Ultra Magnus: *Magnus nods, though a small auxiliary processor keeps coming up with a message of "Well yes, obvious advice there!".*

Vector Prime: *If he could read processors, he'd probably chuckle at that. The problem is, mortals always seem to miss the most obvious of things!*

Ultra Magnus: *Yeah, Magnus can be oblivious sometimes!*

Vector Prime: *Mortals are cute that way, though. Like puppies.*

Ultra Magnus: *He finally decides he needs to finish the sweeping, since scrollymech has moved he can do that now! He gets up from his seat, glancing at Vector.* If you will give me pardon, I need to finish my cleaning.

Vector Prime: Ah - I didst not intend to impede thee.

Ultra Magnus: *Magnus shakes his head* Not that I am all that bothered, though as you said, many mechs have lost faith, so seeing anyone here is... unexpected.

Vector Prime: *Shrugs lightly* I possesseth an interest.

Ultra Magnus: Well it's nice to someone does... I'm too used to mechs who don't care. It is even more puzzling here, since Lord Primus is sometimes making himself known to be around. *He leans on the broom he's holding as he says that.*

Vector Prime: Hn. Primus be-eth as easily found as thine own Spark, whether he manifesteth or not. *A little derisively...but there's a sort of reassignment in it, either. Like he's said it countless times before*

Ultra Magnus: *Magnus nods* That is much what I have always thought, though given what came up last time he spoke... well let's just say that even with him manifest, there is still much lack of faith... I cannot say I understand such viewpoints all that well.

Vector Prime: 'Tis thine - and theirs right - to hath faith in him, or to not. *Brief pause, then he amends* Right to a choice, I shouldst sayest.

Ultra Magnus: As with everything... *He shrugs and goes back to the cleaning he was doing.*

Vector Prime: Free will be-eth complicated that way. *And as Magnus goes back to the cleaning, he quiets - as said, he didn't intend to impede the other*

Ultra Magnus: *The sweeping doesn't take all that long, considering that the section of the chapel Vector had been napping in was only one part, and Magnus had done much of the rest anyway. He sets the broom next to the door, where he can return it to the supply closet down the hall, and turns back to look the place over. It looks better now, cleaned of the inadvertent neglect. It will however be a bit more of a chore to take care of now, considering he had not expected Metroplex to arrive when he originally started setting it up. He shrugs slightly at the thought anyway, before glancing at the other mech. He has not gone through all the talk between them totally unsuspecting of who this person may be, but he does not know what to say, that will not sound totally foolish.*

Vector Prime: *It seems like Magnus isn't the only one who doesn't know what to say - or, at least, have anything in processor to say. After gazing at the cube meditatively for a few long seconds, he gets to his feet and adjusts his wingfoils. Looks like he's getting ready to go.*

Ultra Magnus: You are going then? *Even that sounds foolish in Magnus' ears, especially with who he suspects this stranger to be...* Not that I should spend too much more time here myself... the paperwork never ends. *That however is said softly - mostly to himself.*

Vector Prime: Mmm? *Turns to look at Magnus...then nods slowly* Verily. Work in general never endeth, at least for some. *Namely - himself. But as much as he complains sometimes, he really does love what he do. Possibly because he was literally designed for it*

Ultra Magnus: *That gets a small quirk of a smile* I think some of us would be bored if it did. *Magnus mainly refers to himself and his fondness for organizing and doing paperwork.*

Vector Prime: To say the least. *Thin smile. And if Magnus wasn't sure of who he was before, his next action ought to remove any doubts - he drags a hand down, opening a portal in its wake*

Ultra Magnus: *Despite his suspicisions, Magnus is still awestruck as he sees definitive confirmation that it is Vector Prime - plus opening a portal like that is it's own bit of awe-inspiring too.*

Vector Prime: *Let it never be said that Vector does not refrain from ever showing off (though if he really wanted to show off, he would have used his sword). The smile broadens ever-so-slightly before he ducks into it, his thrusters igniting to fully carry him through - and then it closes as quickly as it opened, leaving Magnus alone*

Ultra Magnus: *Magnus stands dazed for a few moments, before a grin creeps across his face. He's met probably the most exalted figure in his religious learnings, besides Primus himself - he probably has a right to be dazed and elated. He shakes it off a bit though and grabs the broom, heading out to return it before wandering his way through the safer areas of the Ark - idly humming some old Cybertronian tune.*

ultra magnus, log, vector prime

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