
Jun 03, 2008 21:51

Steeljaw: *Steeljaw was still on the common room, but is now sort of worried after Ravage's message* ::Ravage, who the pit is she?::

Ravage: *squealing dover the comm, yes he is a distressed kitty!* ::CRAZY *static* FEMME!::

Steeljaw: *flinches at the squeal. There are only two femmes that he knows of that he has classified as crazy and one of them is nowhere to be found* ::Crazy? Nightbird?::

Ravage: ::Y-yes!!!:: *poor Ravage- yep he is so spazzing right now!*

Steeljaw: :: Don't be a sissy. She can't be that bad. :: *rolls optics, it's just one very ditzy femme.*

Ravage: .....*comm silence*

Ravage: *dead Ravage*

Steeljaw: :: *loud sigh* Fine, I'll go rescue you from the big bad femme. I'll need coordinates though. I refuse to search by scent until the base is scrubbed clean at least twice::

Ravage: *twitches and sends coords in silence. He refuses to say another word until Steeljaw sees for himself the HORROR*

Steeljaw: *receives the coordinates and gets up, taking the time for a good streeeetch. Licks his shoulder and slooooowly gets out of the room. He strolls to the rooms, until he reaches the correct room. It's locked, now what? Eyes a vent in disdain before scratching the door* Meow?

Nightbird: *And Nightbird, still holding on to Ravage, opens the door at the sound of another kitty. More pets!!!* OH!!! Are you lost too?

Ravage: *cries. Seriously, he just cries. Ravage squrims against Nightbird, eyes frantically falling to Steeljaw*

Steeljaw: *gapes at the sight and his processor told him maybe it was better to flee now. Sees the now shiny pink Ravage and lunges at Nightbird, biting the arms holding Ravage. Which meant, his claws looked for support anywhere, including Ravage*

Nightbird: *Nightbird screamed in surprise and pain, but surprisingly held on tight to Ravage as they all fall to the ground*

Ravage: *howls in pain at the claws and this whole situation is too much for poor Ravage! He faints!*

Steeljaw: *Too busy biting through the femme's arm to notice. Though she does let's go of Ravage to try to pry him off.*

Nightbird: *Nightbird does notice and will cry and arrange the funeral of her awesome kitty later, when she isn't busy trying to save her arm from this evil cat. Flash bombs FTW!!*

Ravage: *too bad Ravage is caught in the middle of all this, flash bombs exploding all around him*

Steeljaw: *The flash bombs confuse Steeljaw and make him let go of Nightbird, though there are some very nice scratches left on her. Shoots blindly with his pellet guns*

Nightbird: *Nightbird hides in her room until the cat stops firing. With so much stuff she keeps there, including Peep city, she should be pretty safe*

Ravage: *poor Ravage jerks awake, shrieking madly and flailing about*

Steeljaw: *Stops firing and just stares. This had been his rival?* :: Stop that and just go. I'll cover you or whatever::

Ravage: *flips to his feet, and, giving Steeljaw a haunted look, he hightails it down the hall, crashing against the walls as he goes*

Nightbird: *Nightbird is currently busy looking at her arm. It was the shiny newly repaired one after the rust thing. Stupid kitties. She was never gonna be nice to them anymore.*

Steeljaw: *Steeljaw leaves the room as fast as he can, careful to see if she was following. He followed Ravage's ungraceful and quite loud escape*

Ravage: *Ravage does not care for grace. Nor does he care for silence. He's currently crashing down the halls, looking for a place to hide*

Steeljaw: *is catching up and thankfully the femme was not following.* ::Where the hell are you going? There's only a storage closet nearby::

Ravage:::Where?!:: *a storage closet sounds nice*

Steeljaw: :: Are you stupid? If she catches up and finds us there's only going to be one escape route. And she'll be blocking it. Let's head to the roof. We just passed the stairs a while back, but it should be safe*

Ravage: *shakes himself* ::Roof. Okay. Roof is good.::

Steeljaw: *stops running* ::I'll wait for you at the stairs. Guess that means I'll tell you if she's near, eh?:: *now sounds very amused and slightly annoyed*

Ravage: *skids to a stop and turns and hauls aft the other direction, back towards Steeljaw and the stairs*

Steeljaw: *made his way to the stairs and is sitting on his hind legs waiting for Ravage, looking as if he was bored and didn't just help rescue the Decepticon*

Ravage: comes around the corner, unable to stop himself as he slams into Steeljaw*

Steeljaw: *yelps at being slammed, managing to roll them around by programming only and stares down at the cat under him* What the slag?

Ravage: *whimpers as he picks himself up off the floor, looking guilty.* Sorry.

Steeljaw: *stares again and makes a swipe with his paw to hit Ravage's head* You're acting strange. *Shakes himself and starts going up the stairs* Hurry. Maybe then you can explain me what the fuck's wrong with you?

Ravage:....*grumbles as he's whapped, then stares loftily at him as he follows Steeljaw up the stairs.* Wouldn't you be pissy if you were covered in pink and had been captured by that creature*

Steeljaw: *reaches the top, jumping out and turns to look at him* I don't know, I just got back from thinking I was organic. At least it's better than the green. *snickers*

Ravage: Maybe. *grumbles as he follows* At least I didn't try to mate with female organic lions.

Steeljaw: *frowns* I didn't sink that low, idiot. *for which he's really, really thankful and relieved, but won't show it to a decepticon*

Ravage: Uh huh. You thought about it though. *gripes* Slag, Primus hates me.

Steeljaw: *ignores the comment from the silly pink cat and just walks to the edge of the roof and lays down, streeetching and making a big show of being bored* He hates us all. He just covers it with the cookies.

Ravage: Yeah. *steps over and flops next to Steeljaw, kicking up dust. And maybe some green glitter!*

Steeljaw: *glances at the Decepticon, eyeing more the glitter than the cat, and talks in and I don't care tone, but he's really dying to know* Do I want to know what's with you and the sudden make over?

Ravage: That is doubtful. *poor Ravage. He never gets a break. Or laid.*

Steeljaw: Really? *looks now completely interested* Now I'm *purrs* dying *end purr* to know.


Steeljaw: *purred chuckle* Come on. I just saved your aft. Tell me.

Ravage: *growls at him* You want the pink or green story?

Steeljaw: *laughs* Both?

Ravage: *grr* fine. Soundwave was drunk one night while I was sleeping. He covered me in bright green paint and glitter.

Steeljaw: *is holding laughter quite unsuccessfully* Soundwave? And I thought *laugh* my master *chuckle* was acting *snickers* funny on Earth.

Ravage:......yes. Hilarious. *not laughing*

Steeljaw: *swipes a paw again, and purrs* Whatever you say, Kitty.

Ravage:.....*whacks him back* the pink is because I was trying to get the green paint off, but it wasn't paint remover.

Ravage: It was something else.

Steeljaw: *mock glare* Paint? *growls playfully and pounces*

Ravage: *swats at and wrestles* The can SAID paint remover!

Steeljaw: *grins and mock bites Ravage's throat while wrestling* Tough luck.

Ravage: *yelps and swats at Steeljaws head, ouch!*

Steeljaw: *growls and bites a little harder, rolling them around until Steeljaw is on top, grinning*

Ravage: *growls and snaps up at him playfully, batting his paws gleefully. Playtime is fun!*

Steeljaw: *leaps away from him and circles Ravage, ready to pounce again, but content on waiting. He growls playfully. Yep, fun, fun, fun!*

Ravage: *he rumbles happily, flipping onto his belly and crouching, butt up and in pounce position!*

Steeljaw: *stills and grins before bolting away from Ravage. It's kitty tag time!*

Ravage: *takes off after him, its fun to stretch your legs! He chases happily after Steeljaw, a silly grin on his face*

Steeljaw: *turns sharply to the right and jumps... was that a tv antenna? Anyways, he jumps it and waits for Ravage hidden behind a crate. What were they doing there, he doesn't know and doesn't care.*

Ravage: *tv antenna? Whatever! He's flying around the crates and BAM he slams into them, who said he was gracedul?*

Steeljaw: *Blinks at the drone and moves, pouncing again while Ravage was distracted and biting his neck again. Who's the dominant kitty here? Steeljaw will never again think of the idiot as graceful*

Ravage: *crap. The boxes are definitely distracting him and he yelps as his neck is grabbed and he flails against Steeljaw*

Steeljaw: *uses his front paws to stop the drone from moving and bites harder, a growl escaping him* ::Give up.::

Ravage: *Ravage growls and squirms, claws coming out to wrap around Steeljaw’s neck and sink into fuel lines* ::You first!::

Steeljaw: ::Never.:: *sinks teeth further into Ravage's neck, but doesn't move. There's an angry rumble as he glares at the other* ::Give up.::

Ravage: *glares right back, digging his claws into Steeljaws neck.* ::Never!::

Steeljaw: *Flinches, his processor telling him this was completely stupid while at the same time telling him that he needed to show Ravage who was stronger. Takes a swipe, claws out, at Ravage's head. Trying not to move much, cause claws do hurt*

Ravage: *hell yeah they hurt, and Ravage takes the swipe to the head in stride digging his claws in deeper. As much fun as he's had he's not about to admit defeat.*

Steeljaw: *Teeth sink further, Steeljaw doesn't have the strongest bite for nothing and he's beyond caring about damage to the formerly black drone. The pain, and the sensation of small drops of fuel running down his neck, only adds to that irrational part of his processor that was angry when Ravage didn't admit defeat. He takes another swipe, stronger now at Ravage's head.*

Ravage: *he'll die before he admits defeat! His claws sink deeper, hissing loudly (he's gotta admit this is kinda hot) at the bite on his neck.*

Steeljaw: *okay, so it's now more than a few drops of fuel running down his neck now. Hearing the hiss (which was not hot by the way), his bite loosened only to clamp down again on another part of Ravage's neck, shaking his head violently, even when that made Ravage's scratches worse*

Ravage: *yeah shaking his head with Ravages claws isn't a hot idea! Instead of holes Steeljaw now has rips and tears! And Ravage now has energon running down his neck*

Steeljaw: *Imagine how Ravage's neck should look like. The only good thing about bleeding all over is that it helps make things harder to grip and he managed to break Ravage's hold on him.  Of course, that meant that he let go of Ravage too, licking his jaws clean* Give up now or else, Ravage.

Ravage: *Ravage flips away, shaking himself.* Or else what?

Steeljaw: *grins wide and there is still some of Ravage's energon on his jaws* Wouldn't you like to know, Kitty? *tone mocking*

Ravage: *he rolls his eyes and flicks his claws at Steeljaw, energon showering him*

Steeljaw: *(doesn't find it hot, no way) is not impressed either, but optics brighten as he lounges at Ravage's back, going for the neck yet again and using his claws to stay on the other drone's back* :: Try to get me now, idiot::

Ravage: *he's gonna be in for the ride of his life, cause Ravage is bucking like a wild Bronco!*

Steeljaw: *and manages to hold on, claws embedded on Ravage's back and teeth on his neck. Bucking around like that is just making the injuries get worse.*

Ravage: *give him time! He stop, takes a running charge at a heavy crate and at the last minute he flips himself and smashes into the crate (which is full of fireworks) back -abd Steeljaw- first*

Steeljaw: *Fireworks? And they explode too. Look how pretty. They startle Steeljaw, who is already dazed as the pit, and he just falls on the floor.*

Ravage: Ack! *Ravage hits the floor and stays there, the explosions zinging dangerously around the roof*

Steeljaw: *this is worse than the flash bombs. He's afraid of moving and getting hit by one of those exploding things. Ravage is so close.... damn it*

Ravage: *Ravage is sneaky, and he's slithered even farther away, but the fireworks show is amazing!*

Steeljaw: *it's daylight. How amazing can it be? Anyways, Ravage was sneaky. He's now pink with green glitter that catches the light of the sun and the exploding fireworks (in a non-hot way, of course) and he's spilling energon all over the place. Steeljaw crawls after him as silently*

Ravage: *amazing enough! And Ravage is hot, especially the way his aft wags as he crawls!*

Steeljaw: *Steeljaw is NOT staring at his aft. He's just making sure he won't lose the idiot, especially since he can't use his nose for it. Stupid smelly bases*

Ravage: *suuure he's not! Wigglewiggle! Ravage is doing this on purpose! He knows Steeljaw is back there!*

Steeljaw: *Steeljaw is NOT looking at it, dammit! Stop wiggling! Besides, he's getting closer to Ravage and ready to pounce again*

Ravage: *whirls around and hello tackle!*

Steeljaw: *is tackled and now they're rolling on the floor again, Steeljaw biting and clawing everything he could*

Ravage: *hopefully those fireworks are done! Ravage rolls with him snarling and biting and hissing and howling*

Steeljaw: *what do you know, they are done. The rolling around stops and looks who is on top again. Steeljaw grins down at Ravage and licks just once the energon off the pink colored drone* ::Ready to give up?::

Ravage: *kerblink. Did Steeljaw just lick him?*

Steeljaw: *Yes he did. It's used to distract the drone and move so he can't get scratched again and now he chomps down in Ravage's neck.*

Ravage: *gonna block Ravage from clawing fuel lines? Okay. Instead Ravage goes for Steeljaw’s face this time*

Steeljaw: *Don't like getting licked? Besides, better his face than fuel lines and what do you know, is that a main line on his neck. He really bit deeper this time.*

Ravage: *I dunno. Obv Steeljaw doesn't like his optics! CLAW MEET OPTIC*

Steeljaw: *Swipes a paw to block the claw coming to his optic. He's not stupid, unlike the pink idiot who just won't give up. Is it possible to bite the drone's head off? Steeljaw might find out soon, he growls in annoyance and pain, tempted to just cut the main line with his teeth, but doesn't*

Ravage: *who knows, but Steeljaw will definitely feel the wrath of Ravages claws that won't give up!*

Steeljaw: *And Steeljaw is about to just end the fight, dead idiot and repercussions be dammned, when he tenses. Nightbird's voice reaching his audials as she called for her kitty.*


Ravage: What was that?

Steeljaw: *Rational thought finally passed through his processor, but he didn't let go of Ravage yet.* :: Shhhhh.... She's coming. We have to get out of here.::

Ravage: ...  ::Then GET OFF ME!::

Nightbird: *Nightbird is finally on the roof with an awesome Ninja jump, injured arm and everything* KITTY! ARE YOU HERE? DID THE EVIL CAT GOT YOU? KITTY?

Steeljaw: *Steeljaw gets off and runs to his escape, a set of stairs at the side of the base* ::Come on!!::

Ravage: *hauls AFT after Steeljaw, skittering around crates and a few live fireworks and he follows him down the steps*

Nightbird: *Nightbird blinks, she was sure she saw something moving around the crates.* KITTY? *goes to investigate, but finds nothing. (except lots of energon on the floor) The few remaining fireworks, completely took her attention away. It really was amazing... Lucky kitties.*

Steeljaw: *Steeljaw jumped almost halfway and forced himself to stay close to the wall. She might see them from the roof if they run away now*

Ravage: *Ravage comes in close to Steeljaw, pressing himself against the wall.*

Steeljaw: ::Follow me. There's an entrance to the base. We can hide in my master's quarters. I haven't seen him in a while.:: *starts walking, fight forgotten for the moment*

Ravage: *nods in silence, trotting quietly after him*

Steeljaw: *enters and makes his way silently and careful to not leave any energon trailing after them (well, not much anyways) and enters the room. There's no one in the room, but Steeljaw is very used to that by now.* ::Hurry and close it. She won't look here, I think.::

Ravage: *Ravage shuts the door quietly, nudging it with his nose* Whew.

Steeljaw: *sitting on his haunches* She's really quite taken with you. *and starts licking himself clean, uncaring of the injuries. They're not as bad as they could've been. Internal repairs FTW*  Girlfriend?

Ravage: *refrains from emptying his internals* please. She's psychotic. Didn't you see how she looked at you until you shot at her?

Steeljaw: *bored look* Didn't notice. *lies, but hey, he's cool and collected now. Also wonders if there's an easier way to clean the scratches on his face as he works on it with his paws* She had optics for you all the way.

Ravage: Uh huh. *sarcasm. He doesn't bother to clean himself. Instead he curls on the floor, purring softly*

Steeljaw:*eyes the purring Con while he finishes cleaning in silence. Once done, he slinks towards Ravage and lays down beside him, puts a paw on top of him and starts cleaning him as if he was an organic lion cub*

Ravage: *purrs quietly and happily, content to let himself be cleaned*

Steeljaw: *starts purring as he cleans, removing the paw and nudging him to move so Steeljaw can get the other side.*

Ravage: *Ravage lazily rolls over, enjoying this immensely*

Steeljaw: *licks him clean slowly before streeeetching and curling on the floor for a nap, purring softly all the time*

Ravage: *mmm naps are good! Ravage can feel himself drifting off*

Can you guys believe Arcee-mun did everything on her cellphone?

log, steeljaw, nightbird, ravage

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