LOG: Prime and Skyfire: fooling around ;3

Apr 05, 2008 16:44

SO YEAH. Takes place March 31st - aka the day before this epic entry.  ENJOY. <3

Skyfire: *Skyfire strides on down the hall in what might be called a minor huff. Minor, because he certainly isn't yelling, nor is he obviously enraged, but anyone who knows him well enough could recognize that tense, stiff angle in his wings. Something has the shuttle mech upset, and he's heading outside to fly in the hopes that the sky will be able to calm him.*

Optimus Prime: *Where Skyfire's going out, Optimus Prime is coming back in, wiping some sand off his arm as he walks through the halls. Either it's bad timing when he glances down to see if he still has any still on him, or something else...because as he does so and turns a corner, he practically walks right into Skyfire*

Skyfire: *Skyfire stumbles back when Prime suddenly appears, trying to avoid running the smaller mech over and nearly stumbling in the process.* Oh. Prime. Sorry.

Optimus Prime: *Looks up at the motion out of the corner of his optics, quickly taking a step back - then, apologetically* My bad. I wasn't looking, Skyfire. *Pauses then, looking the other over*

Skyfire: It's not a problem. I wasn't looking myself. *Nods slowly, and after giving Prime a quick once-over to make sure he didn't cause any harm, his gaze is already drifting longingly to the exit doors behind Prime.*

Optimus Prime: *Catches that gaze, and steps aside as if response to an unspoken request. Still, he can't help but ask* Is there something wrong?

Skyfire: Perhaps, but I doubt it's something you can help with, I'm afraid. *He manages a wry smile before attempting to somehow politely excuse himself from the always-astute Prime*

Optimus Prime: Try me? *It's a gentle prod, but he's hardly interrogating Skyfire; indeed, he's not blocking him, either. It's an offer, really*

Skyfire: *Skyfire sighs heavily - he should have known, really, but perhaps it won't be too bad. Someone to talk to about this might be nice - the sky doesn't bitch back, after all.* I'm...rather annoyed at the moment, actually.

Optimus Prime: About? *Again, non-interrogating...but if there's something he can help with, he would, indeed, like to know*

Skyfire: *Skyfire turns back fully towards Prime, abandoning his move to leave - you've won him over already, Prime.* Starscream. *He quirks a wry smirk, as he knows what most people's reaction to that would be* Starscream and Megatron, really.

Optimus Prime: ...*His expression clearly says, say no more. But only in that he gets it completely. Arguing again, no doubt...shakes his head a little, frowning* What did they do now...

Skyfire: *Prime's understanding expression allows Skyfire to relax even further, and he sighs, shoulders slumping noticeably* I don't know, but slag me if I'm not getting tired of it.

Optimus Prime: You're not the only one. *Brief optic glance down the hall, then he lowers his voice* They do it so often they may very well enjoy it, at least on some part.

Skyfire: *Skyfire snorts, though the low whine from his turbines gives the impression that he doesn't find that idea nearly as amusing as he pretends to.* From what I've heard, they seem to. 'Stress relief,’ or some moronic excuse. Apparently they are not happy unless they are trying to claw each other's optics out, and putting each other in the medbay every week. *The fact that Starscream is the one that usually ends up in the more serious condition goes unsaid for the moment.*

Optimus Prime: They're Decepticons. *Said simply, because really, the two words encompass the difference. They are not like us. And he's not trying to make it sound like they're inferior because they're -not-...but they're not Autobots. They all may be Cybertronian, but there's a reason that when the lines were drawn, Starscream went where he did.*

Skyfire: *Skyfire just frowns and shakes his head slowly at that.* I've always hated that excuse. Before the war, there were no sides, and lines of distinction were not so easily drawn. Even now, the lines blur often enough as it is...

Optimus Prime: But they don't merge. Skyfire, the divide started far before I ever became Prime - possibly before even Sentinel's command. It wasn't noticeable...but it was there. *Hindsight is always clear, but it's clear that he doesn't especially like to admit it* My goal in mine is to end that divide, once and for all. It may take the rest of my lifetime...but I am prepared to devote it for such, because this won't happen in a single Vorn. Though that doesn't mean I have to like it. *And in that sentence, he expresses the fact that he doesn't, in fact, enjoy the violence.*

Skyfire: For some they seem to. Everything is more complexly divided then the two factions would have us believe. Pacifists, neutrals, those who fight for a cause, those who fight for the desire to kill, or to protect, and more. *Skyfire sighs, not sure how this got so quickly turned into a philosophical discussion. He aims another wry look at Prime, partially in an effort to return the discussion to something less heavy.* ...And you and I stuck with the two glitches who enjoy battering each other into scrap. I'm not sure what that falls under.

Optimus Prime: Masochism? *Wry, right back. Primus knows he's called himself one more than once, when it comes to dealing with Megatron. In more than one way, but that's besides the point*

Skyfire: Ugh. I'd rather not. That makes me wonder things I'd rather not think about. *Makes a comically exaggerated grimace, though there is a tiny hint of real repulsed worry there.*

Optimus Prime: Hmmm. *There's a brief pause before, abruptly* Starscream's a good mech. There may be times when he tries my own patience, but when it comes down to it - I believe he has a good Spark. And I'm glad he has someone like you to care for him.

Skyfire: *Skyfire smiles slightly at the unexpected praise for his partner.* Thank you. I know he does, and I do care for him very, very much, despite knowing what he is capable of... Though that doesn't lessen my frustration with his and Megatron's ongoing stupidity. *He finishes with a small huff - sorry Starscream, wherever you are, you are not getting off that easily!*

Optimus Prime: *Nods slowly* There's only so much that can be excused. I don't enjoy taking slag, but I'm not going to chase someone through the base for it. Especially with the intent to hurt. *His voice adopts a grimmer tone, heavy with disapproval*

Skyfire: *Skyfire nods solemnly with acknowledgement. Its a odd bit of relief for him that Prime can still see the faults in his own mate, as Skyfire is forced to see in his own everyday.* And I'm sure I, and the rest of the Autobots, are fairly grateful for that. Though it doesn't make watching it happen to someone else, especially ones partner, any easier.

Optimus Prime: *Oh, he sees them. He sees them and they don't make him love his mate any less and he accepts them - but that doesn't mean they can't be worked on* If I knew how to stop it once and for all, I would. *But he doesn't...and he has to simply work through it, one day at a time, believing - knowing - that he can change it*

Skyfire: *It's the same for Skyfire, and the shuttle finds a odd sort of comradery with Prime in that fact that they are both attached to two fairly hated, violent individuals* I would try myself, and have tried, though most anything I would try would only end up making it worse for Starscream. *Yes, it's fairly well known that Skyfire and Megatron rather...loathe one another. Skyfire involvement only seems to end in disaster.* And I certainly don't want to force Starscream to be something he's not anymore. Any change with him is...very slow indeed. I accept him as he is, but that doesn't mean I don't want something better for him; healthier; safer...

Optimus Prime: Exactly. *Rubs the bridge of his nose. Skyfire is preaching to the choir* You'd think that working together, we could think of some sort of motivation for them both, but...hn. *Trails off, shaking his head*

Skyfire: *Yes, well at least the choir gives him an outlet for his frustrations* ...A motivation? Like what? Something to show them both that neither of us approve of this stupidity? *Skyfire frowns, thinking.*

Optimus Prime: Something like that. *Skyfire's a lot blunter in words than he'd put it, but...he sighs, a long-suffering sound. If wishes were energon, there'd never be a shortage*

Skyfire: *Skyfire just shrugs, long past the patient, subtle stage on this subject.* Anything would be better then this...constant standing around, watching in disgust, and sighing in resignation when nothing changes.

Optimus Prime: Do you have any ideas? *Dry, I'm-all-ears. Please, if Skyfire as anything that he thinks would have a chance in the pit of working, he'd take it in a heartbeat*

Skyfire: ...Slag, I don't know. I'd almost say you and I should mock-fight to see how they like it, but somehow I'd doubt they'd be very fooled. *Wry!*

Optimus Prime: ...I doubt I could get the same timber of voice as Megatron does when he's shouting at Starscream. *Morbidly amused look, and for a moment it looks like he's going to try...but apparently he chooses otherwise at the last moment* It's not a bad idea, though. Pretending.

Skyfire: *Skyfire laughs outright at that one.* And I doubt I could do Starscream's voice justice. *Skyfire obviously has no such restraint, as the last word is spoken in a rather high screech and a wry smirk, though it certainly doesn't sound nearly as grating as the real Starscream's, either due to lack of ability, or a lack of desire to totally malign his partners voice, who can say.* And pretending? That could work, perhaps if it was something with a great deal of... shock value... *He grins at that, as if slowly getting a possible idea but unwilling to divulge it just yet; the grin probably imitates Starscream far better then Skyfire's attempt at his voice did. Obviously Skyfire is around the seeker far too often.*

Optimus Prime: *Laughs as well - helpfully* He's got a bit more screech in it, work on your vowels. *Though...Skyfire's got an expression that he has an idea already. Arches an opticridge* You've already got an idea, don't you.

Skyfire: *Laughs, shaking his head, the smirk easing in Starscream-style snark just a bit.* An idea, yes, though I'd doubt you'd go for it. It's might be a bit much, though it does had a great deal of shock value...

Optimus Prime: Let's hear it. It can't be that bad, can it?

Skyfire: Well... If a fake fight wouldn't work - which, come to think of, they'd probably just enjoy watching something like that - we could always trick them in the opposite direction, which is much more likely to horrify them. *Skyfire's wings twitch with amusement* Fake interfacing.

Optimus Prime: ....

Optimus Prime: *Looks horrified for a moment to, but* That is...*the best idea, evar*

Optimus Prime: *Coughs into his fist*

Skyfire: *Laughs - for some reason, he expected a much more shocked reaction* Is...?

Optimus Prime: It...I....*Literally cannot describe it. Is that a blush?*

Skyfire: *..okay, maybe this was something more along the lines of the type of reaction he was expecting.* I take it that's a no? *Quirks a optic ridge, amused*

Optimus Prime: *Shakes his head. Not a no. We're sorry, Prime's processor is trying to reboot himself. Give him a moment, thank you*

Skyfire: *ooooookay~ That's...unexpected. Skyfire waits, face turning mildly concerned* ...Um, you alright, Prime?

Optimus Prime: I'm fine. That...was just not an idea I was expecting. *Rubs the bridge of his nose again, and, quietly* Which makes me wonder just how they'd take it...

Skyfire: *Nods in agreement* Indeed. I would hope it would only shock them for a little while, and if they had clear heads about it, it shouldn't be too bad. ...But knowing those two, there is a possibility of overreacting.

Optimus Prime: Stop it before it gets to that point?

Skyfire: Hmm, yes. It's not like we'd have to act it out or something, just a journal entry or something should work to keep it from getting too far out of control. ...Though quite frankly, it would be a...what is that human saying? 'A taste of their own medicine', and a rather long-coming one, at that.

Optimus Prime: *Nods. relaxing. A journal entry sounds reasonable. No offense, Skyfire, but pretending is one thing* I believe the human celebration of 'April Fools' is tomorrow. It would make an excuse. *Smirk*

Skyfire: *He would never have actually suggested something like that. Nor would he have desired it, thx. He'll leave you to Megatron.* You're right. This pranking holiday is a perfect excuse for it as well. *Grins* ...Though now that I think of it, you should probably watch out of any others who get any kind of ideas for 'April Fools Day'. *Wry laugh*

Optimus Prime: I'll keep an optic active. *Wry, right back at you* On that note, you should as well. How are we going to do this?

Skyfire: I will. And I think a post with certain implications tomorrow should be suitable? Imply something from tonight, perhaps?

Optimus Prime: Hm...let them draw their own conclusions? *Smirking again*

Skyfire: Yes, I think that sounds fair. *Smirks right back at you, Prime. If nothing else, this should be amusing!*

(LJ-ify your IMs before pasting!)


...Seriously, guys. As if the date wasn't a giveaway... <3 

log, skyfire, optimus prime

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