(no subject)

Apr 05, 2008 10:17

So Prime met Sarah's family. It went surprisingly well! He came back to watch a movie with them...

Sarah: -Sarah, holo!Optimus and her family are all situated in the living room of her parents' house, watching that movie they'd agreed on together- I'd forgotten how funny this is! -laughs-
Optimus Prime: *Leaning forwards. If this was him at 'home' he'd have made a bowl of popcorn, but consuming in holo-form is remarkably difficult for him. So he just watches, obviously intrigued by the movie*
Mom: Oh, uh. Optimus? Would you...like anything from the kitchen? -the movie had barely begun, and she feels slightly rude for not asking sooner-
Optimus Prime: *Looks up, blinking once - then smiles softly* You're very kind to offer, but no thank you. I regret that I cannot, ah, indulge myself such as this. *Gestures to himself*
Mom: Oh. Alright. -small laugh-
Sarah: -glances over at the baby, who is fast asleep in her carrier, and smiles a bit before looking back at the TV-
Optimus Prime: *Chuckles as well, folding his hands and returning his attention forwards. Partway through the opening sequence, he suddenly frowns, furrowing his brow*
Sarah: ....Optimus? Is something wrong? -perceptive Sarah is perceptive!-
Dad: -looks over, curious-
Optimus Prime: ...*Rubs the bridge of his nose in a mirror of the gesture he does in his normal mode*...likely not. *Reassuring smile to Sarah!*
Sarah: ...alright. -small frown-
Optimus Prime: *Sighs softly...doesn't look like he's half as interested in the movie as before. His face is far too schooled for that, but he still watches*
Sarah: -keeps looking at him every few minutes, not believing him-
Optimus Prime: *Slowly, the holo-Prime seems to tense and tense further, body language reflecting what he would be displaying were the actual mech there. Then, abruptly - it flickers and goes out entirely as a noise comes from where Optimus is parked outside. It's somewhere between a computer squeal and tires screeching*
Sarah: Hutchins: -jump, startled-
Sarah: ......Optimus?! -immediately rushes outside to check on him, her parents following after a moment-
Optimus Prime: *Is in mid-transformation, but not standing up for it; he looks like he's collapsed against the pavement as metal slides into place. One hand is clutching at his own chest, and his face looks very, very pained. He doesn't even seem aware of the fact that others are taking interest - or that the Hutchins themselves have come out*
Sarah: -Sarah could care less about onlookers- Optimus! Optimus, what's wrong?! -rushes over to him, halfway climbing onto his arm-
Optimus Prime: *Is not responding at first. Is more focused on dealing with the sudden pain in his Spark that isn't his own. Lots, and lots of pain, and fear. Something...blinks dazedly down at Sarah, as if just recognizing her, first croaking out something in Cybertronian...then managing to translate it into English*
Optimus Prime: Bond.
Sarah: .....bon- oh. Oh god. Megatron! -she's had bonds explained to her before- Is he....
Sarah: Hutchins: -watch, worry and confusion evident on their faces-
Optimus Prime: *Shakes his head, then winces, hand clenching into a fist. Primus, it hurts. He can't...he can't stay here. He needs to go to Megatron. Something is very, very wrong oh Primus tell him he didn't go - he promised - youpromisedme* I have to go. I'm sorry. *Optics flicker towards the Hutchins. Even through his very real pain, he's apologetic*
Sarah: -climbs down from his arm and looks straight into his optics- I'm going with you. Mama, Daddy, watch over Annabelle for me.
Mom: Baby, no! You're going into a dangerous situation, aren't you?
Dad: Are you sure about this?
Optimus Prime: *Shakes his head again, slowly getting his arms under him. Metal starts to shift, though even that seems...well, like it's a matter of will* She's right. *Raspy*
Optimus Prime: *Re: Sarah's mother*
Sarah: Yes. I'm sure. I am /going/ with you. -determined look, goes over to hug her parents- I'm sorry, but I have to. Megatron is one of my close friends. Watch Annabelle; I'll be fine.
Optimus Prime: *Has the fleeting idea of driving off without her. Another sharp of pain through the spark suggests he's not going to disappear in a dust cloud. Full body wince, and he almost falls back onto the pavement. Fight through it. He needs you.*
Sarah: -after a moment of debate, she squares her shoulders- Look, Optimus. You're in no condition to be driving. You tell me how, I'll drive you.
Optimus Prime: ...
Optimus Prime: What?
Sarah: Hutchins: Sarah...
Sarah: You heard me.
Sarah: Either you take me and drive on your own, or I figure out how to drive you myself.
Optimus Prime: ......
Optimus Prime: *Is sort of staring at her now, 'wtf' plainly readable as he meets her eyes*
Sarah: You can't talk me out of this. A semi can't be /that/ hard to handle; I have driven tractors before.
Optimus Prime: *Optics flicker towards Lisa & David, expression going a bit grim. If anyone could talk her out of it...* I'm...not what I'm going to find, Sarah. *Quietly, though he's quite clearly trying to express that she could be in danger and he'd rather not have her come with him into it...*
Dad: -shakes his head, knowing it's useless to argue with her when she was like this-
Mom: Honey, please don't go. What if you get /killed/?
Sarah: I. Am. Going. -jaw is clenched slightly, looking between all three of them-
Optimus Prime: ...*Slow exhale...and goes back to transforming. It takes a full minute and a half, but finally...there is semi-truck*
Sarah: Take care of Anna for me. -approaches the cab, eyes narrowed with a look of, "you'd better let me in"-
Optimus Prime: *If it's possible for a door opening to be meek...oh, look, he manages to get his holo back up. It's fizzly and not at all looking like a real human - very much like an actual hologram, good thing it's on the other side from most of the other eyes in the area - but it addresses Sarah* You have your mother in you.
Sarah: -climbs in, giving her parents a smile- I'll be fine, promise.
Dad: -holds back Lisa, who is trying to go and drag her out of that cab- Lisa, you know we can't stop her when she gets like this...
Optimus Prime: -Lisa.
Optimus Prime: I will keep her safe, to the expense of my own life. I swear to you.
Mom: -crying now- You bring her back safe. You hear me?
Optimus Prime: *Nods - and then the holo flickers out. Leaving Prime to close the door, and emit a sound that sounds like a long, heavy sigh of engines*
Optimus Prime: ...slag. *Audiable to those on the inside only.*
Sarah: -neighborhood is ttly freaking out-
Optimus Prime: *Is quite aware of that, thank you*
Optimus Prime: *Is also aware of a gnawing emptiness. Not an absense, but...he's worried. And really, the fact that he transformed out in the open and broke his own rules about being robots in disguise sort of takes a backseat to that*
Sarah: Let's go. -completely ignoring all the onlookers-
Optimus Prime: *Semi turns on - the dials seem a bit wonky, but they get under control a moment later. He pauses, and then speaks again* I may have to take you up on what you said, Sarah.
Sarah: -gulps slightly; only fools are never afraid, and nods- Need me in the driver's seat?
Optimus Prime: You're going to take the wheel, gas, and brakes. *It'd be dry humor if it wasn't for the fact that he is utterly serious* I'll manage everything else. It...I hope it won't be difficult for you. *Apologetic, though there's a sudden...haste to his words*
Optimus Prime: We don't have much time.
Sarah: Alright. -climbs over into the seat, ignoring the fuzzy hologram, and situates herself- Gas on right, brake on left?
Optimus Prime: *Hologram is gone. Which is quite possibly a sign of the state Prime's in. The spark has evened out...but not for the better. Managing all of his systems and driving himself could have been done, but not very well, and he's very secretly and guilty thankful for Sarah's assistance. It means he has a bit of processor to devote towards the bond* Yes. Can you reach the pedals?
Sarah: -short woman is short, but she manages to sit in the very edge of the seat to reach them- Got it.
Optimus Prime: *Manages to shift just enough to get the pedals closer to her feet where she isn't so uncomfortable* All right...let's go. *Repetition ftw?*
Sarah: -nods, gulping again, and presses down on the gas pedal-
Optimus Prime: *Reponds, rolling obediantly. Carry on, people, nothing to see, move along*
Sarah: -okay Sarah, you can do this...-

(LJ-ify your IMs before pasting!)

sarah, optimus prime

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