(no subject)

Apr 02, 2008 15:44

Who: Blaster, Jazz, and Tracks.
What: Blaster contacts Jazz for that tour around the base, and Tracks join them later on.
Warning(s): None - I lied about the smut.

It probably would’ve been a better idea to contact either Jazz or Tracks first, but Blaster was determined to not waste the entire day waiting for someone in his lab. It was kind of bizarre to him, walking around in a base that he didn’t recognize the layout of - with the knowledge that there was a chance of running into a Decepticon that wouldn’t fire at him on sight.

He couldn’t say the same for what his reflexes would do if a Con were to be the first one he met, though.

The loss of his memory frustrated him more than he cared to admit, especially due to the fact that he was bonded to a Decepticon - one he didn’t remember ever meeting, but had apparently loved and trusted enough to share such an important part of himself with.

He was kind of close to the point of panicking.

He sighed, and decided maybe now would be a good time to contact Jazz. Some company would be a good thing to have, right about now - and he could use a friendly face. He did not want to start losing his cool now.

::Hey, Jazz. You busy?:: He inquired through a communication link.

Blaster only has to wait a moment before Jazz pops up on the comm.

::Heeey Blaster, mah man. 'Sup? Ya already waitin' for that tour 'round the base?::

::If it ain’t too much trouble, dude.:: Blaster confirmed with a grin, inwardly relieved as he transmitted Jazz the coordinates to his current location.

::Kind of already left my lab, and man - does it feel weird calling that place “my lab” - and I’m already all sorts of lost. It’s kind of frustrating..::

Jazz receives the coordinates and heads on over right away. ::All right. I'll be right there. And I'm sure it does, man. How is the whole memory issue workin' out, then? Anythin' comin' back t' ya yet?::

Blaster shook his head, even though the gesture wasn’t one that was visible to the other.

::Nah, man. I still can’t remember a darn thing.::

::Huh. Slag, man. Ya been t' see Ratchet or someone yet?::

Blaster confirmed the negative of that with a no. ::Want to get a look around the base first. I’ll visit a medic eventually, though.::

::Sure, man. Though I still gotta say go at some point. I don't want this memory-loss thing gettin' outta control if its somethin' that can be spread, ya hear?:: Jazz replied with with a laugh. So. Didja get ahold of Tracks yet?::

::Hey, man. I will - promise you. It’ll be the first thing on my to do-list to do after I catch up with you guys.:: Blaster vowed, letting out a chuckle and sounding amused over how very insistent the other was.

::Haven’t gotten a hold of Tracks yet.::

::Good.:: Well, now that he's taken care of his duties and such...

"Well. Ya gonna comm him or not?" Jazz asked with a laugh, turning into the hall in front of Blaster, grinning.

Jazz’s sudden appearance caught him off guard and surprised him a bit - but rather than react badly, he grinned right back at his friend once he saw him, and greeted him with friendly a hug.

“It’s good to see you again, man.”

::Hey. Tracks, buddy!:: Blaster’s loud voice practically boomed with a yell through the comm link, bursting with energy.

Yeah, having two of his old pals around definitely helped with lightening things up a bit for himself.

He hugs Blaster back with just as much enthusiasm, clanging a hand on his back. "It's good to see you too, Blaster my man! Haven't really seen too much of you in while, though I'm sorry it's durin' such a bad time for ya."

::Ye-es?:: Came the response, a moment later, with a tone of dry amusement.

::Good to hear from you so soon, Blaster. Were you just hoping to startle me, or can I help you?::

::Both, actually. You busy, Tracks? Jazz is gonna show me around the base, and I was wondering if you wouldn’t mind comin’ along.::

Once that was said, he turned his attention back to Jazz.

“Don’t worry about it, man. Thanks for taking the time to help me out, I appreciate it.”

"Not a problem, man, not a problem at all." Jazz says, giving Blaster another pat before pulling back with a friendly grin.

"So have ya figured out where on base ya are?"

::I'd love to. I can join you whenever is convenient - I'm apparently rather free today.::

“Other than the fact that I’m near wherever my lab was located? Can’t have gone too far away from it yet.” Blaster stated, and he sent the coordinates to his current location along to Tracks.

::Feel free to drop on by now, man. We’ll wait for you.::

::I'll be along shortly then.::

“Contacted Tracks. We’re gonna be waiting a bit.” Blaster informed Jazz, standing by the other’s side.

"Awesome. Tell Tracks to hurry his aft up, will ya? Haven't hung with either of ya for what seems like forever." Jazz laughed.

"And hey. Would ya like a map layout of the base or somethin'?

“That’d be helpful to have, yeah.” Blaster accepted the offer with an amused grin.

“Don’t want to end up getting lost.”

::Hurry up, dude. Jazz is impatient and so am I. I’ve missed ya.::

::Well, it's been how long?::

Tracks sounded amused, picking up a smug edge as he entered the hallway with as much of a flourish as he could muster, just by walking.

"And now that I'm here; I'm sure you'll both find it worth the wait."

Blaster laughed lightly, grinning just as much as he had before when he greeted Tracks with a hug as well. Primus, it’d been so long since he last saw either of them.

“Still the same as I remember you, eh? Not that that’s a bad thing, of course.”

"Me? Change? Not without good reason," he replied, hugging back with a warm smile.

"Hey, Tracks! Damn, it's good t' see you too, man." Jazz says, wondering over to give Track's a friendly thump on the shoulder as well.

"It's been a while."

"It has!" He considered a moment.

"Not since one of the many drinking games, early on, I believe."

His optics blinked slightly as he glanced curiously between the two of them. “Drinking games, huh?” He inquired, yet another amused grin featuring across his face.

“Sounds fun.”

"Ah Primus, not that shit again." Jazz laughs, grinning up at both of them.

"Those drinkin' games ended up with some crazy slag, man. Ya might wanna be glad ya can't remember all that, Blaster."

"They were very popular, for a time," Tracks explained, shrugging.

"It was, at least, something to do besides recharge or start fights."

“Gotta have some way to keep the masses occupied, huh?” Blaster chuckled.

“So are we just gonna stand here, or you guys gonna show me around?”

"'Course not, man. Where do ya wanna go?" Jazz asked, stepping back and rolling to the side on his tire-heels, head bobbing to a beat only he can hear. /Someone/ is in a good mood.

“Well, I suppose all I really need is that map, and I can wander around a bit on my own time.” Blaster admitted with a sheepish grin.

“But that don’t mean you guys still can’t show me around, yeah? And hey - either of you mind keepin’ me around for a while? Least until I get my own quarters? I mean, I know I have my own and all, but…”

Awkward wouldn’t even begin to describe meeting the Decepticon he was bonded to so soon. His current plan in action: avoiding him as much as possible.

"I seemed to have gathered myself a roommate already, or I would offer," Tracks said apologetically.

And Blaster waves his hand dismissively in a friendly manner, to let Tracks know that it was alright.

Jazz rolls to a halt beside the two of them, cheerful smile going a tad forced.

"Well, /I/ obviously don't have 'nyone stayin' with me at the moment, so you're welcome to crash at my place for a while if ya want. 'S no prob."

“You sure, man?” Blaster glanced at his friend.

“Don’t want to be a bother.”

“It ain’t no trouble,” Jazz reassures with a nod.

Blaster shrugged, and smiled lightly at him. “Alright, then.”

“What now?”

Tracks smiled, glad something was settled, at least.

"Well, there's not too many points of interest here. Perhaps the common room?”

"That's all I can really think of. The common room, the wash racks, trainin' room..." Jazz replies, smile growing again as he trails off, thinking.

“Sounds cool with me.” Blaster stated with a friendly grin.

“To the common room we go, then?”

"Works for me," Tracks said, starting off down the hallway with something of a bounce to his step.

"Good place t' start." Jazz said with a nod, quickly following, practically dancing down the hall after Tracks.

He was glad that the two of them were here, present in this world - since he knew that he now at least had some friends that he could rely on for company, which was exactly what he had needed in this moment.

The frustration and the aggravation he felt earlier due to his current situation was already diminished, any trace of it long gone as he followed after Jazz and Tracks with a cheerful grin firmly in place.

“And I know I said it before, yeah, but - it’s good to see you guys again.”

"Of course! To you it's been many vorns without me or Jazz," Tracks said with amusement.

"No shit, man. Hang with us and we'll get ya back on track, man." Jazz joked with a wink, optic dimming under his visor.

“And those vorns were dull without’cha, let met tell you.” Blaster laughed as they reached the entrance to the common room, practically waltzing on into the noticeably empty area as he entered it.

“It always this empty?”

"Lately," Tracks said, hitching one shoulder in a careless shrug.

"'Fraid so. Only when someone takes it upon themselves to throw a party, or somethin' just spontaneously /happens/ in here does it see much action anymore." Jazz replied.

"Things haven't been too lively on the party scene lately."

"Not that I can blame anyone," the Corvette put in, dryly.

Jazz laughs wryly. "Not me either, 'cause I haven't exactly been the most lively mech on the face of the slaggin' planet lately..."

“Well, at least we could talk privately now.” Blaster pointed out as he took a seat in the common room.

“And hey, maybe when I ain’t so down with the blues myself, I’ll throw a party of my own. Lighten things up ‘round here a bit, yeah?” Blaster suggested aloud with a light grin, leaning back - relaxed.

"I wouldn't say no," Tracks said, smiling. "It's been a while since I've gone to a party."

"Same here, man. A chance to kick back and have some fun would be bitchin'." Jazz said with a smirk, relaxing in the friendly company.

“Glad to hear that you both agree.” Blaster smirked right back at Jazz.

“So talk to me, guys. What’ve I missed? What kind of crazy stuff have you two been up to without me?”

Tracks glanced at Jazz, then back to Blaster, shrugging slightly.

"A great many things, but not many of them very good."

"Yeaaaah, man. Things have been crazy. How far bad do ya remember, anyway? Need t' know where t' start." Jazz murmured, glancing back over at Tracks with a frown. This might take a while. And might not be pretty.

“Last thing I remember was bein’ in space. Got Prime’s transmission sometime ago, start’ed lookin’ out for where you all where.” Blaster explained again.

“S’like I said, I don’t remember the time I spent…here.” Blaster murmured, his line of sight landing on the mural in the common room, specifically focusing on the painted image of himself and a certain Decepticon.

Tracks followed Blaster's gaze, twitching his wings very slightly.

"Just as well, really," he said, with an edge of disdain, the source of which likely being obvious if one knew of Tracks' dislike of the Seekers in general.

Jazz just winced at Blaster's line of sight - that entire thing had to be rather hard to swallow. "I really don't know how to help ya there with /that/ shock, man, I'm afraid." He said sympathetically, shrugging.

Blaster responded to Jazz with another shrug of his own, feeling slightly uncomfortable when it came to talking about the Decepticon. “A shock is kind of an understatement, man. I haven’t even taken the time to properly freak out about it yet.”

An optic blinked then, and Blaster glanced at Tracks curiously as he noted the evident dislike in his tone of voice “Why’s that?” He inquired with nothing but honest curiosity.

"Well, I'm sure he has -some- good qualities," Tracks responded in a dubious tone.

"But a -Seeker-... Ugh."

"I'm sure it /was/ more then a hell of'a shock, man. Seeker or not." Jazz replied, with a nod toward Tracks.

“I didn’t even notice the bond until the guy pointed it out,” Blaster muttered, a faraway look in his optics as he spoke - mostly to himself, now.

“Don’t think I can love someone I’ve never met before.

"Can't bonds be broken?" Tracks asked, in the way of someone who's never really looked into it.

Jazz winces, nodding slowly. "I know that can be, but from what I've heard it's...well, /exceedingly/ painful t' do. For both sparks involved."

“Yeah, they’re supposed to be.” Blaster said in agreement with Jazz, a wince of his own expressed upon his face.

“Even if they weren’t, though - I’d feel guilty about breaking it. I mean, I must’ve trusted that guy enough to bond with him - but now I don’t even remember him. This whole situation’s gotta be killin’ him more than it’s killin’ me. Primus…” He murmured with a sigh, burying his face into his hands in his frustration.

“And I don’t even have a clue of how to approach ‘em about any of this.”

"I suppose you could try to get to know him again," Tracks suggested, folding his arms across his chestplate.

"Obviously, ya don't have to make any choices right now, man. See a medic, see if ya' can't remember what ya' lost, get used t' things if ya can't. Take your time t' think."

Jazz says, walking over to give Blaster a reassuring pat on the shoulder.

“Maybe,” He muttered to Tracks, sounding like he hadn’t really paid attention to the suggestion.

He relaxed slightly underneath the reassuring pat, and sat back up again. He smiled at Jazz gratefully, but his smile didn’t quite reach his eyes this time.

“Yeah, you’re right. I should get everything else sorted with first before I drive myself crazy thinking about the bond and everythin’ else.”

"Exactly." Jazz said with a firm nod, trying to reassure his friend.

"So! What else do ya wanna see, man? Or talk about? I'm sure there are some cubes around here somewhere. If any situation called for 'em, now might be it." He finished wryly, giving them both a humorous look, trying to lighten up the situation a bit.

“The sight seeing could wait for another time on my own time, I suppose.” Blaster murmured, glancing at the two of his friends.

“I’m all down with the relaxation, and I’d hate to have to get back up again.” He joked with a grin.

“So yeah, I say we do some talking of the catching-up-with kind. A cube or two wouldn’t hurt, either, since I’m sure we’ll need some if we’re gonna start singin’ to a depressin’ tune soon.”

With a faint smile, Tracks moved to take a seat nearby. "I could do with a cube."

"Well then. Lemme just see if they still stash the cubes down in here…ahah! Looks like somebody left the goods behind after the last party, yo." He says with a smug grin, popping back up from behind the serving counter with three cubes clutched in his hands, lightly tossing one to the others.

"Catch, guys!"

And once the three friends got together again, they reminisced about the past together - enjoying each other’s company for the first time since a long time.

blaster, log, tracks, jazz

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