Log: TC & Bee After the Party...

Apr 02, 2008 02:41

Thundercracker: *Happier than he'd been in days, TC decided he needed some 'quality time' with Bee and lead the minibot off to some nice, secluded part of the base.*

Bumblebee: *Follows his Bonded eagerly. He missed TC quite a bit and was looking forward to this immensely. In fact, he almost literally hanging off of the Seeker, all sorts of happy flowing through the bond*

Thundercracker: *Putting his arm about Bee and pulling him close, TC is practically purring with delight at the sensations pouring out from his mate. He lets his own pleasure spill across the bond, leaning in kiss the top of Bee's helm*

Thundercracker: Have fun tonight, love?

Bumblebee: *The smaller mech nestles up against TC, engine rumbling softly. He nods slightly, hugging TC tight*

Bumblebee: Yes. I did. It was nice seeing you...missed you a lot.

Thundercracker: Missed you, as well. *Leaning back against the wall, he strokes a hand across Bee's cheek, smiling fondly* I was worried quite a bit about you while you were gone.

Bumblebee: *His engine rumbles a bit louder and presses closer to TC* I know. But I can take care of myself...

Thundercracker: *Matching Bee's rumble with one of his own, he laughs and nuzzles the side of his bonded's neck* I know you can... But I still worry.

Thundercracker: Especially with some of your...friends... *His grip on Bee tightens slightly*

Thundercracker: [friends*]

Bumblebee: *He blinks, kissing TC's cheek with a smile*  What do you mean?

Thundercracker: Mmmm...nothing... *he kisses Bee softly, running a hand slowly down the smaller mech's back* ...just being stupid, I guess.

Bumblebee: *He shrugs, nestling against TC and returning the kiss, doorwings twitching slightly. He wraps his arms around the taller mech's neck, very happy right now*

Thundercracker: *His hand continues to roam across Bee's back as they kiss, talons gliding lightly up his bonded's backstrut and over a doorwing, just barely scratching at the surface*

Bumblebee: *The minibot's door wing twitches again, and Bee gives a soft little moan as he snuggles closer, kiss deepening. He grips at the other tighter, shivering. He's wanted this for such a long time, missed TC so much.*

Thundercracker: *Lifting Bee up in one arm, he twists and pins the smaller mech hard against the wall, never breaking off the kiss which turns fiercer, almost desperate. His free hand continues to stroke up and down the planes of Bee's doorwing.*

Bumblebee: *Bee wriggles slightly, making a half hearted attempt to wriggle away before acquiescing and wrapping his legs around TC, doorwings twitching madly now, engine revving every time they're stroked.*

Thundercracker: *His engine rumble deepens, sending vibrations through both their bodies as he begins to grind against Bee, rubbing his palm roughly against the shuddering little doorwings*

Bumblebee: *Bee shudders violently at the continued stroking, soft whines of pleasure escaping him, the smaller 'Bot grinding roughly against the Seeker. His intakes begin to cycle faster.* Ohh...Primus, TC.

Thundercracker: *a laugh comes thrumming up from his throat as he pulls back a bit from Bee, gripping a doorwing lightly in one hand as he smiles like a devil down at his small mate*

Thundercracker: Do you love me, Bee?

Bumblebee: *Wriggles and looks back up at him, giving a hurried nod. Of course he does! His engine revs, then settles into a low purr.* More than anything.

Thundercracker: And would you ever leave me? *his growling tone is strange, playful yet dark. He rakes a talon slowly down the doorwing...*

Bumblebee: *Bee shivers under that touch, a bit confused by this line of questioning.* Never.

Thundercracker: *There’s an odd gleam in TC's optics as he pushes back against Bee, growling and biting tenderly at the side of his bonded's neck.*

Bumblebee: *Bee arches his back with another whine, hands digging into TC's shoulders, then sliding back to rub at what he can reach of TC's wings* Nn...yesss...

Thundercracker: *The rumble grows louder in response to Bee's touch. Growling low, he bites down a bit harder, gnawing lightly on the delicate cables and fuel lines of the smaller mech's neck as his free hand slips down the doorwing and to Bee's chest*

Bumblebee: *Bee's optics flicker, hands stroking more firmly. He presses towards the hand, intakes cycling faster with each passing moment, drawing in air to cool the poor little 'Bots systems. *

Thundercracker: *His caress is firm yet gentle, talons skimming across the planes and seams of Bee's armor as he continues to nibble at his bonded's throat, fangs dangerously pressing against a fuel line*

Bumblebee: *Bee hisses, tilting his head, encouraging those teeth. Primus, it's been far, far too long. He needs this like nothing else. He shudders, nodding slightly to TC, stroking along his wings still.* Yes...

Thundercracker: *Lips curling into a beastly smile, his fangs puncture the line and he eagerly laps at the energon that spurts out. As he suckles at the small wound, TC slams Bee hard into the wall, grinding and thrusting eagerly into him*

Bumblebee: *The minibot shudders, a mix of pleasure and pain shooting through him as TC laps at the energon.  He grinds back just as passionately, if not more so. His hands stroke, clench, loosen.*

Thundercracker: *He pulls away from Bee's neck, energon gleaming fresh and wet on his grinning lips. His hand slides down, down, down...coming to a stop just above his bonded's spark*

Bumblebee: *Bee's spar casing slides eagerly open, nearly of its own accord. TC is immediately bathed in a brilliant, golden yellow light as the spark pulses and dances, casting odd shadows across the Seeker. Bee looks up at him, practically begging with his gaze*

Thundercracker: Bee... *He takes hold of one of Bee's hand, pressing it against the glass of his cockpit, over his own spark*

Bumblebee: *Bee looks up at TC, completely enamored with the Seeker. So much love and desire pouring through the bond right now, it might even be overwhelming. His gaze is completely trusting. He knows TC won't do anything to hurt him. Ever.* Yes, TC?

Thundercracker: *He's shaking a bit now, somewhat overcome by the sensations washing over him. His reply is a deep, slow kiss as his cockpit opens, exposing his spark*

Bumblebee: *He returns the kiss, tugging Thundercracker close enough that the spark chambers can match up, energy fields crackling and tugging at each other*

Thundercracker: *He arches against Bee, body trembling and engines roaring now as their sparks collide in a brilliant shower of light.

Bumblebee: *Bee just clings to Thundercracker as the sparks begin to merge,  emotions, thoughts, physical sensations merging together as the energy builds towards the amazing, intense level that only two Bonded can share. Bee's losing himself, losing where he ends and Thundercracker begins in this strange, wonderful merging. His systems are shouting warnings at him, but he doesn't care, pressing on*

Thundercracker: *He tightens his hold on Bee, letting go of himself as they merge. Alarms screaming throughout his systems, he pours out everything he feels for the smaller mech across their bond: all the love, the need, and even an inkling of jealousy...*

Bumblebee: *Pours all that he is into Thundercracker. His love, his affection, his desire, his hope. His fear that one day, he won't be good enough. His desire for everyone he loves to love each other as well. He shudders as the building energy finally reaches it's climax in a sparking, white hot explosion, systems overloading and shutting down as the Minibot slumps against TC, systems temporarily offline*

Thundercracker: *Groaning, he systems overload hard as takes in everything Bee gives him. He nearly offlines from it all, slamming them both against the wall for support*

Bumblebee: *Bee gives a little groan as his systems reboot, optics flickering on and trying to focus* Ohh...

Thundercracker: ...love? *His intakes rasp, cycling furiously to cool him down as he sends a comforting pulse over their bond*

Bumblebee: *smiles weakly, door wings giving a weak flutter* Mmm...I needed that.

Bumblebee: *faint flutter. Bad writing is bad.]

Thundercracker: *Chuckling, he rains down little kisses over Bee's face and neck* So did I...

Bumblebee: *Returns the kisses, arms wrapping around Thundercracker again* Missed you so much...

Thundercracker: ...love you. *After a few more tender strokes and pulses, he pulls back and lowers Bee to his feet*

Bumblebee: Love you too. *Bee staggers slightly, grinning.* Primus, haven't had an interface that good in soooo long.

Thundercracker: *Smiling a bit smugly while his cockpit closes with a snap, he puts an arm around Bee's shoulder to support him as they start to move down the hall* You're welcome. Come along now... We need to get to the medbay.

Thundercracker: Wouldn't want you to bleed out... *he chuckles, running a talon over the wound in Bee's neck*

Bumblebee: *Bee grins.* It's not that bad, love. *HE snuggles up against Thundercracker as they walk, obviously worn out from their interfacing*

Thundercracker: *Cuddles him close* I know it's not. But I'd be happier getting a patch on it, just in case.

Bumblebee: Alright, if it'll make you feel better. *HE smiles, figuring now is the best time to talk about this.* Hey, TC? About Sam...?

Thundercracker: mmm?

Thundercracker: *...not really sure he wants to have this talk...*

Bumblebee: He's not gonna steal me from you. No one can. Please...just be a bit more trusting of him? He's only human. It'd really, really make me happy if you guys could maybe...y'know....be friends?

Bumblebee: *Smiles at TC. Minibot charm go!*

Thundercracker: ... *You're Minibot mind tricks won't work here.*

Bumblebee: TC?

Thundercracker: *heavy sigh* I'll...try.

Bumblebee: Thanks, love.

Bumblebee: *hugs TC tightly* I love you, you know that, right?

Thundercracker: I know. *He leans down, kissing the top of Bee's helm* I love you too, Bumblebee.

Thundercracker: *Keeping a slow, easy pace as they walk along, TC can't quite shake off those little, jealous doubts he has about Sam...*

Bumblebee: *Happy Bee is happy! Best night ever.*

Thundercracker: *Uses his own pleasure at Bee's happiness to cover up those nasty, nagging doubts. Yes, it's been a good night after all...*

log, bumblebee, thudercracker

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