Recruitment log

Mar 14, 2008 21:54

Of pursuits and sacrifices...Blackout giving up everything to join Galvatron.

Blackout: -Strange, how it felt exactly like the last time he had traversed this path, though his intentions are far different than before. He has a purpose, and each stride of his demonstrates this as Blackout approaches the barrier. The helicopter is not fooled by the silence, nor how empty the surrounding area feels to his sensors, despite their maximized setting. Carefully, he follows along the edge, searching.-

Galvatron: *Galvatron's lurking has been more sporadic these days. There's no pattern to when he'll be spotted off the horizon, circling the perimeter for mechs foolish enough to tempt fate and leave the barrier. However, something has pulled him here tonight. A feeling, a notion, he's not sure what, but he's off in the shadows, watching the base with a curious frown.*

Blackout: -Moving along at a slow, calculating pace, he ends up circling the extent of the base at least twice before a faint signature snaps him to attention. It barely registered and only for a quick second, but Blackout knew he wasn't seeing things that weren't there. Stopping, he remains still, optics scanning the outside. The copy is close...-

Galvatron: *Oh, he's been watching the enforcer circle the barrier with a growing curiosity. After studying the movements of mechs coming and going from the base, he knows this isn't a normal patrol. The helicopter is looking for something out here and he has a sneaking suspicion once he recognizes the other, what, or rather who, he's searching for. He sends out a stronger signal, just a brief one, then fades deeper into the darkness.*

Blackout: So this is how you wish to play... -He murmurs to himself, uncaring whether Galvatron can even catch his words as they leave his vocalizer. His stance, tense in anticipation, gives away nothing, even as his head barely turns to give the Ark and pieces of the Nemesis a final glance. Returning his full attention to the world beyond the barrier, the helicopter purposely steps beyond it.-

Galvatron: *He watches the other, taking note of that backwards glance. A slow smirk passes across his face. With another short signal burst, he backs away, then turns to disappear into the rocky crags of the desert. If the one called Blackout is, in fact, searching for him, he'll have to prove his worth and come further away from the safety of the barrier to seek him out. He continues to move deeper into the canyon, letting his signal linger behind him.*

Blackout: -Weapons kept offline, he allows himself to be stringed along. Each blip on his scanner leads him further and further away from the safety of his associates and the protection of the force field. Such facts linger on his mind, but they do not stop him from proceeding forward. Soon the scenery changes, stone walls surrounding him on two sides.-

Galvatron: *The cat and mouse game goes on for quite sometime. His path zigzags through the tall canyon walls, keeping to the shadows and tall rocks. He finally finds a craggy recess and settles himself into it, dampening his signal to nothing. Then he waits.*

Blackout: -And soon...he is in a tight position, the only possible exit left to him being that of the opening from up above, though someone of his size would be hard pressed to make it out in a timely matter. The added fact that he has entirely lost all traces of Galvatron worries him further, his back unconsciously kept to a wall. But there is not a lot of options on where the purple mech could have gone, so keeping with his current path, he eventually stumbles across his presence once more.-

Galvatron: *For a long while, he watches the other mech. Impressed by Blackout's nerve, he smirks to himself, then opens a brief comm.* ::Who is hunting who, I wonder, Decepticon. Am I the mouse, or are you?::

Blackout: -It is...difficult to retain face when in the presence of such a powerful, unstable force. His most basic programming is demanding he turn tail, to attempt a last ditch run for safety, yet...his pride proves far more compelling than fear. He keeps a respectful distance, some gears twitching and churning in nervousness as he continues to stand before the other.- ::...I am.::

Galvatron: *Something shifts nearby, a volley of rocks clattering to the canyon floor. From the darkness he rises up from his squatting position, moon at his back. For a long while, he gazes down at the other mech, making no effort to hide the fact he is sizing Blackout up. After several quiet minutes, he puts a long clawed hand on his hip and speaks openly.* Wise answer. Hunting is so fun, is it not?

Galvatron: Almost as much as killing. *His optics glint red in the dark, then he grows silent.*

Blackout: Yes. -That one, simple word holds so much meaning when he says it, murmured or no. What stands out the most is just how much he is in agreement with Galvatron's statement, the conviction nearly tangible.- I miss it. This...truce, this is like a fortified chain, holding back my potential. I did not wish to believe your words, but I see matters clearly now. You were right; too long have I been scurrying around in their cage.

Galvatron: *Again, he studies the other mech. His expression is hidden by the darkness, if one were to assume there was anything written up on his face. His silence, however, gives away his suspicion.* You know little of cages, compared to I. There is a difference between one who willingly keeps himself chained, and one who is truly shackled. Do you know what that difference is?

Blackout: -Frantically, he attempts to devise a suitable response. To his dismay, he comes up rather blank, but that does not stop him. For Blackout, it just creates a greater challenge.-, I do not. At one time, I may have said 'choice', but only one option is left to me.

Galvatron: The correct answer is will. *Now he moves, sliding down the cliffside in a cloud of dust and rocks. When the debris settles, he's several yards from Blackout. Though his very stance is aggressive, he makes no move for the other mech. Instead, he gestures at him, almost in disgust.* Fools who keep themselves hamstringed tend to be lazy and weak. And from my observations, that's almost the entirety of the Decepticon army as of late. Clinging to that hunk of scrap commander...

Blackout: He had not always been this way... -Seems to revert to his usual loyalties, until he makes a fist with one hand and his tone dripping with hatred.- Now it is obvious to me that I have been lying to myself, that your previous assessments have been nothing but correct. It is difficult to believe I could have followed a being such as him, and now that he has...caved to the whims of others... -With a strained conviction, one harbored not from regret or sadness, but of a self hate that is only born from realizing something far too late, he says- Megatron is no longer a leader of mine. I cannot follow one who has lost the ability to uphold his position.

Galvatron: *His head tilts slightly as he gazes at Blackout. Dull red optics are considering, obvious that he is thinking deeply about something. After a short pause, he nods once, as if a decision has been made.* Your words are strong, Decepticon. What about your convictions? What will you do to prove your loyalty to me? *A twisted grin slowly ripples across his facial plates.* Or rather, what should I have you do, to prove your worth to me?

Blackout: -Thoughtfully, he gives a moment to process such questions. Upon coming to a decision, he instantly falls into a kneel before the other, as is proper in making a request from their superior.- If there is one certain method to aggravate him, then it will be to go directly against his given orders. As with the Autobots, he has sided with them, deciding that the destruction of the humans is, above all else, the most heinous of crimes. To go against that is to go against him. With your permission, I would consider it an honor to demolish some in your name.

Galvatron: *Optic ridges come together in a frown.* Humans... *He says the word with disgust.* Humans are pathetic and weak. I was thinking more along the lines of bringing me back the head of a former comrade--preferably an Autobot. *He pauses again, thinking.* However, I do see your point. It would infuriate him, as well as Optimus Prime, to no end if their precious meatsacks were harmed.

Galvatron: *Optics pin Blackout, the dull growl of his voice echoing in the darkness.* Destroy a city...then I might consider having you.

Blackout: As you command...Lord Galvatron.

log, galvatron, blackout

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