Our Friend the Tag

Mar 11, 2008 00:47

A quick glance at the Cracktrans community page tells me that we need to have a discussion about tags again. Some of you are relatively new and may be unfamiliar with Livejournal tagging etiquette. That is fine. Some of you are not relatively new and paid no attention the last time I talked about tags. That I am less comfortable with.

I put in a considerable amount of effort going through all the old, untagged posts and editing tags in. The benefit of these tags is that we can now easily track the entire posted log history of a particular character, hunt down logs without remembering exactly when they were posted, or just browse general logs or OOC chatter. For the system to continue to work, however, new tags must be consistent with the old ones. Thus, here are the tag guidelines for posts made to the cracktrans1 community page. Please follow them. Note that this has nothing to do with tags on your personal character journals. Do whatever you want with those.

1. Use the "ooc" and "log" tags. If your post contains a log of an RP, add the "log" tag. If your post is about a community issue or just some random bit of mun amusement, add the "ooc" tag. There should be no posts without one tag or the other.

2. For each character that participated in a log, add their name as a tag. For very brief and/or minor appearances, use your own discretion.

3. This is an important one. USE THE EXACT TAGS THAT PREVIOUS ENTRIES HAVE ALREADY BEEN TAGGED WITH. You can check these by looking on the Cracktrans community Livejournal page. Do not use "log dump" as a tag, use "log" like all the other logs are tagged with. Do not use "lovetron" as a tag, use "lovetron9000" like all the other logs are tagged with. If you want to put in the effort and change all the past entries to match your preferred nomenclature, be my guest, but please be consistent or the entire purpose of tags is defeated.

4. Avoid extraneous tags. You would be surprised how quickly the tag list gets bloated with random one-of tags that people attached to entries on a whim. Furthermore, a tag like "interfacing" or "kink" implies that all logs with that content will be present in the list of entries with those tags, which is obviously not true. If you want to keep track of specific entries, that's what Livejournal's memories function is for. I plan on pruning these when I have the time.

Let me be clear: I am not an administrator or a moderator. I have no power to enforce these guidelines. I am simply a custodian. No one even asked me to do the job I did, I was the only one who apparently thought it was enough of an issue to volunteer the effort to tinker with it. That being said, I did put in a quantity of time and effort into benefiting this community that I could have put into other things. So when I see wonky or missing tags, it's a bit annoying.

If you have issue with any of these guidelines or think they're downright unreasonable, now is the time to post about it here, discuss a different way of doing things, or just tell me I'm full of it if you feel like. If you don't, I'm going to assume you're fine with this policy.

announcement, ooc

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