It ended rather well, actually, depending on who you're asking...

Mar 11, 2008 00:10

As per Megatron's orders, Blackout and Buzzsaw head off on a crazy adventure to make sure Chip's life is absolutely, totally, without a doubt, 100% guaranteed to be miserable. Or at the very least, wheel-less.

Blackout: -They are swift, stealthy, and determined. They are...Decepticons on a mission! Their orders are simple: get out, destroy anything accessible and mobile on wheels for a handicapped man named Chip and return successful. Shouldn't be too hard, right?- We will begin with wheelchair providers first, then move on. Understood?

Buzzsaw: *Giggling happily.* Understood!

Blackout: -Nods once, transforming into his helicopter mode to head straight for the nearest health care facility. UP, UP, AND AWAAAAAY.-

Buzzsaw: *Speeds after the 'copter, keeping just to his starboard.*

Buzzsaw: ::Sooo...where do we start first?::

Blackout: ::There is a general hospital north of here that we can infiltrate. Another a bit further to the west, though I believe the second is more of a retirement home for the elderly.:: -Responds.- ::We should be there in no time.::

Buzzsaw: ::Fabulous! I've been dying to try out a holo body!::

Blackout: ::Finally acquired one, did you?:: -Sounds only mildly interested, though that might be because he isn't looking forward to using his own, much. Bad, bad memories, there.-

Buzzsaw: ::Oh-ho-ho, yes! And it's quite a good one, too!:: *Grinning.*

Blackout: -Snorts, figuring that the other would think as much, but says nothing more until they arrive at their destination. A large, nicely lit hospital, which of course indicates a lot of work ahead of them. Going onto the landing pad, he allows his holo to take over from here, it appearing next to his now resting form.- Alright, we'll have to work our way down.

Buzzsaw: Cool. *Hops off to find a nicely hidden perch before running a quick scan of the roof top.*

Buzzsaw: I think there's a door to the stairs on that far side... *Gestures with a wing.*

Blackout: -Gazes in that direction and spots the entrance, heading on over to give it a test. Unsurprisingly, it's open, and so they're in! Too easy? Perhaps! But perhaps not. Maybe luck is actually on their side.-

Buzzsaw: *Safely hidden from sight, Buzz takes this opportunity to 'surprise' his fellow 'con by projecting his holo -an impish, thin man (re: Allan Cummings) wearing a kilt- right in the open door way.* Hiya, big guy!

Blackout: -He jumps slightly, startled, and nearly slams the doors in the holo's face in retaliation for the surprise, but he keeps a firm grip on it and refrains from flattening the image.- I know it is difficult for you to be serious for once, but do try and keep from doing that. It could be hazardous to your continued existence if you don't. -Snaps. Oh, and nice kilt by the way. Real fetching.-

Buzzsaw: *Sighing.* I suppose I'll try... Though you really oughta lighten up, Black. *Smirking, he begins to sneak down the stairs.*

Buzzsaw: ::Hey, big guy. You gotta cover story for us being here?::

Blackout: It's Blackout. -He corrects automatically, though by this point he wonders why he even tries these days. Seems everyone does it (though at least it wasn't Blackie this time).- ::I do not care, just make something up! We are visiting your sick grandmother for all it is worth.::

Buzzsaw: *Grinning like a maniac at the way the 'copter has very neatly set himself up for trouble...* Very well, Black. *He opens a door on the ground floor, checks to make sure the coast is clear, then drags Blackout into the hall.*

Blackout: -Grunts at the treatment, more annoyed than anything.- And keep an eye out for anything with wheels, not just wheelchairs. -He finds it a bit odd that no one seems to be frequenting this place, but that can be in their favor.-

Buzzsaw: *Cheerily salutes and goes into the nearest room.* Oooo, jack-pot! Blackout, come 'ere!

Blackout: -Checking Primus, wheelchairs everywhere. They are rolled into rows and some even stacked neatly, all glowing with a holy light.- Indeed. Now, how to dispose of them... -Fire always works, but that might draw unnecessary attention. Alas!- Maybe throwing them out a window will ruin them...

Buzzsaw: *Skips inside and takes hold of one, eyeing it carefully.* Let's see... I'd say fifty for the first column...

Blackout: -He tugs on one, it relatively light. A normal human would have trouble doing much to the metal components, but...well.- And many more in the others. -Notes aloud, eyeing the rest.-

Buzzsaw: *He picks the chair he was looking at up and breaks the wheels off.*

Blackout: -Is hardly that lenient, and goes about tearing his right down the middle. Carelessly, he tosses the two halves in a corner, and proceeds to do that to the rest of them, sometimes crushing the wheels before doing so.- I think it goes without saying that nothing should be left behind.

Buzzsaw: *Aghast.* But-but...I need them!

Blackout: For what, exactly? -Eyes him suspiciously.-

Buzzsaw: You know how Megatron said Chip needs to have a learning experience...

Blackout: Yes, I heard. What does that have to do with anything?

Buzzsaw: *Evil smile.* Well, my dear Blackie, I feel that we need to take this opportunity to turn the fleshling's indiscretion into an object lesson on why it isn't wise to incur the wrath of Lord Megatron...

Buzzsaw: A very large and very public object lesson!

Blackout: -For once, he lets the nickname slide.- Have I told you lately that I oh-so enjoy the way you think?

Buzzsaw: Oooo, you sweet talker, you! *Coy.*

Buzzsaw: *Pecks him on the cheek then steps out of the room for a moment.*

Blackout: -TWITCHES.-

Buzzsaw: *Comes barreling back into the storage room with laundry cart.* Here! We shall pile the scrap in this and transport up to the roof!

Blackout: -By the time that lowliving, sneaky, disgusting creature returns, Blackout has recovered enough to have all murderous thoughts remain as just that, though when he tosses in the annihilated pieces he might have aimed for Buzzsaw. Might.- You are fortunate that I am equipped to carry such heavy loads.

Buzzsaw: *Too giddy to speak as he joins in and piles the cart dangerously high.* I think that's about all of these... Shall we take this load up and come back for more, Blackie Boo?

Blackout: -That crunching noise just now is the sound of his teeth grinding, fyi.- It's Blackout, and I suppose so. -The wheelchairs are wobbling rather terribly and certainly higher than the both of them, so it couldn't hurt.-

Buzzsaw: *Skips in front of the cart as they go towards the nearest elevator...only to stop short when he sees two young female nurses coming down the hall.* Oh slag...

Blackout: ... -Protocol dictates to act natural and blend in, which is difficult to do when they are hardly dressed appropriately. Hiding would be the next best bet, but it's not like they can just...disappear... There is a distinct POP as his holo vanishes into thin air, but not before one of the nurses sees and begins to panic.-

Buzzsaw: Uh... *He stammers for a moment, then an idea strikes him. Putting on his sweetest smile, he approaches the two women.* Why, good day to you, dears! I hope you do pardon us for not calling first, but we're on a very tight schedule here... *They stare and one of them starts to speak but he cuts her off.* ...Didn't your supervisor tell you we were coming today?

Blackout: -Doesn't say anything, considering he suddenly appears behind them while Buzzsaw is used as a distraction; his hands clamping down on a pressure point along their necks once he is close enough. They crumble to his feet, Blackout following their descent with idle curiosity.- Hm...I did not think that actually worked.

Buzzsaw: *Stares at the bodies.*

Blackout: -Stares at them a moment longer, then up at Buzzsaw.-

Buzzsaw: You seriously did not just do that... *Deadpan.*

Blackout: It worked, did it not? -Just as neutral in tone.-

Buzzsaw: Effective, yes, but it's a temporary fix... *Drags the bodies into a bathroom.* What are we to do if more fleshies come across us? It's gonna be hard hiding all the corpses, you know?

Blackout: They are not dead. -He cares to emphasize.- Lord Megatron has explicitly made it clear that there is to be no killing, as much as I despise the matter. I just...temporarily got them out of the way. No harm done. -Well, hopefully, not like he knows for sure what the affect of what he did really is. But hey, they were still breathing, so no problem!-

Buzzsaw: That isn't the point. *Growling as he pulls the cart into the elevator.* We could've used them to legitimatize our presence here.

Blackout: The less that know the better, at anyrate. -Unfazed by the other's irate words, and joins him on the elevator.-

Buzzsaw: *Pushes the number to get to the topmost floor, then turns a glare at Blackout.* You do realize that, with just a little finesse, we could've convinced the meatsacks that we were doing, project, right?

Blackout: Too much work. -Quick, plain, and simple~- Now stop your whining. We are getting everything we need, so there is nothing to worry about.

Buzzsaw: *Grumbles, but accepts it as the elevator doors open and he wheels the cart out.*

Blackout: -Helps to push it back out and over to his helicopter form to begin layering everything neatly inside. They are probably going to need as much room as possible. While they do this he goes about accessing the hospitals databanks to try and find out who might already be in possession of a wheelchair. To say the's going to be a long night.-

Buzzsaw: *Cheerful as he contemplates exactly were each little bit he loads in will go making a very precise & compact stack towards the front of Blackout's hold.* Oh, this is gonna be marvelous!

Blackout: -Merely shaking his head, he loads the last piece in.- We will have to traverse down to about the third floor. That is where the residence areas reside, and where checked out wheelchairs will be. It will be harder to avoid the humans from here on out.

Buzzsaw: *Nods.* Don't worry, mon' ami! I have a plan! *Chipper as ever, he skips down the stairs.*

Blackout: ...not going to even ask. -Murmurs to himself, and resigns himself to just trailing after the happy-go-lucky cassette.-

Buzzsaw: *Prancing, he lets Blackout catch up and they approach the nurses station.* Just follow my lead...

Blackout: -Stares at him like he is insane.-

Buzzsaw: *Smiles boldly as he leaps upon the counter.* ATTENTION! WE ARE THE ROLLING CHAIR LIBERATION SOCIETY, COME TO--eh-- LIBERATE THE ROLLERS! HAND THEM OVER, OR WE SHALL SET YOU UP THE BOMB! *Raises his hand, holo projecting a remote detonator.*

Blackout: -Very, very slowly, he lifts a hand to cover his face. Never before has a facepalm felt more appropriate than in this moment.- Buzzsaw, you... -Why yes, that burly nurse does not look amused, though very terrified. GOOD JOB.-

Buzzsaw: *Doing a damn good job of looking batslag crazy, Buzz pulls off a mad cackle.* DARE YOU TEMPT ME TO USE THIS?! *Waves the 'remote' threateningly.* GIVE US YOUR WHEELED DEVICES AND NO ONE NEED GET HURT, COMPRENDE?

Blackout: -Is not here is not here is not here is not here isnothereisnothere does not know this person, stop looking at him like that. Was just innocently strolling along, minding his own business, trying to be a responsible adult/citizen when this crazy person appeared out of nowhere.- ::And you thought I was being irresponsible!:: those people bringing them wheelchairs? And...carts? Huh.-

Buzzsaw: ::Behold! The power of persuasion!:: *Grins and in a much calmer, though still creepy, voice.* Excellent! Now, take them to the roof, that we may free them from their pain!

Blackout: -Yeah, he doesn't have anything to say to that. If you can't beat them, join them, right? So he watches as everything is taken away to be presented upstairs, his palm still planted firmly on his face but fingers parted for him to see.- ::Very well, I can buy this idea of yours, except how, exactly, are we supposed to get out of here?::

Buzzsaw: *Hopping down and putting his arm about Blackout's waist.* ::You are a helicopter, you know!::

Blackout: ::When, not if, this gets out to the public, I will entirely be blaming you.:: -States curtly, giving the arm around him a distinct look of distaste before letting his holo pop entirely out of existence (at least the other got to KEEP his arm?). Everything they needed has been loaded up in his flying form, so it is time for them to leave.-

Buzzsaw: ::Oh, you're no fun!:: *Popping out of holo as well and takes to wing.*

Blackout: ::I consider myself a realist, not an entertainer.:: -Heads towards their next target, the old folk's home, which is second to the right, and straight on till morning. Well, if they had that kind of time. For them they make it up in a couple minutes.-

Buzzsaw: *Circling like the Angel of Death as he runs a scan on the database and does a fly-by.* ::JOY!::

Blackout: ::Now behave yourself.:: -Warns, landing a bit outside of the parameter, since his form is far too heavy to rest on top of the one story complex.-

Buzzsaw: *Landing right on the roof to spy on the humans.* ::Whoa! Look them!:: *Sends a feed of several old folks wandering around the courtyard.* ::These meatsacks look like they need a fluid upgrade! Look how flabby they are!::

Blackout: -Idly accepts the feed, observing what the other sees.- ::I am not surprised. With how they maintain themselves it is only a matter of time.:: -Activating his holo, he approaches the front doors.-

Buzzsaw: *Goes holo and joins Blackout at the door.* ::Lemme handle this. I'm on a roll!::

Blackout: NO! -Resorts to saying it to him outside the comm, turning to give him a dark look.- You have already caused me enough grief. This time, I will determine our course of action. -Still giving the cassette's holo a warning glare, he pushes open the door to behold...a room full of bingo playing, prune eating gaggle of elderly women. They all pause as one and turn to stare at the male newcomers.- ...

Buzzsaw: *Gives them a coy, boyishly mischievous smile.* G'day, ladies.

Blackout: :Don't. Encourage. Them.:: -He remains stock still, as if afraid that moving shall provoke their wrath, which would obviously be laden with much cane whacking if the presence of the wooden tools is any indication. He manages to overhear one of them whispering to another about strippers, but he tries to pretend he didn't hear that.-

Buzzsaw: ::Shut up and let me work my magic, Black.:: *Warmly to the lil' old ladies.* We're sorry to interrupt, but me and my companion here have come today on behalf of the Disabled Veterans Association to collect wheelchairs for the vets. If any of you dear, sweet ladies would care to donate to our cause, we would be more than thankful to you. *Cheeky winking.*

Blackout: ::...that is both sickening and spectacular at the same time.:: -As if truly by magic, anyone and everyone with a wheelchair gives them up willingly, a couple miraculously regaining their ability to walk in the process. Choruses of halleluiah break out. There are tears and cries of joy. So on, so forth, Blackout doesn't care, he just wants the seats with wheels on them. What he can do without is the woman who gives him a non-too-gentle...ahem, pass as she hands over her wheelchair.-

Buzzsaw: *Gleefully indulges in the...affection, even going so far as to give each lady a kiss on the hand and cheek as they give over them the wheels. As he and Blackout leave to load up their gains, Buzzsaw grins at him.* ::Who's your daddy, rotor boy?::

Blackout: ::So full of yourself.:: -Though his tone does take on a rather impressed tone, all considering.-

Buzzsaw: ::If you got it...:: *Gestures as if his behind is smoking hot.* ::Where to next, big guy?::

Blackout: ::Lord Megatron did say to get rid of all wheeled be safe, we should probably check out any retail stores that may provide such things. The closest thing to the range he mentioned is a chain of big name stores just a bit south east of here.::

Buzzsaw: ::Shall I fly ahead and get some recon?::

Blackout: ::Yes, proceed. I will cover things here.:: -They had almost been finished loading everything into his alt form, anyway, so there was not much left to do.-

Buzzsaw: ::Yes, sir!:: *Salutes then pops out of holo.* ::I'll make sure to send word back if there's anything interesting, Black.::

Buzzsaw: *Quickly takes to the air and heads toward the shopping center. He circles around it for a few moments before finally landing on the largest building-a squat, sprawling structure that proclaimed itself as "Wal-Mart"* ::This looks promising...::

Buzzsaw: *He hacks into the security system, watching the silly monkeys as they go about their petty lives.* ::Oh, Blackie...::

Blackout: ::What did you find?:: -Is now enroute and following the other's signal.-

Buzzsaw: *Cooing happily, he sends Blackout a live feed: images of the entrance, with rows of shopping carts and then images of the parking lot full of even shopping carts!*

Buzzsaw: ::How's that, big boy?::

Blackout: ::...humans are entirely too lazy.:: -Notes absently.- ::But good work.:: -Mentally, he wonders if he actually has enough room for all they are finding. Landing behind the store, his holo pops up at the front of the store.-

Buzzsaw: ::Amen to that!:: *Still on the roof, watching as Blackout's holo appears at the doors.* ::Say, big guy? You gotta plan on how to get all those carts out?::

Blackout: Hm... -He looks around, eyeing all the carts lined up. Even if they kept them stacked like that and pushed it would take more effort than necessary.- ::Maybe melting them down or breaking them could work...::

Buzzsaw: ::...wait!:: *Hopping across the rooftop, he looks down at the back of the store, catching sight of a large truck being unloaded...*

Buzzsaw: ::I've gotta better plan, mon rotorary!::

Blackout: ::Where do you keep coming up with these atrocious nick names?:: -Scoffs, though his intrigued tone gives him away.-

Buzzsaw: ::It's a gift, oh beauteous blender bot! And I'll see you shortly, so get ready...::

Buzzsaw: *Turning up his engines, he begins to put out a faint hum that subtlety frightens the human workers, then suddenly swoops down, cawing and shrieking as if he's gonna eat them.*

Blackout: ::Get ready for what?:: -Demands, remaining where he stands and watching his movements, eating the proverbial popcorn as the meatsacks start panicking. If one thing can be said about Buzzsaw, it's that working with him is never dull.-

Buzzsaw: *Finally satisfied that the coast is clear, he circles a few more time before landing and hiding himself a short distance away. He quickly goes holo, appearing right beside Blackout and practically bouncing with glee.*

Buzzsaw: Hurry up, Black, and help me get these to the back of the store!

Buzzsaw: *He grabs a line of carts and barrels through the store.*

Blackout: -Shaking his head (at both the prospect of more manual labor and at the other's antics) he moves over to assist, his holo's superior strength coming in handy right about now as he pushes two long rows at a time.-

Buzzsaw: *After frantically clearing out the truck's trailer, he begins breaking the carts down and loading them into it neatly...all the while giggling madly.*

Blackout: -Steps down on a few, crumpling them.- Did you see anything else while you were scoping things out? I highly doubt this is it, it's too convenient.

Buzzsaw: *Giggly.* Some devices the monkeys use to transport their spawn, but I don't think Moonracer could fit Chip in one of those...without snapping both his legs off first, that is...

Buzzsaw: But I did find this! *Holds out a box containing a toy version of Blackout.*

Blackout: ...your attempts at aggravating me are rapidly succeeding. -Tries to snatch the toy out of the other's grasp. >\-

Buzzsaw: *Puppy eyes.* But it's a really good facsimile. And it's even got a little Scorponok!

Blackout: -Looks a tad stricken.- They know of him? -Grabbing it, he eyes the plastic replica.- This...looks nothing like me.

Buzzsaw: *Grinning.* You're right...the colors off. But that's not the only one I saw.

Buzzsaw: Seems there's also ones of Starscream, Prime, that little yellow slagger... even one of Lord Megatron HIMSELF.

Blackout: ..........

Blackout: One of...Lord Megatron?

Buzzsaw: *Nods.* Here, look. *Hands him another box, this one containing a toy of Megatron.*

Blackout: -REACHES FOR IT MINE. A bit more calmly, he eyes it over critically.- Some of the details are off...and the scale is terrible... -Not letting it go, though, if you care to notice.-

Buzzsaw: *Smirks at Blackout's possessiveness, then goes back to work.* Save the fangirling for later, Blackie, and go get me some more carts!

Blackout: I am not 'fangirling', just stating fact! -He snaps automatically, perhaps a tad too quickly, and...uh...tucks the toy away for safe keeping and further observation later.-

Buzzsaw: Suuuuuuure you were... *Still smirking, he goes back to grab more carts...and a few other small odds and ends along the way...*

Blackout: -Heads inside this time, noticing a whole new set of well as people walking around with them. Cracking his knuckles, he gets to work.-

Buzzsaw: *After loading up his batch of carts (and his other finds!), he goes back out to gather some more when he notices an old lady in a walker...with little tiny wheels on the front...* ...hmmm...

Blackout: -Five minutes and twenty seconds later the store is in utter chaos. People are running around, there's the sound of massive shelves falling over, oh, and little children? Crying.-

Buzzsaw: *Enjoying the chaos, he idly notices that the walker lady isn't much affected by seeing a large, terrifying man grabbing carts and other wheeled things (and, oddly, any toys of a certain evil robot...).*

Blackout: Well, do not just stand there, be useful! -Tosses him some of his acquired goods, such as some carts and red, children's wagons, miraculously missing the slow, older woman.-

Buzzsaw: But look at this meatsack! She's...she's acting like this is normal... *Mock shock.*

Buzzsaw: *Approaches the lil' old woman, who is shuffling along at a comically slow pace.*

Blackout: -Wrenches a cart from someone else, adding it to their growing pile, and begins engaging a worker who thought it wise to take him on with only a broom.- Do not tell me you are frightened of her. Stop observing the thing and just take the goods. -Takes the broom from the man and whaps him 'gently' across the head in warning.-

Buzzsaw: *Waves a hand in front of the woman's face, noting the ridiculously thick glasses and old fashioned audio aid in her ear.* Hey, is there anyone home?!

Blackout: -Is surrounded, but hardly looks fazed. One WalMart worker charges him, but he easily flips him over into another one, where they remain laying down. A woman foolishly tries and charges him with a battering ram of carts, but it only ends up aiding his goal...-

Buzzsaw: *After getting no response, he shrugs and goes over to Blackout.* Humans are strange... *Whamps a young punk who tries to sneak up on his fellow 'con.*

Buzzsaw: Looks like you're doing well... *Awe.*

Blackout: -Grabbing an assaulter by the arm as he throws a punch, he twists it around and pushes against the other's back, sending him careening into another group of workers.- Of course. Can you tell how many carts we are missing?

Buzzsaw: None... in fact, looks like we've got all the wheels here except... *Glances over at the lil' old lady.*

Blackout: -Follows his gaze, spotting the little old woman.- And you did not bother to retrieve it...tch. Must I do everything myself? -Tripping the last attacker onto his mound of humans, he moves to the older woman.-

Buzzsaw: *Watches as the larger 'con goes over to her, looming like doom above the bent, seemingly fragile creature.*

Blackout: -It doesn't take long for him to catch up with her, though even as he comes up alongside her, she continues to keep walking...just...walking. Always walking...odd.-

Buzzsaw: ...mmmm...

Buzzsaw: --Mayhem sense...tingling!--

Blackout: -This is the last they need, so gently tries and disengage the two...then danger strikes. In a sudden flurry of foreign cursing and walker bashing madness the old woman strikes.-

Buzzsaw: *Watches on, grinning at the distress of his comrade.*

Buzzsaw: ::What's the matter, big guy? Is she too much to handle?::

Blackout: ::She's- OW. This is harder than it looks!:: -Trying to be more firm, he grabs the device and tries to hold it still, but she only ends up kicking him, which defies all logic!-

Buzzsaw: *Watches for a few moments, then calmly goes over to the woman and, speaking her tongue flawlessly, lays on the charm. At first, she's stubborn in her refusal, but then succumbs to his roguish charms.*

Buzzsaw: *Turning to Black, smiling as he folds up the walker.* Shall I bring the truck up for you?

Blackout: as you will. -Frowns, looking a bit put out as the old woman saunters off, eyeing Buzzsaw almost dreamily.-

Buzzsaw: *Notices the look on the 'copter's face, but says nothing about it. Instead he goes back to the truck, adds his latest prize to the pile in the truck cab, and pulls up right in front of the store so they can finish loading the rest.*

Buzzsaw: Hurry up! Lord Megatron is waiting for us! And some of us have 'plans', you know...

Blackout: -Mutters something about a 'little whelp', but does get to packing everything. Placing the last wheeled object inside he senses someone sneaking up on him and, without bothering to even look, knocks them out with a direct punch in the nose. That settled, he shuts the back of the truck.- ::Finished here.::

Buzzsaw: ::Affirmative!:: *Popping of holo, he comes swooping out of his hiding place and climbs into the trailer, just barely managing to squeeze himself inside before going back to his holo.* I'll take the truck and we'll meet up at these coordinates... *Sends him them over the comm link.*

Blackout: ::Understood.:: -His holo goes out of existence entirely, the sounds of his rotors kicking on behind the building and into the sky audible.-

Buzzsaw: *Climbs into the cab and starts down the road, driving a bit like a maniac...then gets stopped by a traffic jam...*

Buzzsaw: ::SLAGGING FRAG...BELGUIM!:: *Glares death at the backed up cars.*

Buzzsaw: *Roadrage building, he's about to plow on through, when he suddenly glances over and sees a human family exiting a nearby store...with a two-wheeled device...* ::Oooooooooo...! Looks like we missed some!::

Blackout: ::Then by all means, get it.:: -Has no trouble snapping. He does spot the store the other is looking at, the one reading Toys R' Us. Musing for a moment, he adds- ::Alright, change of plans. I will meet you inside of there.::

Buzzsaw: ::Ten-four, Big Bird!:: *Turns sharply into the parking lot, careening through the parked cars and sending people running for their lives as he pulls up to the store front. Leaping out of the truck, he quite coldly steals the bicycle and tosses it into the trailer, making a little child cry...*

Blackout: -This time he is forced to land to the right of the building, but no matter. Like before, his holo appears, meeting up with the other.- I will cover the back portion; think you can handle here?

Buzzsaw: Very easily! *Following his fellow 'con inside, he proceeds to cheerily loot every item with wheels on it within well as a few other little things, like several Barbie dolls and a few cases worth of silly putty/ooze stuff...*

Buzzsaw: *Goes out to load up his loot, then comes in to find Blackout wrenching the axel off a scooter while a small female child stares at him in fascination.*

Blackout: -Said little girl watches for a bit longer, before deciding that what Blackout is doing is not morally right, and, using the wafflebat she had snatched earlier from a shelf, she waps him in the back of the legs. Now, the helicopter obviously did not take kindly to this, and in reprimand, he takes it roughly from her hands and throws it hard enough upwards to stick it in the ceiling. He says a couple choice words, which sends her away sobbing to her father, who does not look anymore amused than Blackout did.-

Blackout: -Confrontation tiiiiiime.-

Buzzsaw: *Sees the father, a large hulking mass of muscle wrapped in a olive drab "ARMY" shirt, come lumbering over to the 'con looking ready to break him in half. Buzzsaw grins to himself and, settling down on a child-sized chair, sits back to watch the fight.*

Blackout: :Do not think I do not see you there, cassette. You should still be gathering and moving things onto the truck.:: -Chastises, though quickly returns his attention to the human male. He's had...prior experience with the army, however, so he is not completely concerned.-

Buzzsaw: *Pouty face.* ::Oh, you're such a meanie, Big Bird..:: *Flounces off to find more wheeled things...and get into some mischief.*

Blackout: -Wistfully, he knows that this could be solved so easily with the other's demise, but since killing humans is out of the question...sigh. What he does for love! The soldier tries to yell Blackout into submission, which...ah, does not go over very well.-

Buzzsaw: *Hears the roaring as Army man verbally assaults Blackout, grinning madly. He has so far filled several shopping carts with snapped off wheels and an assortment of skateboards, roller skates, roller blades, and even a unicycle.*

Blackout: -And then his violent screams as Blackout wrestles him into submission fill the store, some especially indignant ones coming about as Blackout forces the man halfway through a shelf. Dusting off his hands, he calmly goes right back to work~-

Buzzsaw: ::Nice one, 'rotors!:: *Now riding the unicycle as he continues to pillage and plunder, adding a pile of Matchbox Cars to his growing collection of wheels.*

Blackout: -Waves the other off absently, resuming where he had last been wrecking havoc, despair and the ripping off of wheels. In retrospect, they probably could have purchased most of this, but where's the fun in that?-

Buzzsaw: *Laughing as he loots upon his new wheel, he rolls down an aisle and finds even more toys fashioned in the likenesses of the Cybertronians.*

Buzzsaw: Hey, Big Bird! *Grabs a box and throws it over the shelf to him.* Found you more Megatrons!

Blackout: -Starts, narrowly catching the toys as they rain death from above at him.- What...what does this have to do with anything?! -Insulted.- Enough fooling around, do you have everything or not? -Deviates from the subject of, ya know, the Megatron toy he throws into the pile of the rest of the things they are bringing back.-

Buzzsaw: I've got everything a growing mech needs! *Happy caw as he piles on the last wheeled thingie...and some more random toys, including one of 'screamer & Skyfire (though the box says "Jetfire")...*

Blackout: Good, then enough of this foolishness. We have done what we can, it is time to be heading back. -Hefting the last of his own haul on the now immensely large pile (with one remaining set of wagons at the bottom for easy transportation), he gives it a firm kick that sends the entire lot of it flying. Some goes through the retractable doors, while the rest...ah, makes an entrance through the glass windows. But whatever, he got it all out by the truck, didn't he?-

Buzzsaw: *Cackles at the destruction, wheeling out on his unicycle to load everything up. He does a check on the local radio frequencies, frowning in annoyance.* We better be quick, Big Bird! Seems the human authorities are on to us...

Blackout: Took them long enough. -The sound of sirens are growing in volume, so he makes quick work of all the goods and sets them up in the truck, slamming down the back door.- Best not to risk anything. -Orders are orders, so harming the humans (permanently) is out of the question. As his holo vanishes, his helicopter form appears, hovering over the truck. Cables are released and snap tightly around the vehicle, securing it for aerial transport.-

Buzzsaw: HOLY SLAG! *Popping out of holo, he braces himself inside the trailer as it shifts and lifts off the ground.*

Buzzsaw: ::Warn me next time!::

Blackout: -Chuckles.- ::And ruin the surprise? Never.::

Buzzsaw: *Growling, but with a smile, he cuts a small hole so he can get out of the trailer but not lose the plunder and takes to wing.* ::You're a real fun guy, Big Bird!::

Blackout: ::I have my moments.:: -Concedes. He flies a bit higher, increasing his speed, and easily leaves the police behind them.-

Buzzsaw: *Cackles and caws, doing barrel rolls and loop-de-loops around the 'copter, careful to stay just out of reach from the rotors.* ::I think Megatron will be most pleased with our haul, don't you agree?::

Blackout: ::...I certainly hope so.:: -Responds carefully, continuing on a set course straight for base. It will be a couple minutes before they arrive.- ::Where do you want this dropped off for sculpture?::

Buzzsaw: ::....hmm.:: *Ponders it for a moment, then smiles evilly.* :Drop it off in a nice, big clearing within walking distance of the base-for a human.::

Buzzsaw: ::I've got a plan for them...::

Blackout: ::Very well.:: -He changes course only slightly, aiming for such an area, and once overhead, he drops the truck to the ground. Making a second sweep, he opens his doors and tilts slightly, letting the rest of their cargo fall near the rest of it. Gives himself a slight 'shake' to be sure everything he wants out is out.- ::All yours, then.::

Buzzsaw: *Caws gleefully and swoops down upon the pile.* ::Much obliged, Big Bird! Much obliged.::

log, buzzsaw, blackout

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