Part I/IV

Jan 29, 2008 23:05

Warning(s): Uh...(: violence?

Blackout has been flying towards the coordinates he was given, the location a bit further out than he would have suspected, but it's still manageable. He doesn't travel that way the entire trip, however, instead landing a short distance from where he suspects Lockdown's ship to be stationed.

He is sure there are traps located all over the area, and since he is trying to be stealthy (as opposed to his prefer method of infiltration - barging in and annihilating whatever he can touch) he attempts to remain unnoticed for as long as possible.

As he approaches the outskirts of an abandoned city he reaches up a hand, touching some controls by his optics to manually switch over to check for any hidden surveillance or alarm systems lurking about.

As predicted, he spotted quite a few cameras and a couple pressure sensors littered about the area. Carefully, he goes about sidestepping or maneuvering around such things.

Now...which building could it be...?

It felt good to be the one in control of a situation again.

Lockdown chuckled and smirked darkly, watching through a missed surveillance camera as Blackout landed in his playground.

“Stealthy,” He murmured quietly to himself, his tone laced with a hint of self-approval.

“But not stealthy enough.”

An amused tsk of disapproval accompanied the end of his analyzation as he observed the Decepticon with a sense of growing anticipation.
It’d been such a long time since he last participated in a fight that had him as enthusiastic as this. He only hoped that Blackout met up to his expectations, and didn’t leave him with disappointment.

Lockdown smiled widely - and quite the unpleasant smile it was. He couldn’t wait to play with his new toys!

It seemed that now would be a good time to greet his guest - it was, after all, improper of a host to keep them waiting.

As he passes the various downtrodden, brick and wooden buildings he appears to idly trail a finger along the larger ones until...

Chink scraaape.

He smirks, the sound of metal-on-metal grating signifying that he had found Lockdown's base. Assuming it is his spacecraft, then there has to be a hidden entrance along this level. Or perhaps up above on the roof? One of these 'broken', jutting parts must connect to the command center...

And he assumed right - as Blackout was getting warmed to discovering the entrance to his ship.

Lockdown silently lurked about the inside of it - waiting in the dark for his prey to enter. He looked over his equipment again - the hook, the emp, and the chainsaw…which, had, quite the upgrade recently. It was the toy that he longed to use the most - the one that he received from The Fallen himself. The process he went through to get it was, of course, a tad bit painful - but it proved to be worth it.

He wondered if Blackout liked fire.

Purposely looking for any blank or 'solid' walls along the way of his exploration, he comes across a large one in the back. A couple of light tapping leads him to a hollow spot, which he suspects can only be the door. Upon finding the controls for it close by, he hacks in, wanting the access so as not to try and continue being undercover.

As the door silently slides open he remains to the side, his EMP weapon coming online at the same time.

He waits but a moment, wanting to make sure nothing either on the outside or inside is prone to attack or give away his position...before he starts easing slowly inside.

The space seems harmless, almost dead and empty, which only sets Blackout more on edge. His scanning capabilities are set as high as he can afford to make them and he sticks closely to the walls as he traverses the ship.

In the silence he suddenly catches the sound something whirring and he turns, gun aimed at a corner.

A red light blinks almost mockingly at him, as if saying, "HAH HAH. You've been caught on candid camera!"

Sneering, he fires off a shot, obliterating the device.

Well, so much for his presence being a surprise...

But his still was.

Lockdown could feel himself grinning widely as he heard the sound of a gunshot fired.

His opponent definitely failed at being stealthy, but imagining his frustration was enough to leave him amused about this fact. A trap or three that’d been laid out just for him most likely would end up going off before they encountered one another, he predicted. It was a good thing that Lockdown didn’t want the Decepticon dead - since he assumed that with this to make an assessment by offlining the Con wouldn’t take too much effort.

And as a nice welcoming gift - Lockdown had his EMP pointed out at the door and ready to be fired.

He wondered how long it’d take for him to get here.

Now, should he continue to be silent or should he go about blasting the place until the other appeared? His cover has obviously been blown, so there's no need to skulk about like some rodent...but this is only 'play', so it would be unkind of him to blow holes in Lockdown's ship...

Shrugging, he continues along, kicking open doors as he comes along them, keeping his weapon out in front of him as he does so. He has to run across him sometime, this ship isn't endless.

"Come out, come out wherever you are..."

And if he had tried to damage his ship - Lockdown would’ve taken much glee in torturing Blackout until he gave in and agreed to fix it. His ship was his only companion [he’d done so much torturing in it], and the only place that he’d willingly call a home considering how long he owned it.

Honestly, his ship was his most precious possession, and only a fool would dare try to vandalize it.

So far he's convinced he's had it easy...too easy. No attempts at communications, slack security and just being allowed to wander this ship to his sparks content? Not exactly what he was expecting, and certainly rather dull so far.

Scowling, he eyes the last door at the end of the hall. If Lockdown isn't there, he will be sorely disappointed. Unenthused, he opens it.

And Lockdown hoped that Blackout enjoyed being stuck to a wall - because that was how he was about to be in a minute due to the heavy magnetic pull it was laced with. Add in some electric shocks upon being pinned to it powered up by quite the painful volts, and he was in for a very shocking time.

You know what they say about thinking you've got it easy in enemy territory - don't.

O HAY THAR LOCKDOWN. Grinning, he manages to get in one clean shot before shiiiink thunk he finds himself suddenly yanked off his feet - literally - and roughly slapped onto a wall.


He knew he should have equipped himself with his demagnetization kit. Figures the one time he leaves it at home is the one time he'll need it most.

And aren't these things supposed to have-


Ah, there are the high-powered shocks.

And Blackout wasn't the only one impressed.

He hadn't expected the other to even be able to get one shot in before the trap was set off, but yet he somehow managed it. He didn't even get the chance to greet the Con with a shot to the face.

Lockdown relocated himself to the far back of the room after he was fired upon, looking on with a clearly amused and pleased expression on his face. He made for a sarcastic round of applause as he stalked over toward his prey, still pinned against the wall.

"Having fun, Con?" Lockdown quipped, tone coming off as cheerfully sarcastic as he ran the tip of his hook under his chin.

"It's not often that I invite anybody over to play, you know, and I've got to say that I'm impressed. It's been eons since anyone's managed to get a shot on me."

That was a bit of a lie - but Lockdown didn't necessarily count The Fallen.

Despite his...vulnerable position, Blackout manages a grin, still finding it within himself to be smug and confident. He even goes so far as to lean into the other's touch. The helicopter isn't quite out of the running yet, seeing as the party has just started.

"Oodles, really," he manages to purr, "Save for the fact that I am far from finished with getting in just 'a shot'."

Once he's finished saying that his chest opens to reveal his cannon - locked, loaded, and firing. SAY HELLO TO HIS LITTLE FRIEND.

Startled by the sudden fire, Lockdown jumped back over to the side to dodge the array of bullets heading his way, though not before he was grazed by more than just a few of them.

“That’s twice,” Lockdown pointed out with an unpleasant grin, enduring the pain.

“Let’s see if you can keep it up.”

He made a grab for a long whip located in their area, and struck Blackout with it. Hard.

It strikes him square in the face, cutting a deep welt across one cheek and then all the way over to the opposite temple. Some energon begins to seep out of the wound and trail thin rivulets down his face, but if any of this bothers him...Blackout doesn't seem to show it.

Slowly, he turns his head back around to face the other; letting a glossa flick out to catch some of the life-force as it drips down that far.

"Perhaps a third time will be the charm?"

Oh, he likes this Decepticon.

Lockdown let his own grin show, optics gleaming with amusement and enthusiasm as he held the whip in his hand. It might not be the thrill he felt when he hunted, but he still felt a thrill, alright, and it had him quite excited. The cannon Blackout had set him on the edge, and that was all that kept him from moving in too close.

He kept a wary optic on it, though, as he went for another strike in the face.

For now, he just takes the strike, it slashing horizontally across his face and scarring it once again. The wounds sting, but with a pain tolerance like Blackout's they barely wrangle a growl from him.

Besides, his mind lingers on more important ventures...such as escaping.

Curiously, he tests the strength of the magnet, attempting to see how far he can lift his arms. Unfortunately for him, it's barely a couple of inches. But maybe...

He was pleased to see that the other wasn't fighting back, and holding his whip by his side, the Bounty Hunter walked over to Blackout with an unpleasant smile on his face. He basically had the Decepticon right wherever he could do whatever he wanted - up against a wall, magnetically strapped to it.

"You might've gotten the best of me twice so far, but I wouldn't get too cocky if I were you." Lockdown advised, once again running his hook underneath Blackout's chin with a leer.

"You're still the one pinned against the wall, remember?" Lockdown let his hook trail along Blackout's chest plate after the whispered reminder, his chainsaw-arm holding onto the whip with a tight grip.

His engine gives a soft sputter and a whine at his touch, and with the hook still against his armor he presses forward, making sure to softly croon right back with,

"I'm not being cocky. I'm just confident in your utter, inevitable defeat."

The power he had been conserving till now suddenly explodes, his EMP weapon letting loose with a concentrated blast that is intended more at the magnetic slab he's stationed on than at Lockdown himself. When the thing shatters he swings his arm around, clocking the hunter right in the jaw.

That, my friend, is what we call 'payback'.


As he failed to avoid the punch and dodge it, Lockdown winced in slight pain as it hit at the intended spot. Lockdown stumbled backwards, but he managed to regain control of his balance before he fell and made contact with the floor. He had not been expecting a move like that - and he had to give the Deception credit for being able to think with his head so quickly. Impressive, indeed.

Once his balance was regained, Lockdown stood in a defensive position with his whip out once again.

“Three times,” He murmured softly - tone lacking anything that indicated whether or not he was upset.

“That makes it three times you’ve got the best me of, and you even managed to break free. Very, very impressive.”

By sheer strength alone he manages to wrench himself the rest of the way free, some tiny bits of still magnetized, broken parts clinging to him even as he trudges out of range of the slab.

"Why yes, I am impressive. Glad you noticed," he rolls his neck once, working out some kinks there, before locking optics with the other,

"And you are not bad yourself. Very...crafty."

Reaching behind, he dislodges his rotor blades and brings them around like a sword, intending to slice the other from head to toe.

“Those are some very fine looking blades,” Lockdown complimented in a purr with a thoughtful expression on his face.

“I think they’d go well with my trophy collection, don’t you?” And he’s mostly talking to himself here, since he doesn’t particularly care about Blackout’s opinion. He smiled, taking a step back further.

“But I think that we’re going to have to take a bit of a break here, now.” Lockdown said with a tone of mock-disappointment.

“I’ve got a lot more fun planned for you, Blackout, and we can’t exactly do it all in this mangily little old room, you know?” His hook-arm reached out and he flipped a securely hidden lever.

The switch, well...

“Do hope that you have a nice fall. You might’ve had it easy now, but I’d be quite on the edge for the rest of your time in my ship if I were you.”

Oh, wow, where'd that hole come from all of a sudden? He tries to skid to a stop, but with his heavier bulk stopping is not exactly an option once he gets going. In the end he slides right into it, hands grappling at the edges but he can't catch himself.

So down he goes, cursing in multiple languages, all while trying to reattach his rotors and fly out. But he quickly discovers that the space is too tight for that, anyway.

With a loud clatter he collapses wherever the bottom lies...on things he does not want to consider.

And up above he’d hear the sound of the Bounty Hunter’s laughter as he triumphed over his success. With a smugly satisfied smirk on his face, Lockdown swiftly turned around and headed out of the room.

He loved this game - and he really couldn’t wait to try out his new toy.

log, lockdown, blackout

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