Log! Moonracer and Galvatron playtime!

Jan 29, 2008 22:16

Moonracer is happily on her way back to base when UH OH BIG BAD GALVATRON WANTS TO PLAY. Naturally, she breaks him. FIND OUT HOW HERE:

Moonracer (8:24:57 PM): *she was happily driving back, ready to see her friends for a few days. She was kicking up dust as she moved through the desert, happy as a lark!*

Galvatron (8:27:24 PM): *Has discovered the main road used by the majority of the base. He's more there out of anything better to do, though the prospect of catching another fool off guard is enticing. Notices a vehicle approaching from several miles away and rises. What do we have here?*

Moonracer (8:28:46 PM): *Oooh, a nice oblivious, happy little femme rolling happily towards the base! She's giggling and laughing and singing, looking forward to seeing Nightbird, and Convoy, and Crusher, all of her buddies!*

Galvatron (9:03:45 PM): *Runs a scan after picking up the distinctive signal. Cybertronian. The question is Autobot or Decepticon...He transforms and takes a short flight towards the vehicle. However, instead of doing a fly by, he lands in front of it, reverting back to mech mode. Guns come online and power up.*

Moonracer (9:04:39 PM): *beep beep beep goes her radar, hmm what was that? Her question was answered as something landed in front of her and she squealed, slammed on her brakes and transforming quickly to meet whatever that was.* Um...hi?

Galvatron (9:06:13 PM): *The large mech regards her for an instant, then his voice snarls* Autobot *and he opens fire*

Moonracer (9:07:06 PM): .....*she hit the floor as he fired on her, giving a squeak as she's hit with bullets. She pulls out her sleek silver gun and roooollls out of the way, spinning and firing at him, aiming for his optics.*

Galvatron (9:10:29 PM): *He's keen to that trick now and puts an arm up, letting the blasts hit him in the arm. It takes a few moments, but the armor starts to regenerate where damaged. His hand drops and he grins at the femme. This is going to be fun.*

Moonracer (9:11:39 PM): *..... slag . NOW WHAT. She took on look at his grin and bolted towards the barrier, making a wide angle around him.*

Galvatron (9:19:35 PM): I don't think so! *He makes a leap for her, grabbing her by the arm and yanking her back. His grip is crushing, locked around her elbow as he snarls at the femme.*

Moonracer (9:20:13 PM): *she almost panicks here, turning her gun to pepper him with bullets, adn she feels metal crumpling on her arm. Ow. Ow. Ow.*

Galvatron (9:25:04 PM): *Holds fast to her, but trips as he's sprayed with bullets. His grip loosens as he falls to the ground, dragging her with him. There's the sound of metal smashing together as they land, his weight bouncing off of hers with the impact.*

Moonracer (9:26:59 PM): *she groooooans as they hit the ground, feeling more of her armor crumple and give as his weight crushes on her. She's trying to scamper away now, crawling quickly, though he still has a grip on her. An idea is formulating in her mind though...*

Galvatron (9:32:03 PM): *He's dazed for a moment, then snarls loudly, wrenching her back as she tries to squirm away. Optics flicker with anger, and there's a brief moment he lets go, making a grab for her throat. Her pretty little head will look nice outside the base, he thinks.*

Moonracer (9:32:54 PM): *she gives an oof as she's flung back, and as he lets go, she lunges at him, wrapping her arms aroung him in a BIG HUG.* ALL YOU REALLY NEEDS IS A FRIEND!

Galvatron (9:36:02 PM): ...

Galvatron (9:36:05 PM): .......

Galvatron (9:36:15 PM): ............ D < !

Galvatron (9:36:44 PM): *SHOVES her away* What the SLAG are you doing?

Moonracer (9:37:18 PM): *giggles at him, oh let this work let this work.* You seem so lonely and mean I figured all you needed was a BIG HUG! *another huuuuug!*

Galvatron (9:40:45 PM): *Makes a gargling noise and goes ridgid.*

Galvatron (9:40:49 PM): DGalvatron (9:42:05 PM): *Then grabs her, hefting her over his head and tossing her away. Howls with rage, cannons coming online and starts firing randome, unaimed shots in her general direction.* DO. NOT. TOUCH. ME!

Moonracer (9:44:29 PM): *she curls up as she slams into the ground and rolls. His shots were unaimed, but she received a few nasty hits. Her plan had sort of worked though, he'd thrown her towards the barrier, and she got to her feet and took off towards the barrier, throwing an arm behind her and letting loose a spray of aimed shots at him. It might not do any lasting damage, but she was a damn good shot anyhow!*

Galvatron (9:47:23 PM): *He's not even paying attention as he's hit. Too busying screaming with fury and putting crater size holes in the desert to care. Sand explodes, creating a smoke screen of sorts, but he still doesn't stop, not even when she disappears from his view entirely.

Moonracer (9:49:43 PM): *she flees back to the barried, throwing herself into it, thrilled that her plan worked out the way it had. She was covered in bullet holes, but it was fixable. She limped into the base, ready to say hello to friends.*

Galvatron (9:51:15 PM): *Is still blowing the hell up out of the desert, even after she's long gone. Once he's finally spent, he shudders and heads for the nearest body of water to wash the hugging feeling off of himself. Autobots fight dirty...>/ *

(LJ-ify your IMs before pasting!)

The formatting is a tad messy because of some of the characters, but juts overlook it, nothing huge! :D

log, moonracer, galvatron

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