Ties that Bind

Jan 20, 2008 04:44

Bombshell: *On one of the smaller Greek islands, Bombshell is waiting on the slope of a hill near the shore. Beautiful light, gorgeous views, the sounds of tides crashing on the rocks... and he's tuning all of it out, focusing on the sensor reports of his airborne drones as he waits for a certain special someone to approach.*
Moonracer: *it had been difficult to get to the coordinates she'd gotten from him, but through trial and error, several mishaps at the airports, something about her not having a passport...either way! She had made it, and she was treading carefully down the roads, finally venturing off the path. She smiled happily to herself as she neared the location, refraining from gunning her engine to get there, instead, she checked to make sure no humans were around and transformed. She moved forward again, trying not to skip, but utterly failing.*
Bombshell: *As Kentucky reports in with the sight of her, Bombshell almost SPRINGS up from the hillside, with his beetle legs all flailing. He has to force himself back into a measured calmness, laying back against the scraggly grass and putting his hands behind his head to take on all the seeming casualness in the world*
Moonracer: *she finally saw him as she neared, and she squealed, there was no sense of 'cool' or 'calm' about her. She was an all out mess of excitement, and she ran towards him, beaming happily, ignoring, (for now!) the beautiful scenery around them.*
Bombshell: *He gives just a casual wave of a beetle claw at first as she comes into view, but when she starts hurrying with that look on her face, there's no holding back a grin of his own. He transforms to weevil mode and launches himself toward her, flying into a tackling embrace*
Moonracer: *she squeaked as she flung her arms out and caught him, a mess of laughter and absolute happiness and smiles. She fell backwards, hugging him close to her, the whole time somehow managing to plant little happy kisses on him.*
Bombshell: *He snugs her right back, wrapping his limbs around her sides giving a tight squeeze for a moment before lapsing into unapologetic fondling and groping, feeling out all her contours and refreshing them in his memory* Moonracer...!
Moonracer: *she giggled and cooed at his fondling and happily pressed a kiss to the top of his head. Oooh, how happy she was to be here. Just seeing him, being around him, near him, made everything worth it.*
Bombshell: *Bombshell nuzzles into her, his proboscis rubbing up against her cheek, then begins a slow transformation - careful to keep his shifting plates from catching any part of her in them. When it's done, he settles his arms around her again, a warm smile on his robot face* How are you, pet?
Moonracer: she sighs happily and settles into his arms.* Oh, I'm amazing now that I'm here with you! *she began to check him over.* What about you? Are you okay? Have you been having fun?
Bombshell: *His carapace is looking to be in a considerably grimier state than when she last saw him; roughing it has been taking a slow toll on his personal cleanliness. Despite that, he buzzes in contentment* I've been well enough... plenty of amusing sights and tastes. I've even made some acquaintances to help with the loneliness.
Moonracer: *she beamed at him, though she did eye him in a bit of concern.* You made some friends? *she giggled, and poked at his chest, snuggling up against him.*
Bombshell: ...well. Friendly enough. *Meaning, anything but. That doesn't stop him from leaning over to nibble affectionately on her shoulder* And you? Been kept busy, I must assume.
Moonracer: *she nodded, though she looked kind of sad.* Yes. I tried. I mean, I really missed you! So it was hard to keep myself occupied.
Bombshell: I missed you too, you know... The time without makes me appreciate having you close all the more. *His head tilts back to hers, and he squeezes in closer to give her a firm kiss*
Moonracer: *she nodded, then purred her contentment at his kiss. Oh yes, she'd definitely missed that! She threw her arms around him, pulling him as close to her as possible, thrilled to her very core that she was with him, in such a lovely and wonderful place.*
Bombshell: *He has a little more reserve than her, but that doesn't stop him from chittering into her mouth as he takes in the taste of her again. His beetle legs drift to stroke over her arms*
Moonracer: *she couldn't help but grin at that. She gave him a snuggle and a huge hug, then peered at him curiously.* What all have you seen? Has it been absolutely amazing?
Bombshell: Scenery. Ruins of overwrought human architecture from ages past. A moussaka to die for. Nothing so amazing as you. *He darts in for another little impish peck, then tilts his neck to rub his cheekplate over hers* The standard of your company is a rather imposing benchmark..
Moonracer: *she nodded eagerly at his words, taking his hand and gripping it in hers.* Sounds like there is so much to see! *she beams, and nuzzles in a little closer.* It is? *she sounded pleased, happy, and relieved all at the same time.* I was -so- hoping I wouldn't intrude on your time away.
Bombshell: *chuckles at that, and his wings beat up into a lazy flutter* Your last visit was the highlight of my vacation. I want you with me, pet, so be quiet with the modesty before I open up your processors and rewrite it... *The playful tone he says it in really just makes it even creepier, but that doesn't stop him from snuggling in against her until their frames are scraping each other*
Moonracer: *she simply grinned at him, happy as a lark to be there with him.* Well. Then I will have to stay longer this time! *her statement hides the fact that it will probably be quite a bit longer, as Elita's probably pretty pissed off at her right now.*
Bombshell: Ooooh, is that a promise? *His beetle claws, in their roaming, have found their inevitable way to some of her transformation seams, and they rub along the thin crevices with a soothing slowness* I dearly hope it is.
Moonracer: It is! *she nodded fervently, shivering against his touch.* Just for you...*she grinned happily at him, at ease and calm. She glanced out to the sea, a small smile creeping onto her face.* It's so pretty...
Bombshell: Yes. It is. *Not that he bothers to even look out at it. His optics remain steady, watching her face with a steady, affectionate glow. A thought crosses his mind, however:* Are the renegade drones dealt with, that Elita let you visit?
Moonracer: *she didn't take her eyes off the sea, and she shifted uncomfortably.* So, um...have you found anything good out here to eat?
Bombshell: *...and that provokes a frown. Was that the first evasion he'd ever even HEARD from Moonracer?* Yes, some delectable souvlaki. *He snakes a hand forward to take hold of her chin and pull her gaze towards him, leaning his head in closer* What's wrong?
Moonracer: *she grinned at him, brightly.* Oooh, was it really good? We should go get some! *she's attempting to get up now, tugging at his hand, trying and failing miserably to avoid the question.*
Bombshell: *He leverages his weight to shove her back down against the ground. The grip of his beetle claws changes from a caress to a pin, and there's a hiss of suspicion in his voice* On the contrary. We're not going anywhere, because we should be chatting about what you're not telling me.
Moonracer: *she looked at him helplessly as she flops back to the ground, looking exceedingly guilty.* What...what I'm not...telling you?
Bombshell: Exactly. *The tips of his fingers dig into her face as he clutches her chin, forcing her to look at him. His optics have turned a rather violent shade of red* We'll take this step by step. What is the status of the drone problem?
Moonracer: *she squeaked at him.* Not sure. Left before I saw a status.
Bombshell: Elita indicated that she'd be using you in combat against them. Why didn't you get any kind of status report? Doesn't she TRUST you?
Moonracer: *she blinked at him, squeaking occasionally.* Yeah..she did...but..I..I didn't want to go! *she burst out, twisting her hands in her lap.* And she did use me, I met up with Nightbird..and...and we fought a while, but neither of us wanted to do it, and...and....
Bombshell: And WHAT? *He forces more of his weight down to keep her still, and his optics narrow harshly*
Moonracer: and we left! *she's openly squirming now.* We...went back to the Ark...
Bombshell: AND? Did you interface with her? Why are you being so insufferably EVASIVE? *hissssss*
Moonracer: *she blinked at him.* What? Nightbird? No! *that was ridiculous!* I...I LEFT, okay?! I....I just LEFT I didn't tell Elita, I didn't tell Nightbird, I didn't tell anyone, I just left.
Bombshell: Oh. *His optics flicker a bit, and he eases back all the pressure he'd brought to bear on her chassis. A profound confusion takes hold of his face* ...is that what's bothering you?
Moonracer: *she mumbled something, then looked at him, and nodded, looking stricken.*
Bombshell: *shakes his head just slightly from side to side* Why hide it?
Moonracer: *she shifted again.* I...I ...I don't know.
Bombshell: ...do you think -I- could possibly care, pet? *His hand reaches up to stroke her cheek tenderly, trying to relax her*
Moonracer: I don't know..I wouldn't...I don't want you to think less of me...*she looked helpless, and a bit scared.* I just...I had to leave, you know? She wanted me to do something...I just couldn't bring myself to do...
Bombshell: Shh. *Bombshell leans in to kiss her again, insistent and caring. His arms and beetle claws start to stroke her, massaging over every square inch they can reach to try and ease her mind* I understand, I understand, I'm thrilled that you did...
Moonracer: *her voice was muffled as she curled up against him, wrapping her arms around him.* Why'd you get so mad?
Bombshell: ...because you don't hide things from me, Moonracer, I didn't know why you would. *He keeps up the caresses, hoping to return her to good cheer and planting another kiss to help that*
Moonracer: *she looked horrified.* I wasn't trying to, I'm sorry! I didn't...I ...I wasn't...*she looked as though she were ready to burst into tears if it were possible.* Vortex kissed me!
Bombshell: Really? Vortex? *And THAT provokes a chuckle, which keeps growing into a full laugh, until he's shaking against her in glee* So he has good taste!
Moonracer: *she stared at him incredulously, unable to even speak. Once again, he's the only mech who's rendered her speechless.*
Bombshell: Silly little thing. *One more smooch, and then it's back to stroking over her cheek, staring at her in obvious bemusement* Why do you get worked up over the sort of business I don't care about?
Moonracer: *she was still staring at him, slack jawed.* You...you don’t'...care that...someone else kissed me? *she rubbed a hand over her face, then pressed it to the side of her head in wonderment.*
Bombshell: Should I? *He grins wide enough to show his teeth* You're mine, pet. Others can admire you all they wish. But I'm the one you moan for.
Moonracer: *she grinned at that.* Well. There's no arguing that one. *curls happily against him, shaking her head slightly, then nuzzling his chest.*
Bombshell: Mmm... *He cuddles her close, nibbling for a moment at her throat before looking at her face again with a devilish gleam in his optics* ...not when I have the evidence. *There's a clicking as Bombshell accesses his recorded data, and then he plays the sound back: Moonracer crying out in mid-coitus, loud enough that it scares nearby birds away*
Moonracer: *she purrs contently as he nibbles at her, then freezes as she hears herself. She doesn't even know what to think, so she simply bursts into laughter.* Well! You have that, I doubt anyone would go against you!
Bombshell: *His hands and beetle claws keep roaming over her body, getting more aggressive now as they feel out for the more sensitive places in her curves* The noise reminds me, pet. I was so busy having fun with you during our last visit that I never asked if you tried the little technique I recommended when I left base.
Moonracer: *she trembled against his hands and claws.* Oh! Um..yes...*she would be blushing, if it were possible. She busied herself with burying her head in his neck, nibbling at the little wires there.*
Bombshell: *He growls with satisfaction, arching his head back to make her work easier. His beetle claws are starting to sliiide their way between her plates* And did you like it?
Moonracer: *she giggled slightly.* Yeah...*she was rumbling against him, engine vibrating gently against his body.*
Bombshell: *He soaks up the vibrations with a satisfied chitter. There's a bit of a proud smirk on his face, enjoying getting her going like this* Did you think of me when you were doing it, like I asked...?
Moonracer: *she looked up at him, adoration evident.* Of course I did...
Bombshell: *After nudging their way inside her, the tips of his four claws seek out wiring to snare themselves in. Bombshell's attention, however, is entirely on her face and reactions* What was I doing in your mind when you imagined me?
Moonracer: *she grinned at him, squirming happily against him.* A lot of what you're doing right now, actually. Those amazing legs and claw, ooh! They are everywhere and concentrated all at one time, it's soo amazing.
Bombshell: Mmm... is it? *When he has her cables spooled nicely around his claws, he twist s and pulls gently at them, aiming more to toy than to drive her wild* I'd thought it was my expertise that did most of the work.
Moonracer: *she trembled against him as he pulled on her, and she couldn't help but squeal at him with a giggle.* Yes...yes that too! You're...very good at what you do!
Bombshell: I aspire. You make it rewarding, pet... *smooches her with a little grin, then jerks sharply at one wrapped bundle of wires*
Moonracer: *she beams happily at him, reaching for him and giving a high pitched squeak, accompanied by a little gasp as he pulled on her.* Oh, I hope I do...*she was smiling happily at him.*
Bombshell: Just the THOUGHT of you overloading yourself for me is delicious. *His optics flash bright, and suddenly all of his claws are yanking at once, straining her components against their mooring*
Moonracer: *she giggles at that, crooning as he's pulling on her from all directions. She paused, then attempted to pull away.* Hey! I have...um...I wanted to....Um...
Moonracer: Offer you! Something. Or give it to you. Whichever...
Bombshell: *His neck cranes back in surprise, but it's quickly replaced by a curious hiss* Something to give me that's more interesting than playing with you...?
Moonracer: *she giggles.* Well, it's all relevant, really. *she reached out and pulled him into a hug.* See, you know how I feel about you, right? I really, really love you. Like...it's weird...I dunno how to explain it, and I know I told you before that I was bad at it. And, I know you're really technical. Like...the inner workings and stuff of...us mechs. All of us. *she blinked at him, and gave him another big smile.* Right?
Bombshell: *snugs his arms close around her, listening intently to every word with a smile. He's taken to enjoying her rambling little explanations, and with his beetle legs already pleasantly inside her, he can afford some patience* Yessss.
Moonracer: *she squirmed happily against him, pressing a smooch to his cheek.* Well! Well. Um. I thought maybe...*she twisted slightly, risking a peek at his face, her own face radiant, and hopeful.* isortofthoughtyoumightliketopokearoundwithmyspark. *hem.*
Moonracer: Or...or not...I mean...you don't have to if you don't want to I just thought you might like to know the options there if you want, cause I know...I know you're really super technical and you might like it but...it's kinda really my way of telling you how much I...care.
Bombshell: *Stare. Stare. Stare.*
Moonracer: ...sorry...
Moonracer: *starts to squirm away, thinking she'd done something horribly wrong. D: D: D: *
Bombshell: *clutches her TIGHT to prevent her getting away, pressing close again and sliding his mouth right next to her audio receptor to rasp:* You can't even imagine how much I want to... how much I want you, for OFFERING it...
Moonracer: *she relaxed, feeling slightly mollified by that.* R-really? Cause...I...it's kind of yours anyway...
Bombshell: Dark gods, do you even KNOW what you do to me when you say things like that...!? *slips his teeth forward to clamp onto her helmet, chomping at her metal with an unbridled desire*
Moonracer: *she smiled hesitantly at him, she didn't really, but she didn't care. She didn't care what he did to her. She leaned into him, wrapping her arms around his neck, whimpering softly.*
Bombshell: *He doesn't have nearly as much merciful restraint as he starts tugging on her wiring, again. This time the tips of his claws hook tight and flail, surging against her mechanical limits* I want to peel you open to get it. Layer by layer.
Moonracer: *she shivered violently against him, keening in a mix of absolute bliss and total and complete pain (something she didn't mind in the slightest!)*
Bombshell: *He drags his teeth down over her; he starts with the ridges in her helmet, but soon his mouth is running across her cheek plate, down along the tender fuel lines in her neck, and then he's gnawing fiercely on the bolts keeping the plating of her chest together*
Moonracer: *she relaxed against him, allowing him free reign to do whatever he wanted, cooing every so often and shifting her weight. Her hands rested gently on his shoulders, and she gave a pleased shudder as he worked.*
Bombshell: *Two of his claws pull themselves loose from her cables, squirming through her innards to help with the disassembly from the inside. In less than a minute, his teeth triumphantly pry her chassis open. The other claws, still with her wires coiled around them, pull against them to wave like the movements of a conductor*
Moonracer: *she watched him for a moment, then tips her head back with a soft cry as he pulls on her again. Her fingers are digging into his shoulders now, and she can't help but whimper softly every now and again. Her grip was tight on him, and she involuntarily jerked, pulling on him.*
Bombshell: *Bombshell doesn't mind being squeezed closer - he just uses it, shifting his head forward into the cavity he's opened to nibble on the corners of exposed circuitry, even while his claws trace the shape of her interior to suss out the route to her spark. The warm glow, of course, doesn't make it very hard at all*
Moonracer: *she give a delighted shiver, engine revving with a purr as he nibbles and traces and touches. Her spark is happily pulsing away in it's protective casing, the eerie bluish glow flickering gently.* No...no one's ever been that close...*she closes her optics with a smile on her face, trusting in him implicitly.*
Bombshell: I'm not going to settle for just CLOSE. *His jaws close on a particularly obtrusive circuit panel, ripping it loose from where it lies in the way and basking in the light beyond it. Already, his claws are moving in, finding where all the connections from her spark chamber plug in and fondling them*
Moonracer: *she shook her head with a happy smile, inhaling sharply as he pulls off the circuit panel, a shudder coursing through her body.* No...no don't want you to settle for just being close. *his claws felt so good and the whole experience thus far was simply mind numbing. She couldn't think, focus, do anything. She give a shout of delight as he plays with the connections, her spark pulsing happily away!*
Bombshell: *He pushes forward, nosing his face deep into her and tucking his proboscis mount as far backwards as it can go to avoid catching on the edge of the opened plating. The light of her spark itself is tantalizing, the way it spreads warmth across his sensors... Without even conscious thought, he starts prying her open wider, letting out a deep hiss* You're so bright, Moonracer...
Moonracer: *she nuzzles closer in affection, engine buzzing happily away as he noses closer. She beamed at his words, resting a hand gently on his shoulder now, giving it an affectionate squeeze.* It shines just for you!
Bombshell: *And there goes restraint. Two his claws snake behind the spark casing and tug it upwards as far as it can give against the components holding it inside her, straining it so he can lean further down and scrape his teeth against it with unapologetic hunger*
Moonracer: *she squeals at that, squirming ever so slightly, vents spurring to life and beginning to fan her systems to keep them cool. Not working. She groans at she feels his teeth scrape against it, and her grip involuntarily tightens on his shoulder.*
Bombshell: *Nomnomnom! The metal alone is exquisite with a carried charge that even the small chips of taste his dental plates are breaking off are enough to push him into a near-frenzy. He bites, claws, savages the warm thing, while his lower body rubs itself against Moonracer's to help drive him closer*
Moonracer: *she's whimpering against him, both hands tugging him closer now, attempting to make him feel even a portion of how he makes her feel. They were twisting in whatever wires she could get her hands on, and she's shaking against him now as he assaults her. She lets out a little gasp as she attempts to speak, and only a few, incoherent words come out.* You...know....anything for you... *it's all a whimper, really, though she did try to make it as clear as possible all the while squirming and moaning and puling and writhing.*
Bombshell: *Bombshell the thinking entity is gone. With a snarl, he pulls himself back up, leaving two claws buried inside her to keep his prize tightly in his clutch. His hands shift up to his own chest, kicking in some transformation systems to open his seams wide and push his chest compartment far back. For a moment he almost seems to be mangling himself, clawing at his own fine plates and delicate circuit arrangements, but then his goal comes to the fore - his own spark chamber, blazing with frenetic purple light*
Moonracer: *she watched him pull himself up, panting desperately as her fans tried in vain to cool her - again, not working! She tilted her head, watching him in absolute fascination at his spark, and she tentatively reached a hand out towards it, fingers shaking lightly.* It's...so pretty...
Bombshell: *He's starving, STARVING, so mad with need that he grabs her reaching wrist and slams it back against the ground. The protective seals of his spark compartment unlock, and the glow of it throbs out even stronger as the crackling energy of his lifesource itself tastes the air. His claws squeeze at her spark casing with demand* OPEN YOURSSSELF.
Moonracer: *she squeaked at him, and her eyes widened at his spark, and then she groooooaned as he squeezed her. She obeyed him without question, and there's a few clicks and whirrs, and there she is, the very essence of her being, right there waiting for him to do with what he wanted.*
Bombshell: *At any other time, he'd love the opportunity to toy, tamper, and tease until she screamed. Right now, delay is impossible. He shoves his body down against her, sealing the opening he's made inside her with his own exposed sections until the two spark chambers are close. His beetle claws do the rest, seizing at her spark casing to connect it to his own*
Moonracer: *she cried out as he shoved himself against her, and she shoved right back, pressing against him as tightly as she could, hands tugging at him, twining in his wires as her body shivered beneath him *
Bombshell: *Bombshell's spark arcs out its energy, pulsing forward to touch Moonracer's. When the first ethereal purple tendril makes contact, his head snaps back into a shriek; a torrent of emotions is streaming out from his essence into her, craving and hunger and fear and lust and hope and want each spilling over each other*
Moonracer: *she gasped at the sensation, she'd never felt anything like this before, she'd never done anything like this before. It was all so new and refreshing, and the torrent of emotions caused her to feel elatedly dizzy, and everything that she was, and is, poured into him all of her confusion, fear, hope, and love crashing from her to him as she clung to him, gasping and panting and shrieking *
Bombshell: *All his body can do is grasp her tighter and spit out static from his voicebox. His spark feels like it's being seared alive with the feedback from her, the innocence and passion alike echoing through his nervous system. The ball of energy is clinging to hers now, clashing against hers with all the intense need of Bombshell himself*
Moonracer: *she clutched him close, she couldn't speak, or see. Her optics were shut tight, an occasional squeak coming from her, but other than that, silence. For now. She marveled at the feeling of him touching her core. Her very lifeforce was mingling with his, and it felt like she was one with him, and she clung to that feeling, never wanting to let it go. His need echoed her need, and she cried out again at the closeness; everything she was and ever would be seeped from her to him.*
Bombshell: *All the light in his optics goes out with a shower of electricity as one of his exposed circuits shorts, but it doesn't phase him. His limbs shudder at the feed from her;, the sensation of merging with someone so willing to give herself up rocks him to the core, wringing another strangled scream from him. It's like all the rotten corners of his consciousness are being blasted clean - he knows he can't endure this, he can feel his system straining to keep it up, but it's so good, too good to ever want to stop*
Moonracer: *she manages to wrap her arms around him, she was shaking like a leaf in his grasp, little murmurs and cries are the only sounds she's making. She offered him everything of her, her light, her emotions, her feelings, her love, her soul. Everything was laid bare on the table as she shook in his arms, her fans working overtime, her processors glitching and warnings going unnoticed. She doesn't ever want to stop, to her it feels like the connection is too perfect to break, to wonderful and amazing. His scream sends a shudder through her, and she echoes his, a scream over her own blasting through the air as everything within her begins to overheat and overload.*
Bombshell: *As he gushes his emotions out to her, they keep reshaping. It's impossible to tell in the intensity of the flow if it's partially feedback from her or all his own, but the heat of devouring lust seems to break out into something subtly different. The faintest stirrings of trust, the rise of concern, and an ascendant JOY transform lust into a blooming love. His mechanical shell writhes, but all his consciousness is invested in the contact, in the flow from her that's become a geyser, and finally it becomes unbearable. His processors snap offline, his grip twitches and goes still... but his spark remains in the embrace, still blissful*
Moonracer: *dentals grind together as she emits a shriek at those particular emotions, and she accepts with delight, a resounding gladness and pure happiness feeding back to him. His emotions feeding into her or not, she decided at that moment she's his, completely his, in every way. That particular emotion she fed back, right as everything within her explodes or at least it feels like it, and her circuits snap, processors give a final shudder, and her optics flicker off and she's still against him, arms still wrapped around him tightly, afraid to ever let go.*
Bombshell: *His processors quickly restore themselves to basic maintenance functions, but it's all background noise. All the living Bombshell is still centered on the energy from the joined spark chambers, with the electrical tendrils from his spark stroking along hers in a perfect parallel of Bombshell's physical touch. The throes of ecstasy have receded to a steady contentment, rippling through the connection*
Moonracer: *she'd been reduced to a pathetic mess, barely able to move or speak, though she had managed to slightly shift her weight against him, tightening her hold on him right before slipping offline. She now felt her processors click as they brought themselves back online, but she made no effort to move. Instead, she allowed herself to exult in the connection that still existed, reluctant to ever let it go.*
Bombshell: A very generous offer, pet. *The words sound strangely familiar as he says them, with echoes of his thoughts flowing to her even before he gives the words shape. His grip has softened considerably, and at the wrist he'd held pinned to the ground before, his hand strokes down over her arm*
Moonracer: *she let out a small sigh of contentment, though her grip didn't loosen on him.* It's all for you ...
Bombshell: Mmm. *leans in to nibble delicately at her throat, nosing at that still-beautiful bitemark, but he slows quickly as thoughts come to his mind. His spark sends out a fresh tone of nervous curiosity* You've put us in an awkward position, though, because I rather like having this kind of understanding of you.
Moonracer: *she peers at him, wrapping herself around him.* I...I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you awkward...*she could feel her spark shrink a little, terrified she'd done something wrong *
Bombshell: *He sends a tender string of reassurance, warmth, calmness, humor, and he keeps rubbing along her arm, always sensitive to her misinterpretations* Only awkward in that I don't want to sit up.
Moonracer: *her engines purr, and she snuggles in closer at the reassurance.* Oh, okay...I...I don't want to sit up either. *she smiles as she nuzzles at him, tentativeness replaced by warmth instead.*
Bombshell: *He goes quiet for a minute, and the stream of affection acquires the tremors of concern, though his expression doesn't change* ...generous, generous. What do -you- want, Moonracer? Not just of me.
Moonracer: *she stared at him, furrowing her brow.* What...what do you mean?
Bombshell: Choose. Where we should go. What we should do. What you want to make of this. *One of his beetle legs makes a vague, sweeping gesture* It seems I've been making the decisions for both of us through my own poorly-enacted agenda, but at the last, I've rather run out of things to set in motion.
Moonracer: Where we should go...what to do...*she blinked at him, grinning. * I don't mind where we go, as long as it's with you. Though... I wouldn't mind seeing some of the sights, if that
Moonracer: *that's what you mean. *she tilted her head with a little smile.* What I want to make of what? This...vacation?
Bombshell: That and other things. *His spark pulses closer to hers for a moment in reply, matching a flash of light from his optics. He still carries a faint smile, but there's a seriousness in his face*
Moonracer: Other things. *she stares at him, and tightens her grip on him.* I'm...I'm not sure what you want me to say..but all I can tell you is that I've never been happier.
Bombshell: If I wanted you to say things, I'd force you to speak them. *gives a dark little chitter, and plants a kiss on her cheek* Say what you want, whatever you want...
Moonracer: *she giggles at that, nuzzling against his face.* Well. I'm not very good at expressing anything, by any means. But...*she added this thoughtfully * I do love you. *she smiled again, then reached out to touch his cheek.* I guess I'm just wondering what you mean by...'other things'. *her tone was apologetic for not immediately understanding *
Bombshell: *A tide of mixed emotions spills over to her: the need for control, a protective urge, even a note of terror at being captive to her. His clutch tightens almost imperceptibly, but a surge of confidence rises to wash the rest away* I want to bind your essence to me so that you'll NEVER GET AWAY.
Moonracer: *she shuddered at his emotions, confused by some, encouraged by others. Hers were simple - simple adoration, love, and compassion for him. She looked up at him expectantly.* Then do it.
Bombshell: *The hunger rises up again, an insatiable burning need... and she's offered to fill it. He kisses her, his teeth pressing up against her mouth before he breaks away again* This will hurt.
Moonracer: *she sighs into his kiss with a smile.* That's okay, I don't mind.
Bombshell: *THAT he doesn't trust, and his disbelief echoes through the connection, even as his claws inside her worm their way closer to the open seal of her spark chamber* Forgive me. *The claw tips slip between the casings to plunge down into her lifesource*
Moonracer: *She watched him, eyes wide as she nods.* Always. *And it was true, she didn't mind pain - she was no stranger to it, after all. She squeezed her eyes shut, waiting for it.*
Bombshell: *Beneath the surface of her spark, the metal of his claws serves as a conduit. Bombshell's own spark pushes closer, sending coils of its own energy down along the length of the claws to the very tips, until the energies are in agonizing contact. Bombshell's claws shift, alive with ethereal power, drawing closer to each other to isolate a thick piece of Moonracer's spark between them*
Moonracer: *there's a metallic shriek as dentals grind together, and as her hands scrape against themselves. She doesn't scream this time, though looking at her face it's quite clear that it sort of hurts.*
Bombshell: *He offlines his optics to stop distracting himself with concern for her, forcing his processors to turn to frequencies, maximum allowable resonances, and containment yields. His spark draws closer than ever, the connection to Bombshell's own containment unit growing dangerously tenuous, but his prize is in his grasp. When his claws are positioned perfectly, he makes the "cut," shearing off a chunk of her essence with his own spark's energy and drawing it deep into the heart of his own*
Moonracer: *Then she did scream, as a piece of herself was literally cut away. Her shriek pierced the air, causing nearby birds to fly away in a panic, and any humans that might have been near withdrew to their homes, locking their doors tight. There's more grinding of metal, and a loud crack snaps through the air as dentals weaken as she grinds them again.*
Bombshell: *He feels every bit of the pain, smashing into him through the bleeding new bond between them. He offlines whole swathes of motor function just to stop himself from shaking under the onslaught and causing irreparable damage, and by miracle of willpower, he stays steady as his spark begins to pull away from his claws, tearing itself away from the portion of his own spark energy still bound to the metal and to hers*
Moonracer: *she's a mess and she's trying her hardest not to move, but her body is shaking, trembling uncontrollably because of the pain, even if it's relenting, it still hurts. Her hands hurt from making fists, her dentals ache, and her spark still feels like it's been ripped into two pieces, which it sort of has.*
Bombshell: *With a final electric crackling, the work is done. His spark pulls free back into its own casing, breaking off from the portion resonating in his claws, and when the claws withdraw, the portion of his essence - resonating at a perfect frequency - binds to hers. The seals of his spark casing close themselves again as the final test. As he restores his own motor functions to life, even aching with the pain, the stirrings of concern in his lifesource reach through to hers*
Moonracer: *she's whimpering reaching up to cover her face with her hands. She's never felt anything quite like that before, and she was still a trembling wreck, unable to speak yet.*
Bombshell: Moonracer. *He rests his hands gingerly on top of hers, his optics online again. He can FEEL her discomfort rattling through him, and all he can do is pull his beetle legs out of her and stroke them slowly along her sides to soothe her*
Moonracer: Huh? *Her voice is small, and she finally opens her eyes to look at him, squeaking as he withdraws from her.* Bombshell? Are you okay?
Bombshell: Yesss. Adapting, and fine. I'm slightly more worried about you. *tilts his head a bit as he peers at her, meshing his fingers between hers and radiating affection*
Moonracer: *she squeezes his hand with a small smile, nuzzling at him slightly.* I'm okay, don't worry about me.
Bombshell: A little late for that, I think. *smooches her forehead, trembling a little himself. Even knowing he can pull away at this point and not break the connection, he somehow doesn't feel the urge*
Moonracer: *she relaxes slightly, lowering her hands and looking at him ruefully. * I'm fine, really! A little...sore...but otherwise, I'm good. *she reaches out for him anxiously, prodding him.* You? Are you okay? Everything is fine?
Bombshell: More than fine. *He eases as she does, untensing his systems and seeping a certain amusement through the connection* Of course, if you have regrets, restoring our sparks to their original conditions is even worse...
Moonracer: *she shook her head, looking horrified.* No. No regrets at all. *she tests the connection, prying into it, trying to figure out how it all works. She blinks up at him, tilting her head slightly.* Have you ever done that before?
Bombshell: *...and THERE comes all the tension back, along with a certain dread as the realization comes that he won't be able to hide his dirty secrets any more. Stupid. Stupid.* ...not with myself as one of the subjects.
Moonracer: *she reaches for him, pulling him into a tight hug.* Oh, so...you've bonded others together, then?
Bombshell: Yes. To understand the process. *snugs her back, nestling in against her and soaking up her kindness*
Moonracer: Oh, okay. *she grinned, snuggling him close to her.* I bet they were really appreciative then...not having to do it themselves! *she tests it again, sending little spurts of just what she feels for him.*
Bombshell: I think they were relieved. *That they went too crazy to feel anything at all. Bombshell shudders free from recollection as the feelings from her pierce at him, though, forcing a gasp out* ...pet.
Moonracer: Sorry! *she squeaks.* I'm...I'm just trying to get used to this...*her voice is apologetic again.* Well, relieved is a good way to feel, I guess. *she's smiling happily at him, the adoration still clear in her expression.*
Bombshell: Don't apologize, it's... good. Very good. *hisses his satisfaction loudly, craning his neck down again for another kiss* Don't think this will stop me from binding you in a more LITERAL fashion if the mood arises, though.
Moonracer: *she peers at him, her optics widening.* Ooh, what do you mean?
Bombshell: That you're even cuter when you're helpless. *chuckles as he watches her, contemplating the many, MANY things he hasn't yet done to her*
Moonracer: *she giggles at him, touching the side of his face again.* You're so cute, you know that?
Bombshell: Mmm, yes. Though only a precious few seem to be capable of appreciating my charms. *twists his head to bite playfully at her fingers*
Moonracer: *she beams at his lack of modesty.* Well, I'm one of them! *she pauses.* Who're the others? *she let's him bite her fingers, her other hand snaking it's way to the back of his neck, twining her fingers into wiring.*
Bombshell: Ahh... *rather enjoys the opportunity to preen, and getting his neck massaged doesn't hurt, either* Kickback and Shrapnel, of course. Mirage, in the right circumstances, could appreciate my sensitive side.
Moonracer: *she giggles, and continues her gentle treatment of his neck.* Yes, you do have one! And it's adorable. And, oh! I met Kickback in Paris! *she beamed at him, looking pleased with herself.*
Moonracer: *she hesitated for a moment.* You...love me best, though, right?
Bombshell: *LAUGHS openly at that, squeezing her tight* Would I have done this if I didn't, you silly little thing...?
Moonracer: she looked relieved, then squeaked happily as he squeezed her.* Good....good...I'm sorry...*she beams But! Kickback and I had a lovely dinner in Paris before I met up with you here. *beaming radiantly at him.*
Bombshell: Really? *a twitch from his beetle legs, a spark-twinge of curiosity* What did you have to eat? Oh, and how was Kickback, and stuff.
Moonracer: *she beamed.* Well, it was only a small place, sort of like a cafe. I had a lovely piece of lamb that had this really wonderful glaze on it, and...and they had some good wine, too, and for dessert I got these wonderful crepes. You'd like those, I think. And Kickback was good, he misses you though.
Bombshell: That sounds magnificent, I should...wait, misses me? *blinkblink*
Moonracer: *she nods, looking at him as if that should be obvious.* Of course! He's your best friend! He misses you! I told him he should meet up with us at some point.
Bombshell: He seemed frustrated the last time he spoke, I didn't want to make things... well. I would rather like to see him. *His proboscis squirms happily at the thought, even if he's still a little nervous. Not that that stops him from cuddling in closer to her*
Moonracer: I think he wants to see you. *she gave him a poke in the chest.* Just because you parted on frustrated terms doesn't make you two less of friends! Besides, he's my friend too. *gives him a winning smile *
Bombshell: And it isn't like I don't owe him a favor. Or twelve. *He sighs in an exasperated tone, but he pulses out good cheer, and gives her yet another smooch* So long as you don't mind sharing my attentions.
Moonracer: *she gave him a crooked and faint smile.* Well, how could I mind if I'm the one who invited him? *she gave him a happy kiss in return.* Why do you owe him a favor?
Bombshell: For helping me with about ten thousand various things over the years.
Bombshell: And, uh, telling me how to get together with you.
Moonracer: *she blinked at him, then giggled.* He did?
Bombshell: *sheepish nod!*
Moonracer: *she grins at that.* That's so cute! When was this?!
Bombshell: ...Disneyland. *staaarting to feel a little embarrassed, here!*
Moonracer: *she is positively beaming, and she scoops him into the tightest hug possible, squeezing.*
Bombshell: *squeals happily and returns the snuggling, nuzzling into her* So you can see why I'm in his debt, on that count...
Moonracer: *she leaned in and gave him a little kiss.* I suppose so! *she gives him a huge smile, then remembers something else!* I brought something to show you! *she's obviously excited about this, yes!*
Bombshell: Another present? *chitters his bemusement and raps his forehead against hers for a moment* You are so VERY generousssss, my pet... do show me.
Moonracer: Well. Remember how I can generate scents and stuff? *she's grinning at him brightly, anxious to please him.*
Bombshell: You make it extremely difficult to forget... *shifts a hand to her neck, rubbing a thumb along the line of her cheek with just a hint of impatience*
Moonracer: Well, I made another one for you. It's special, just for you! *she looked thoughtful.* It's sort of a combination of things that I thought you might like. Its got hints of...*she thinks * Hints of white ginger, amber musk...mmmmoroccan rose, yellow jasmine, peach nectar and cedar wood. *looks triumphant as the scent filters into the air *
Bombshell: *out-and-out GROANS as the smell weaves its way across the sensors in his snout, turning his expression distant and blissful. He tries to pick apart all the specific fragrances she mentions, but the cumulative effect is powerful enough on its own that it makes it rather difficult to focus*
Moonracer: *she looks at him anxiously.* Do...do you like it?
Bombshell: ...do you even have to ask...?
Bombshell: *CHOMPS down on her shoulder, murmuring dreamily as he chews*
Moonracer: Oh, good...it's a bit different from what you normally like, so I was sort of scared...but I'm glad you like it!
Bombshell: I like "different"... *gnawgnawgnaw*
Moonracer: *positively beaming, leans over and gives him a little smooch.* Good! I'm glad, really, really glad...*she's smiling at him, happier than she ever thought she'd be. She had no real control over her newly squired bond, though, so all her perkiness and relief and happiness was dumped unceremoniously onto him.*
Bombshell: *shivers as it washes over him, and it takes an intense force of will to pry himself up off of her and sit up. He grins down at her, his beetle legs already sliding to her open chest* I think it's time to patch up. And have a little snack.
Moonracer: *she watched him sit up, smiling lazily at him as he did so.* Oh, really? What kind of snack?
Bombshell: Well, you seemed keen on trying some souvlaki... *tinkers to set her right again and restore her plating to its original position, unable to restrain a bit of pride at the memory of unsettling it in the first place*
Moonracer: *nods.* Yes! *she lets him set her right, and she shifted slightly as things began to settle back into place.* I would like to.
Bombshell: *He takes his time aligning her juuust right before he goes to work on himself, hiding the glow of his spark again - but not before it has time to give a single seafoam green glint* Then I know the perfect little seaside place.
Moonracer: *she grins at the little glint, and she sits up eagerly.* Wonderful! This place is so beautiful!
Bombshell: *rises up from her and offers a hand to help her do the same* Mmm. But it dims by comparison to present company.
Moonracer: *she takes his hand and pulls herself up.* It sure does. There's no one I'd rather be with. *flings her arms around him in a tight hug *
Bombshell: *chitters in delight as he hugs her back, feeling somehow intangibly closer than in any hug before.* I think it'll be a long time before I bother returning, as long as you're with me...
Moonracer: *she gives him a bright smile.* I don't plan on returning until you do. You're stuck with me for a while, I'm afraid. *she gave his cheek a little kiss.* I feel kinda stupid saying it over and over, but I really do love you, you silly thing.
Bombshell: *SQUAWKS, even as he settles his hand over to her shoulder and starts walking down the hillside with her* Me? Silly thing? I'll have you know I am the most unassailably dignified of mechs. I love you too, sweetums.
Moonracer: *she's almost skipping with him, giggling.* And the smartest, don’t forget that!
Bombshell: Flatterer. *ducks his head over to peck her cheek*
Moonracer: *she squeals in delight.* No, I only speak the truth!
Bombshell: Mmm. *squeeze!* I know.

bombshell, log, moonracer

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