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Jan 13, 2008 01:08

Scrapper is desperate to prove to himself that he's not old and useless. Wildrider lives up to his name.

WILDRIDER(10:56:49 PM): *he was on the Ark - mainly cause the Nemesis was pretty much out of commission due to the damn drones. He'd really love to ring Bombshell a new one if he could get his hands on him. Although this did give him a chance to explore the Ark and learn the ropes a bit better. Currently, he was removing all the hinges from the doors as he came to them, balancing them carefully back for the next unsuspecting mech,*
SCRAPPER (10:59:45 PM): *He's walking down the hall, a few small boxes tucked under one arm. He's not lost, but still unhappy about venturing onto the Ark. still, the Nemesis is not a good place for supplies right now. He spots the other mech and is just exasperated enough to stop and say--*  What the slag are you doing?

WILDRIDER(11:01:25 PM): *he halts, but only to look back and see who spoke.* Taking the doors off the hinges, then puttin' 'em back. *he turned back to his work of carefully setting the door back up to where it looked like nothing had been touched.*

SCRAPPER (11:02:16 PM): ......hnnnn. And ...why? Are you that starved for entertainment?

WILDRIDER(11:03:43 PM): *he grunted and looked back at the other mech.* Yeah. Pretty much. *he leered at him.* Why, you offerin' to entertain me better than what I'm doin' now?

SCRAPPER (11:04:21 PM): *gives him a look* I have plenty of better mechs I could spend my time with than a....*looks him over* A stunticon, am I correct?

WILDRIDER(11:05:07 PM): *he rolled his optics, then went back to his work.* Yeah. That's me.

SCRAPPER (11:05:26 PM): Your designation? Dead End, is it? Breakdown?

WILDRIDER(11:06:18 PM): Wildrider. *his answer was short and clipped as he stepped back from the door, studying it. Looked normal.*

SCRAPPER (11:06:32 PM): Right. *dry* Does your Leader know what you are up to?

WILDRIDER(11:07:17 PM): *he shrugged.* Dunno. Motormaster has had enough on his plate besides me.

SCRAPPER (11:08:30 PM): He should make room on his plate for mechs like you, anyway. I have five --ehnnn *frowns* ---had five mechs under my command, and I still had time to deal with all of them. *bitter, lonely mech is ranting bitterly, don't mind him!*

WILDRIDER(11:09:58 PM): *he blinked.* Motormaster has four of us. And I'm sure he'd deal with me accordingly, if I was causing a major problem. *he grinned wickedly.* Though I'm sure I could remedy that...

SCRAPPER (11:10:01 PM): *frowns at him*

WILDRIDER(11:10:28 PM): *purrs right back *

SCRAPPER (11:10:48 PM): *backs a step away* Do you know who I am?

WILDRIDER(11:11:29 PM): *shrugs and shakes his head and leans on the wall next to the door.* Nah. But you sure do look important.

WILDRIDER(11:11:38 PM): *is he being sarcastic? who knows!*

SCRAPPER (11:12:05 PM): I'm the leader of the Constructicons, fool. *normally he doesn't pull rank like an ass, but, well....the last week of Earth weirdness has made him extremely touchy*

WILDRIDER(11:13:12 PM): Oh. Well, isn't that nice. *he just grinned at him, cocking his head and giving him an insufferably twisted grin.*

SCRAPPER (11:14:10 PM): I was leading the Constructicons before your model was even in blueprint.

WILDRIDER(11:14:50 PM): *he just kept giving him that little grin.* You tryin to impress me, sweets?

SCRAPPER (11:14:52 PM): *a light growl* Hardly

WILDRIDER(11:15:37 PM): *still leering at him and smiling a 'not nice' smile.*

SCRAPPER (11:15:59 PM): *pushes him further into the wall, one-handed* stop that.

WILDRIDER(11:16:45 PM): *he gave a little grunt as he was pushed all the way against the wall.* Oooh. You like to be rough?

SCRAPPER (11:16:54 PM): *His optics retract in surprise* How....how DARE you.....

SCRAPPER (11:17:01 PM): You insolent little....

WILDRIDER(11:18:04 PM): Baby, I'm your dream come true. *whoa, where did that hand come from? Either way, it was around the back of the other mechs neck as if by magic, jerking him into a rough kiss.*

SCRAPPER (11:18:33 PM): *freezes up in shock, NO ONE touches him*

SCRAPPER (11:18:39 PM): Ghhh---nnnngh---

WILDRIDER(11:19:00 PM): *toooo late!*

SCRAPPER (11:18:45 PM): ...

SCRAPPER (11:18:56 PM): *bites him, growling, but doesn't pull away*

WILDRIDER(11:20:18 PM): *purring against him.* Relax, boss, it's not so bad...*grunts in surprise at the bit, but, as the other doesn't pull away, he's encouraged. The hand is still on the back of his neck, snaking it's way deeper into the wirings back there.*

SCRAPPER (11:20:35 PM): N--no-- *still doesn't pull away, though*

SCRAPPER (11:20:59 PM): *he plants his feet firmly on the floor, on either side of the mech's own*

WILDRIDER(11:22:24 PM): See....*hissing, his other hand comes up to delicately -at first- sliiiide between transformation seams, slipping in and grasping wires, pinching them between his fingers.*

SCRAPPER (11:23:24 PM): *grunts, and jerks, before tilting into him, hands grabbing him above his hips with firm authority he needs to feel*

WILDRIDER(11:25:19 PM): *oooh, and Wildrider didn't mind that one bit! He shifts a bit, then griiinds up against the other slightly, one hand digging into the others armor, the other still lazily tugging on wires.*

SCRAPPER (11:32:35 PM): *groans almost harshly and pins him with added weight to the wall with his twitching, tensed body.* Move as I tell you, mech. My shovel. Touch it.

WILDRIDER(11:34:24 PM): *and his hands were there, for once he didn't really mind being told what to do. Fingers danced with practiced ease up to and over the shovel.*

SCRAPPER (11:35:07 PM): *growls at him* You have--no idea--how absolutely tense I am right now....*his hand slides down the other's aft, almost possessively*

WILDRIDER(11:36:43 PM): *he groooaned, then grinned maliciously at the other.* Then let's remedy that, shall we? *he shifts into the other mech, pressing his body against his, a low whine emitting from his engine. The vibrations from his engine resonated through him, and against the other.*

SCRAPPER (11:37:45 PM): *he almost moans at that, has to keep the vicious gratitude out of his vocalizer. He grinds against him, absorbing the jarring vibrations hungrily*

SCRAPPER (11:38:33 PM): AGHH. Give it to me HARDER, slagger. *he shoves against him*

WILDRIDER(11:40:37 PM): *he growls, and shoves right back against him, hands now rough as he harasses the other's shovel now, then his hands were wild on the others body, pushing, pulling, fingers wrapping around cables and pulling and pinching. His head arched forward, leaning in to nip at the wire sin the others neck, dentals clamping down on fuel lines, vocals emitting a little rumble.*

SCRAPPER (11:42:26 PM): *growls wildly, encouraging him* *he retracts his mask and tears at the space between his shoulder and neck. Both hands are now on his aft, grabbing it as he normally would a mate, he's being so shameless.* That's it, fuck me, you bastard stuntie...

WILDRIDER(11:45:52 PM): *he rumbles against him, enjoying himself, tearing into the other with precision. He groans as the other tears into him as well. He's hunting nerve clusters now, fingers scraping over some of the most sensitive areas on a mech without hesitation.*

SCRAPPER (11:48:28 PM): *he trembles at that, trying hard to keep his composure and slowly breaking. How long has it been, since he's had a mate or otherwise? He works up the other's neck, dentals practicing delicate but sharp biting techniques, techniques that quickly come back to him. One hand rises up the other's back and deftly begins to work into plating and wires* That's it...

WILDRIDER(11:51:18 PM): *he purrs against him, a cocky smile on his face.* Yes, yes you like that, don't you? *he grins, jerking the other mech into another harsh kiss, fingers still scraping over the little clusters, his hands wild and roaming all over the others body. He shudders against the other's ministrations. His own teeth clam down harder on the fuel lines, a low guttural growl rumbling through his chassis.*

SCRAPPER (11:52:50 PM): Y-eeesss.... *hisses it* Nnnnn, oh yes....*he bangs against the other's chassis*

WILDRIDER(11:54:21 PM): *he purrs.* Mmm. Thought so. *fingers deftly catch the little cluster carefully, squeezing it ever so gently as his other hand still manipulates the wiring on the others back. He grunts as he's hit, but his engine continues to purr.*

SCRAPPER (11:56:20 PM): *his trembling intensifies* Now I see why your team is filled with--gnnnn--sluts-- *he strums the wires in the other's back, locating all the more sensitive ones and pulling on them as he would an instrument's strings*

WILDRIDER(11:58:13 PM): Mmmhmm. See how we earned the nickname 'sluticons'? *he's relentless with the wires, the nerves, the cables, the cords, everything. His hands are everywhere and all over at one time, pulling, jerking, and rubbing. He groans against him and gives a little delighted shiver.* Your sounds are so delightful.

SCRAPPER (12:02:01 AM): *oh Primus it feels so good. All the tension--backaches, tight gestalt plates--every complaint he's been carrying is slowly dissolving, washed away in numb delight.* Your pleasure in this is--coincidental. *but he nibbles deeply against his neck, almost desperately*

WILDRIDER(12:05:18 AM): *he's grinning maniacally, his fingers sliding between the others chassis seams to delicately scrape over the casing. It wasn't in any way threatening, and his fingers just danced over it, gently yet harshly tweaking the wires that held it in place.*

SCRAPPER (12:06:31 AM): *it takes everything he has not to melt, to maintain some semblance of control* Open yourself. Now.

WILDRIDER(12:07:28 AM): *his chassis slid open, almost casually as he didn't stop his assault on the other's spark wiring.*

SCRAPPER (12:09:25 AM): *he looks down into the spark, examining it in detail even as his fans hum loudly inside him. Eventually he dips his fingers in and scratches at the glowing field*

WILDRIDER(12:11:31 AM): *his own vents had kicked in long ago, whirring quietly to cool his systems down. He purrs at the contact with his spark, twitching only slightly. His hands can only get so far themselves, however.* Open for me.

SCRAPPER (12:11:56 AM): Ask NICELY. *still scratching at his, almost lost in his own head as he does so*

WILDRIDER(12:13:06 AM): *Wildrider doesn't normally do nice, but well, his chest was open, and the other's was not!* Please. *fingers were still sliding over the wires, but the touch was gradually turning rougher as Wildrider began to lose control.*

SCRAPPER (12:13:12 AM): *growls and opens it*

WILDRIDER(12:14:58 AM): *and his fingers flex with the sudden room, and they dip lazily into the others spark, letting the energy flow in little tendrils around his fingers. He leans forward, dipping his head in and running his dentals along the side of the casing itself, nipping at a few wires here and there before leaning his head back and up to press another harsh kiss against the others lips.*

SCRAPPER (12:16:23 AM): *He yells at that, sensation pleasure almost a shock to the dormant pleasure receptors inside his chassis* Yes, bastard, DO IT. *his own fingers continue to rake down Wildrider's spark*

WILDRIDER(12:18:17 AM): *he grinned at that, his head dipping back in and teeth clamping down on the wires again. He was teasing the other, and he knew it, it was becoming increasingly evident the other hadn't had anything like this in quite some time, and well, thats what Wildrider was here for, right?! He gives another shudder and moan as his spark is assaulted, and his head leans back again as he jerks the other in to him, crushing him against his chest.*

SCRAPPER (12:19:35 AM): *is moaning heavily now, leaning against him and betraying his own need. Primus, does he need this. He knew within seconds of seeing this mech that they'd be doing this. He wanted it.*

WILDRIDER(12:20:49 AM): *aha! He knew it! And with that, he supported the other mech and thrust his chest closer, letting his spark flare and snap at the other's greedy for another victory.*

SCRAPPER (12:21:33 AM): *presses against him, heaving and growling and biting at him*

SCRAPPER (12:21:37 AM): HARDER, dammit.

WILDRIDER(12:23:57 AM): *and he let his spark go with full force, he could feel it reaching for the others, jerking it out of its safety zone and wrapping around it and squeezing tightly. He leaned his head in, teeth now catching wires in the others neck and pressing down hard on them.* C'mon. Scream for me, baby.

SCRAPPER (12:25:07 AM): *his shoves against him, and groans loudly, uncharacteristically shrill*

WILDRIDER(12:26:07 AM): *he's purring at that, and he feels his spark constrict against the others, the overload that he was seeking (at least for himself!) was growing closer and closer, threatening to cover him in the cloudy darkness of recharge.*

SCRAPPER (12:27:05 AM): *he's shoving against Wildrider repeatedly, gripping his shoulders tightly for leverage. The buildup in his spark begins to feed back into him and he seizes up*

WILDRIDER(12:28:37 AM): *he grins as the other is so evidently needing this, and he releases a burst of energy through his spark, sending it barreling into the other. He gives a little groan of approval at the other's actions and movements, warnings flickering through his processor are brushed aside.*

SCRAPPER (12:29:49 AM): *he screams now, loud and guttural and rough and presses against his makeshift partner, his spark overloading and flooding him with the mind-numbing input he hasn't had in years*

WILDRIDER(12:31:44 AM): *he gives a shout as well as his sensors are overloaded with the stream of info, and his fingers dig into the other's armor again for balance.*

SCRAPPER (12:32:50 AM): *his hands press against the wall on either side of Wildrider's head as he braces himself, holding himself up and perhaps the other mech, he doesn't care. His optics dim as his scream fades*

WILDRIDER(12:34:10 AM): *his own shots ceased, the overload threatening to send him into recharge, perusual. He gave the other mech a cocky smirk, leaning his head back against the wall.*

SCRAPPER (12:34:16 AM): *he offlines and tumbles against the other mech*

WILDRIDER(12:35:47 AM): *catches him, though barely, and now has no idea what to do with him.*

SCRAPPER (12:36:24 AM): *good thing he comes online after a few belated moments, groaning softly and grabbing onto an arm for support. As his systems come back online he hauls himself up*

WILDRIDER(12:37:33 AM): *he watches the other with a satisfied (and now exhausted) smirk.* Told ya I was your dream come true, didn't I, sweets?

SCRAPPER (12:38:11 AM): *gives him a faint punch to the shoulder and drifts to the wall to regain his composure* H-hardly....*whew*....nevertheless....I'm satisfied....

WILDRIDER(12:39:02 AM): *he gave a little mock bow.* I am to please.

SCRAPPER (12:39:34 AM): *leans against the wall* You tell anyone I touched you, I'll slag you. *strokes his arm* Got it?

WILDRIDER(12:40:30 AM): *he purrs at him.* You want secrecy, sweets? You got it.

SCRAPPER (12:40:44 AM): Good. *he presses himself against the mech, for one last, long kiss*

WILDRIDER(12:42:01 AM): *he returns it with a strange wildness that only the insane mech can achieve.* You need me again, you just comm me. *a hand reaches out and lazily strokes the others chest.*

SCRAPPER (12:43:17 AM): Just might. You have your uses... *he leaves him with a bite to the chin and reaches down to gather up the boxes he hadn't even known he'd dropped while in his frenzy.* And now, I do not know you. *he exits the hall*

WILDRIDER(12:44:25 AM): *he watched him leave, a strange grin on his face. He started laughing manically as the other exited the hall, and he continued his laugh all the way back to his room, taking care of the doors he'd unhinged.*

log, wildrider, scrapper, interfacing

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