(no subject)

Jan 13, 2008 01:01

So, the two awesomest mechs around met up in the hallway. Bubbles, furbys, ducks and drinking ensue!

Moonracer (9:39:06 PM): *she was happily skipping on her way back from her visit with Crusher and the kitty, wandering through the halls of the Autobot base. She took a few detours through the halls, not ready to go back to her room just yet!*
Sideswipe (9:41:56 PM): *he's not that happy, not liking being pranked, and frustrated with himself for getting tricked. And so he's shuffling his way back to his room, hoping nobody else finds out.*
Moonracer (9:42:47 PM): *she rounded a corner happily humming to herself and- OOF! She runs smack into Sideswipe, crashing into him then reeling into a wall.* Ohmigosh! I'm so sorry!!
Sideswipe (9:49:16 PM): *he stumbles backwards - okay, so wasn't expecting that - blinking in confusion until he recognized the one that ran into him.* Oh, Moonracer! S'ok, I'm good. How've you been? I haven't seen you since... Disneyland!
Moonracer (9:50:07 PM): *she nodded, reaching out to attempt to help steady him, but really, she's only succeeding in making everything a bit worse- as in, really unstable!* Oh! Disney! Yes, that was amazing! And me? I've been great! Fantastic! How about you?!
Sideswipe (9:57:10 PM): *Well, he's not one for balance, and thanks to his own dizziness - and Moonracer's "help" - as he moves his hand to reach for something to steady himself, and Moonracer, he loses his footing and falls backwards, bringing Moonracer down with him.* Ow. Oh, sorry! I didn't mean to make you fall. Other than this, I've been pretty good. Oh, ow... *Rubbing his head*
Moonracer (9:58:41 PM): *she bursts into laughter as they fall into a pathetic little heap on the floor, and she can't stop her giggles. The soapy bubbles in the air that have been flitting about lately (though most have settled on the floor - making it extra slippery) float around them!* Oh...It's okay! *she giggles again, then peers at him i nconcern.* Are you okay? Want me to get a medic?
Sideswipe (10:03:00 PM): *still rubbing his head, though he can't help but laugh a little - Moonracer's giggles must be contagious! - putting one of his hands behind him to steady himself.* What? Oh, I'm fine! Don't worry! *smiles, just to assure her he's fine.* Did you... hurt anything?
Moonracer (10:03:49 PM): *she beamed at him, still happily perched in his lap.* Nope, But it sure was amusing We just kinda went...like...Boom!! *beams, popping a bubble in the air with a finger *
Sideswipe (10:11:35 PM): *pops a bubble as well, smiling back at her.* Yeah, that was kinda fun. The whole... running into each other thing! *shifts a little* You wanna get up, or should we just stay sitting here? *pops another bubble*
Moonracer (10:12:31 PM): *she beamed at him as he popped the bubbles, a huge, bright smile on her face * We can sit here and pop bubbles! *she giggled, popping another, then pointing to one that had settled on his head.* Hee! They settled everywhere....my bubble machine kind of...exploded! Thats why there's bubbles all over the base!
Sideswipe (10:17:46 PM): *still smiling and popping bubbles, having more fun than he's had in the past couple days.* Oh, okay! Popping bubbles is fun. *he taps the top of his head with his free hand, the one that isn't supporting his weight, popping the bubble that had rested there.* Your bubble machine... exploded? You had a bubble machine? That's awesome!
Moonracer (10:20:31 PM): *she giggled.* Yeah I bought it the last time I was in town...I thought it was amazing! I also got a kaleidoscope, ever see one of those? IT's so neat! And Furvys! <3 *giggles again, squeeing at him, smile bright and eyes twinkling *
Sideswipe (10:26:28 PM): Really? Oh man, we should go into town sometime and get another! *still smiling* I don't think I've ever seen a kaleidoscope, what does it do? And Furby's? Woah, you gotta show me where you get all this stuff! *forgetting all about how embarrassed he was, now he's excited.*
Moonracer (10:27:08 PM): *she beams at him, then scurries to her feet, grabbing his hand and tugging at him, oblivious - at least until she slips again - to the soapy floor * I've got lots of it in my room! I'll show you! C'mon!
Sideswipe (10:33:23 PM): *Pulls her up off the floor, using the wall to steady himself, and sliding his feet along the floor, pulling her alongside him.* Shall we skate? *smiles!* Though, you're gonna have to lead the way, sorta, since I don't know where your room is.
Moonracer (10:34:33 PM): *Ooooh, skating sounds FUN! She tests the floor out a little bit, it is rather slick, and she slides forward a bit, turnign back to look at him, a huge smile spreading across her face.* Oooh! *she nodded, she would lead the way, and she slid forward a little bit, giggling happily to herself.* This is great! *She reached for his hand, attempting to drag him along....*
Sideswipe (10:39:20 PM): *let's himself be dragged, keeping his balance with one hand while his other clung to Moonracer's, still smiling* This is fun! Just so long as we don't fall. But hey! I guess falling is fun when it comes to us, right? *winks, still skating along, a bit behind her now that she had taken the lead.*
Moonracer (10:40:49 PM): *she grinned back at him momentarily, then faced forward again.* Yeah, it's only fun to fall if it's me and you! And...get our picture taken! *giggles, remembering the photoshow at Disney <3 She came upon her door, finally, and pushed at it, pulling him into her room. The bubble machine sat in the middle, still happily pouring out bubble sat an alarming pace.*
Sideswipe (10:45:03 PM): *smile gets bigger as he remembers Disney* Oh yeah! Man, that was a fun night! Even if we didn't know why we were so special... *stumbles into her room behind her, gaping at all the bubbles* Oh wow! Is there any way to make it stop? Will it just run out of... bubble making stuff, or something? *still, he pops some more bubbles, clapping his hands together to get more than one at a time. Happy like a kid in a candy store <3*
Moonracer (10:47:04 PM): Yeah, it was really great! We're special cause we're us, though! *she peered at it, then back up to him.* I'm....I'm not sure! I guess It'll eventually run out of soap. But...for now....bubbles! *She giggled again, waving her hand through the mass of bubbles.* They are fun, though! *she moved through the bubbles, reaching over to pick up her little kaleidoscope off the table.*
Sideswipe (10:50:18 PM): Well, obviously! We were just so good looking, they were amazed. *looks down at it aswell.* I guess we really shouldn't complain, because bubbles are... awesome! And fun, yeah. *moves so he's beside her, look at the kaleidoscope in her hands.* Oooh, what does it do?
Moonracer (10:51:50 PM): Yeah, that must have been it! *modest? Not right now!* Yeah, the bubbles are great! *she popped another one, before giving the kaleidoscope a twist*
Moonracer (10:52:00 PM): Hold it up to your eyes! *she grinned.*
Sideswipe (10:54:40 PM): *Bah, they can be unmodest? for the moment!* Totally. *grabs the kaleidoscope from her hands, doing as she said and holding it up to his eyes.* ... Woah! This thing is awesome. *turning it in his hands.* This is really cool! Oh man, you sure know how to find amazing things.
Moonracer (10:57:03 PM): *she grinned.* It's really something else, isn't it?! Twist the end! *she bounced a bit, stumbling, but keeping her balence as she rested a hand on the wall.* It's so pretty!
Sideswipe (11:01:10 PM): *twists the end, still looking through it.* Woah, this thing is awesome! I gotta get me one of these... *takes his eyes away from the kaleidoscope to look at her.* Seriously, where do you find these? Like....!
Moonracer (11:02:01 PM): *she giggled a bit, crossing her arms.* I got it in town. A little specialty store. It has all kinda of really neat things. *she picked up the little purple Furby.* Him, I got at a place called...Wal-MArt!
Sideswipe (11:07:47 PM): Oh, Wal-Mart? I guess I'm gonna have to go there soon! I love neat things. *grins at her, then looks at the Furby.* Oooh, Furby? That's.... that's cute! Didja name it?
Moonracer (11:08:09 PM): *she blinked, then looked horrified.* I forgot to name it!
Sideswipe (11:10:05 PM): Well, we can think of a name for it right now? *puts a hand on her shoulder, patting it in a soothing gesture.*
Moonracer (11:10:55 PM): *she still hada horrified look on her face, but she relaxed adn nodded in agreement.* Y-yeah! Let's name it now. *she looked at him anxiously.* Suggestions?
Sideswipe (11:18:28 PM): Hmm... *looks thoughtful, hand still on her shoulder.* Well, there's Moonracer, since it's so cute! Or, uh... does it tell you whether it's a boy or a girl, or can you tell?
Moonracer (11:19:09 PM): *she grins.* Um...no....The box didn't say! *she frowned, looking at it closer.* But it's probably a girl cause of t he coloring~
Sideswipe (11:25:33 PM): Oh, yeah that would make sense... Oh! How about... Skittle! Cause, you know, there's those human candies that are all colourful... and there's purple skittles. And they look like they'd be my favourite, the purple kind. *Also, Skittle is a funny name. <3*
Moonracer (11:26:54 PM): *she looked at him, astounded.* That is absolutely perfect! *She beamed happily, then thre wher arms around him in a huge hug.* Perfect! Skittle!
Sideswipe (11:30:39 PM): *Smile grows even bigger and he hugs her back.* Oh, yay! I'm glad you like it! *Practically glowing with excitement* So Skittle it is! Have you taught her any words yet? I wonder if we can teach her her name...
Moonracer (11:31:51 PM): It's perfect! *she gave him another squeeze, then let go, looking thoughtful.* No, I haven't tried yet...let's try to teach her name to her! *she beamed, she'd already put batteries in, so the little doll should be good to go.*
Sideswipe (9:30:56 PM): Okay! *he almost asked if the thing came with instructions, but it's not like he would have followed them anyway, so instead he looked at the Furby still in Moonracer's hands, then looked at Moonracer.* Do we just... keep repeating her name until she says it?
Moonracer (9:31:39 PM): *she blinked at him, then pushed Skittle into his hands * I dunno, you try it! See if she says anything! *grinning at him, maybe his voice would be the magic one *
Sideswipe (9:37:44 PM): *takes Skittle, holding it up so he was face to face (face to Furby) with it.* Say Ski-ttle. *He tries, pronouncing each syllable slowly.* Skittle. Skittle? *He gives it a gentle little shake in his hands.* C'mon! Skittle! Don't you like your name?
Moonracer (9:39:06 PM): *she giggles at his antics.* Skittle! SKITTLE! *she blinked, wondering how it was suppsoed to work. Why wasn't she repeating her name?! She didn't understand it.* Is she...turned on?!
Sideswipe (9:41:58 PM): *frowns a bit, giving Moonracer a sideways look.* I... don't know. Did you turn her on? Cause, uh... I didn't. *gives an embarrassed sigh, because of course... he was talking to something that was off. How brilliant of him.*
Moonracer (9:43:28 PM): I...I thought I did....*she blinked, taking the little Furby, flipping it over to look at the switch. She was definitely on.* No, she's turned on...I don't understand....the box said they are supposed to talk to you! *she blinked, then poked at the back again, making sure the batteries were in right. Yep, they were! She pushed it helplessly back into Sideswipes hands.*
Sideswipe (9:47:24 PM): *takes it back, looking a little dejected.* Aww... did I break it or something? Maybe she isn't the... talking type. *sighs again, but is not going to give up on the little thing.* Hey Skittle! Wanna... play a game?
Moonracer (9:52:20 PM): *she giggled.* No, you didn't break it! Maybe she's just quiet, like you said! *she poked at it again, then blinked as it finally spoke "DUCKS!"*
Sideswipe (9:55:56 PM): *straightens his arms, holding Skittle away from his face. He narrows his optics at the furry thing, giving it a skeptical look.* ... What did she just say?
Moonracer (9:56:55 PM): *she giggled at Sideswipes face.* Ducks! *Moonracer giggled, then bursts into laughter again as the Furby says "Quack! Ducks!"*
Sideswipe (10:00:23 PM): *still holding it at arms length, optics still narrowed.* Where did you learn that? Maybe she is broken after all... *gives a horrified look as she keeps repeating those two words.* No! Why can't you just say Skittle!
Moonracer (10:09:50 PM): *she can't stop giggling at Sideswipes reaction. The Furby obviously must find this amusing as well, because she simply keeps saying "Quack!" and "Ducks!" then eve nresorts to actually quacking at him *
Sideswipe (10:12:19 PM): *pushes the Furby into Moonracer's hands.* Maybe we should... shut her off and try again later. *is not too thrilled with the quacking.*
Moonracer (10:13:58 PM): *she giggled at the Furby now in her hands, and it stared eerily up at her and squeaked: "Skittle!"*
Moonracer (10:14:02 PM): See, she knows her name!
Moonracer (10:14:11 PM): *She peers at Siders.* Why does she keep referring to you as a duck?
Sideswipe (10:15:42 PM): *sighs, a little bit happier because he at least seemed to teach her her name.* I... don't know. *not into being referred to as a duck.*
Moonracer (10:16:32 PM): *she grinned.* Well, at least you taught her name to her! *she turned the Furby to face Sider's again, and Skittle gives him a cheerful quack!*
Sideswipe (10:18:11 PM): *gives a nervous laugh.* Yeah, yeah. Well, maybe she's a... duck Furby. And that's why she's... making those sounds. *Though he really wishes she would stop.*
Moonracer (10:34:42 PM): *she giggled at him.* Yeah, a duck Furby! Maybe that's it! *she beamed down at her Furby again, then burst into laughter as it squealed up at her: "Racer!"* Wow she is smart!
Sideswipe (10:37:35 PM): *laughs nervously* Yeah, very smart. Maybe she picked up on our smartness, y'know?
Moonracer (10:38:39 PM): *she grinned at him.* I bet you she did! She knows my name, and hers...and apparently your nickname is Duck! Or quack, I'm not sure which...
Sideswipe (10:40:49 PM): *grins back, trying not to let the new nickname bug him - because, really, why should it bother him?* Yeah, well... I guess that's a... funny new nickname. Certainly not one I've ever had before. She's original! I sure won't forget it... and she won't either, apparently.
Moonracer (10:43:05 PM): *she gave the Furby a little pat, and it made a purring sound. She patted Sideswipes shoulder and smiled.* Yeah, it's a cute nickname for you, I really like it!
Sideswipe (10:44:09 PM): *there's a small smile on his own face.* ... Really?
Moonracer (10:47:22 PM): *she nods enthusiastically.* Yeah! I like it alot! It's really adorable! It...suits you.
Sideswipe (10:48:49 PM): *nods his head in agreement, then stops suddenly, looking at her, a bit confused.* It suits me? How?
Moonracer (10:49:35 PM): BEcause it's cute and adorable!
Moonracer (10:49:39 PM): Like you! *beaming!*
Sideswipe (10:50:42 PM): *Smiles at that* Oh, okay! That works, then.
Moonracer (10:51:28 PM): *she smiled brilliantly at him.* Yes! See, it's perfect for you!
Sideswipe (10:52:07 PM): Alright, I guess I can live with that then! *well, he can't argue with that logic.*
Moonracer (10:53:48 PM): *she always has flawless logic!* Great! *she poked around her room, looking for something else neat to show him. She bustled around in her closet, then grinned and tugged out her telescope.* Looky. Ever seen one of these?
Sideswipe (10:55:19 PM): *yes she does!* Hmm. *looks at the telescope in her hands.* No, I don't think I have. What is it?
Moonracer (10:56:59 PM): *she dragged it over to her window, setting it up and making a few adjustments. She'd managed to make it more mech sized, though it had been a bit difficult to do without knowing just what she was doing. She made it work, though!* Look through here and you can see the stars and stuff really close up!
Sideswipe (11:00:53 PM): *follows her over to the window, kneeling down to look through the telescope.* ... Woah! Dude, this is... amazing! *stands up to give her a quick hug, then goes back to looking through the telescope.* Man, you find the coolest stuff. You'll have to take me with you next time you go out!
Moonracer (11:04:16 PM): *she squeaked and happily returned his hug with affection.* Yeah! I'll comm you next time I go! *she grinned, and leaned over, making a few more adjustments to the telescope, zooming way in onto Mars.* Check this one out. IT's really lovely. Similar to Earth...but red!
Sideswipe (10:54:54 PM): *looks through the telescope again, then pulls his head away to glance up at her.* You mean... there is a red Earth? *makes a small noise of surprise, then goes back to looking at Mars.* That is so... cool! I wanna visit it! Aw man... I wonder if they have... red people.
Moonracer (11:00:29 PM): *she grinned happily at him.* Oooh here...look at this one! *she adjusted it once more, then beamed happily as she zoomed in on 'her' planet.* Look, I crash landed here on accident! *she giggled, zooming the telescope in as far as it would go. It looked similar to earth, except the water was a brilliant green, the land masses a vibrant blueish green, and the swirling clouds around the planet were different hues of purples.*
Sideswipe (11:04:30 PM): *looks through the telescope for a few moments, then grins up at her.* That's really pretty. It would make sense that you would land there... *moves to look at the planet again.* Y'know, it kinda looks like Earth. I wonder if there are... humans on that planet too? Maybe I can go faster on that planet...
Moonracer (11:05:20 PM): *she tilted her head, then shrugs with a smie.* I didn't notice...I wasn't there long. *she looked thoughtful.* We should take a trip there sometime, check it out!
Sideswipe (11:06:08 PM): *nods encouragingly up at her* Yes we should! That would be so much fun. Definetly and adventure. Vacation, even. Better than Mexico, maybe!
Moonracer (11:07:06 PM): *she beamed at him happily.* Yeah! It would be great! It seemed like a lovely place...*she stared out into the night sky, giving his shoulder a little pat.* It sure was pretty!
Sideswipe (11:09:58 PM): It looks like it would be pretty... *he trailed off, still absent-mindedly studying the planet. He looks up at her.* You want me to go now? Or should we... go drinking or something? *not really wanting to go back to room just yet, but willing to go drinking alone (like a loner).*
Moonracer (11:11:15 PM): *she blinked at him, puzzled.* You don't hafta go if you dont want to! *she poked him * You're my friend! We can drink!
Sideswipe (11:13:00 PM): *smiles* Oh, okay! I just wanted to know, cause... I know Aid never wants to seem to drink, or something, and I was just... *trails off again* Well, it'd be fun to go drinking! You know, with a friend! It seems like I haven't had many friends lately...
Moonracer (11:15:14 PM): *she looked at him, somewhat horrified.* Well, let's remedy that! *she pointed to the door.* Elita's got her own bar in her room, wanna snag some cubes? She gave me a key a while ago and told me I could use it whenever I wanted! *okay, so that wasn't TOTALLY true...Moonracer had 'found' the key laying around, and had tucked it away for 'safekeeping'!*
Sideswipe (11:16:59 PM): *hey, Sideswipe doesn't care! It's not like he's gonna tell Elita or something. He walks to the door and opens it, gesturing for her to go through.* Ladies first. *Plus, he doesn't know where Elita's room is, so... Moonracer kinda has to go first.*
Moonracer (11:18:06 PM): *she beamed at him, jumping up and running through the door, pulling the key out of subspace. Elita's room wasn't far from Moonracers, and luckily, Elita wasn't in there! She gestures to the bar.* Grab whatever you think will get us nice and toasty!
Sideswipe (11:19:27 PM): Oh... okay! *goes to the bar and starts grabbing random cubes, making sure he gets enough for both him and Moonracer.* You sure she won't mind?
Moonracer (11:21:50 PM): *nods happily, Elita didn't mind the last time she'd done it! Either that, or she didn't notice.* Nah, she wont care!
Sideswipe (11:22:32 PM): Okay cool! *piles everything in his arms, then gesturing (or trying to) for her to lead the way.* Where you wanna go now?
Moonracer (11:23:03 PM): *she paused.* Well, my room? Yours? Outside? North Turret?
Sideswipe (11:24:05 PM): *he thinks for a second.* Well, my room probably isn't good... other than that, you choose! I'm fine with any of those.
Moonracer (11:26:48 PM): *she grinned.* Outside? More room. *strolls out Elita's door, waiting for him so she could lock it behind him.*
Sideswipe (11:29:43 PM): *strolls out behind her, pausing so she could lock the door and then continuing forward, towards the entrance/exit.* So, what have you been doing? You know, since Disney? Any more crazy picture-takers?
Moonracer (11:30:56 PM): *she looked thoughtful at him as she led the way (after locking Elita's door, of course!)* Hm...not a lot...picking up odds and ends like you saw...other than that...getting into trouble with Nightbird.
Moonracer (11:31:00 PM): *grinning happily.*
Sideswipe (11:33:53 PM): ... Getting into trouble? You? Explain. *walking right beside her at a casual pace, not in a hurry to get outside; happy.*
Moonracer (11:34:38 PM): *she grinned over at him.* Well...lets see....we went to a bar and got the whole bar into a fight...*giggling at the memory.* That was pretty fun!
Sideswipe (11:35:59 PM): Seriously?! What did you do to get them into a fight? Were they... fighting over you? *a little shocked, because she just didn't seem like the type to... get in fights.*
Moonracer (11:37:25 PM): *she grinned.* Well...It was more of self defense, really. They tried to take our wallets. Granted, it was holomatter, but still! It's the principle of the matter!
Sideswipe (1:48:14 AM): ... They tried to take your wallets?! I mean, yeah, if I was you I woulda punched them. Is that what you did? Slap 'em around a bit?
Moonracer (1:49:30 AM): *nods gleefully * Yeah. Then the poice started to show up so we got out of there. It was fun, though. *she was beaming happily at him, looking thrilled with herself. She held the door open for him as they ventured outside, then trotted back up next to him.* So. What about you? Done anything fun lately?
Sideswipe (1:51:08 AM): *slows his pace for her to catch up, though not by much because they weren't walking very fast to begin with, considering for a second.* Yeah. I took First Aid to Mexico for a couple of days, since he had never been there before. You ever been there?
Moonracer (1:51:57 AM): *she trotted up next to him, then shook her head.* Nope. Is it a lot of fun? You guys have a good time?
Sideswipe (1:52:35 AM): Yeah, we did. And it's tons of fun; you should definitely go sometime.
Moonracer (1:53:46 AM): *nodding with a happy smile, finally settling into a sitting position a little ways out from the base, leaning up against a rock.* Oh yeah, definitely. I'd love to!
Sideswipe (1:58:45 AM): *settles down beside her, placing the cubes infront of them and leaning back, stretching his legs out infront of him, grabbing a cube and taking a swallow* So... what do'ya wanna talk about? *content to just listen to her talk, already relaxing against the rock.*
Moonracer (2:00:12 AM): *she looked thoughtfoul for a moment before snagging a cube for herself.* Hmmm....I dunno! We can talk about anything and everything!
Sideswipe (2:07:07 AM): *glances over at her, smiling* Okay, so we'll do that! Um... oh! What'd you get for christmas?
Moonracer (2:09:12 AM): *she blinked for a moment.* A new gun from Elita. *nods with a huge smile *
Sideswipe (2:14:03 AM): Oh, nice! *shifts his eyes to his drink, taking another big gulp* Y'know, for some reason, it feels like I haven't had energon in... *pauses a moment* forever. Maybe my sense of time is off.... Well. Either way, I'm glad for company. It's never fun drinking alone.
Moonracer (2:15:13 AM): *she giggled at him, then gave a somber nod in agreement.* Yeah, I can see where drinking alone wouldn't be any fun! *she gave him a gentle nudge * Drinking in the company of friends is always better!
Sideswipe (2:22:37 AM): *nudges her back.* Mhmm. Can't argue with that. *holds up his cube* Cheers to friends?
Moonracer (2:23:17 AM): *she grinned, then held her up and clinked it happily against his.* To friends!
Sideswipe (2:24:53 AM): To friends. *throws his head back, downing whatever had been left in a few gulps. Reaches for another, then pauses.* Y'need another yet? While I'm, y'know, over here? *cheesy grin*
Moonracer (2:26:06 AM): *she eyed her almost empty cube.* Yeah, you know...while you're over there, might as well get me one too!
Sideswipe (1:37:47 PM): Okay! *grabs two cubes, settling back down beside her and handing her one. He takes a sip of one, stretching his legs out infront of him again* Wanna play a game?
Moonracer (1:39:10 PM): *she took it happil and sipped with a smile, then grinned at him broadly. She loved games!* Yeah! Lets play something!
Sideswipe (1:46:04 PM): *he grins back, shifting so he's facing her* Okay! Uh... well, is there anything you wanna play? Cards? Twenty questions? Uh... something else?
Moonracer (1:46:53 PM): *she shifted to face him directly, crossing her legs.* Well, I don't get to play them often, so any game would be really great! *It was true, she hadn't played any games since the last trueth-dare-kiss game!*
Sideswipe (2:15:26 PM): *crosses his own legs, putting his cube on the ground beside him* How about Truth or Dare?
Moonracer (2:16:44 PM): *she took a little sip, then grinned at him eagerly.* Okay! Ask me first!
Sideswipe (2:17:52 PM): Alright! So, Moonracer, truth or dare?
Moonracer (2:18:17 PM): *she pondered for a minute before answering.* Dare!
Sideswipe (2:22:19 PM): Hmm... *looks up at the sky, as if that's going to help him* I dare you to... stand up, spin around five times as fast as you can and then say "She sells sea shells by the sea shore." *he's so bad at coming up with dares*
Moonracer (2:23:28 PM): *she grinned and stood up, setting her cube down first. She spun around as fast as she could, wobbling as it felt like her processor was still spinning inside of her head.* She shells...no wait...she sells...seashells...by the shea shore!
Sideswipe (2:25:38 PM): *claps, grinning like crazy* Well done, my fine friend.
Moonracer (2:26:21 PM): *she flopped onto the ground next to him, eyes still feeling like they were spinning in her head.* Okay...okay. *hem!* Okay. Truth or dare?
Sideswipe (2:27:49 PM): *thinks for a second* Truth.
Moonracer (2:28:19 PM): *hmmm...truth...she thought about this for a minute or so, before flashing him a broad grin. * What's something you wouldn't want anyone to know about you?
Sideswipe (2:31:53 PM): *there's a long pause before he answers* I'm, uh... kinda afraid of the dark. *cough*
Moonracer (2:32:17 PM): *she grinned.* Really? Me too!
Sideswipe (2:36:44 PM): *smiles nervously* Well at least I'm not alone, then.... *another cough* Anyways. Truth or dare?
Moonracer (2:40:58 PM): *she beamed at him.* Truth!
Sideswipe (2:42:08 PM): Truth, okay... what's one thing YOU wouldn't want anyone to know about you? *totally uncreative, yes*
Moonracer (2:44:08 PM): *she giggled at him, then thought seriously about it for a moment.* Hmm...well, I wouldn't want other people to know my fears, and weaknesses you know? Cause they can be used against you! *nodding.* Like, the fact that I'm afraid of the dark.
Sideswipe (2:45:29 PM): *nods as well* That is true. So we'll keep the "afraid of the dark" thing just between us, yeah? *small smile*
Moonracer (2:46:05 PM): *she nodded solemnly.* Good idea! *she gave him a little pat then leaned back and grinned at him as she finished her cube.*
Sideswipe (2:47:32 PM): *picks up his own cube, taking a big sip* Okay, I'll take a dare this time.
Moonracer (2:47:57 PM): Hmmm...I dare you too....sing me a song!
Sideswipe (2:54:25 PM): Okay.... *clears his throat*
Sideswipe (2:55:03 PM): Twinkle twinkle little star~ How I wonder what you are~ Up.... above the world so high~
Sideswipe (2:55:17 PM): Like a diamond in the sky~
Moonracer (2:55:48 PM): *giggling *
Sideswipe (2:57:03 PM): *clears his throat again* Okay, so... truth'r dare?
Moonracer (3:02:45 PM): Dare! *she gave him a big smile, leaning forward with a little hiccup.*
Sideswipe (3:17:05 PM): *oh damn, another one of these* Alright... you sing me a song. *yeah, uncreative is him. Sorry*
Moonracer (3:19:15 PM): *she laughed, then clears her throat.* When the moooooooon is in the seventh house~and Juuupiter aligns with Mars~Then peace will guide the planets~And love will steer the stars~
Sideswipe (3:20:44 PM): *grins at her* That's a nice song. And you have a lovely voice. *:3*
Moonracer (3:20:57 PM): *giggles, and does a mock bow.* Why thank you!
Sideswipe (3:24:15 PM): No problem. *still grinning* I'll take truth. *maybe he just likes embarrasing himself :/*
Moonracer (3:25:28 PM): *she grinned, then nodded.* So. Tell me something you've never told anyone else. *nope, it isn't the same as something he doesn't want people to know!*
Sideswipe (3:53:34 PM): (sorry, i'm back. D: )
Moonracer (4:04:38 PM): (WB)
Sideswipe (4:09:51 PM): Something I've never told anyone else? *thinks* Uh...
Moonracer (4:10:14 PM): Yeah! Like...a big secret! *grinning.*
Sideswipe (4:11:33 PM): Big secret? Um. Well, I was kinda happier when... we had the war.
Moonracer (4:11:49 PM): *she leaned forward, optics wide.* Really?
Sideswipe (4:12:02 PM): *nods* Really.
Moonracer (4:12:15 PM): Why? *interested *
Sideswipe (4:14:24 PM): Because... I actually had a purpose then. I mean, now... now I'm not good for anything, y'know?
Moonracer (4:15:21 PM): *she nodded.* Yeah, I have kinda felt like that too. I mean, when I was still on Cybertron, my purpose was to get the energon away from Shockwave, and now its flowing everywhere here and it's a free for all! So I know what you mean. But! You are good for things! *she grinned and leaned over and gave him a big hug.* You're my friend!
Sideswipe (4:18:51 PM): *hugs her back* Well, atleast I'm good for that... *nods sympathetically* But people like you! You're always so happy. And you make everything fun.
Moonracer (4:19:30 PM): *she giggled at him and gave him a little pat.* I try to make things fun! And being happy is much more fun than being sad, or angry!
Sideswipe (4:24:25 PM): That's true. I mean, being sad, or angry, isn't fun at all.
Moonracer (4:25:00 PM): *nodding with a smile.* See! thats why I'm always so happy, we have a lot to be happy about, you know? We're alive, we didn't die in the war!
Sideswipe (4:27:05 PM): Yeah, this is true... And, I guess with the war over, we have... more friends? *makes a slight face*
Moonracer (4:27:35 PM): *she giggles.* Yeah, that's true!
Moonracer (4:28:56 PM): *she yawned slightly, it was definitely getting late.* So how are things with you and your boyfriend?
Sideswipe (4:30:26 PM): They're... going. Good. They're going good. You got anyone?
Moonracer (4:30:49 PM): *she tilted her head at him, a frown on her face.* Are they really? You don't sound sure!
Sideswipe (4:33:20 PM): Well... I don't really know. I mean, he's close with his brothers... Closer than me and Sunny are, if you... know. And it kinda weirds me out. I mean, I'm trying to get over it! I don't know why it bugs me... *shakes his head* So, yeah. I guess things are going kinda good? *:/*
Moonracer (4:34:44 PM): *she peered at him, looking thoughtful.* Ah. I see...I guess I can see that, I mean...I would be a little weirded out too, I would think! *she reached out and gave his hand a little squeeze.* Well, you got me as your buddy! If ya ever need to talk, lemme know!
Sideswipe (4:37:48 PM): *smiles* I'll remember that! You datin' anybody? Or are you...?
Moonracer (4:38:05 PM): *she nodded eagerly.* Yeah! Bombshell! *grinning at him *
Sideswipe (4:39:23 PM): ... Bombshell? How're things going with... him?
Moonracer (4:39:57 PM): *she nodded happily.* Yeah! Him! He's really great, you know? Things are great!
Sideswipe (4:41:47 PM): That's good! I'm happy for you. *sighs, taking a smaller sip of energon* Y'getting tired?
Moonracer (4:44:19 PM): *she nodded with a smile.* Yeah, kinda....you?
Sideswipe (4:45:55 PM): A bit, yeah. We can go in any time, if you want.
Moonracer (4:46:20 PM): *she streeeetched and stood up, wobblingslightly, then extended a ahnd.* Wanna call it a night?
Moonracer (4:47:25 PM): (that sentence was fulla typos)
Sideswipe (4:47:48 PM): *takes her hand, standing up and putting his arm around her waist to steady her* Calling it a night sounds... fun. *smiles*
Sideswipe (4:48:05 PM): (i hate typos. :< )
Moonracer (4:48:54 PM): *she giggled and leaned against him, still a tad wobbly.* Fun! Fun is....good.
Sideswipe (4:50:58 PM): *starts walking them to the entrance to the base, letting her lean* Fun is good.
Moonracer (4:51:22 PM): Good! *she laughed, walking with him with a smile on her face.* I've had a lot of fun with you! We should do this more often.
Sideswipe (4:53:41 PM): I had a lot of fun with you too! *nods, laughing a little* Doing this more often would be amazing. Should we do this again next week? Same time, same place?
Moonracer (4:53:59 PM): *she gave a grin.* Yeah, lets do it!
Moonracer (4:55:48 PM): *she ginned, doing it again sounded like a total blast! *
Sideswipe (4:57:06 PM): *when they reach the door, he opens it for her* We can go to Mars. And that... pretty planet you landed on too. It'll be an... "Out Of This World" party! *grins at his own joke*
Moonracer (4:57:53 PM): *she laughed.* Yes! It'll be grand! *her whole face is bright with a smile as she strolled through the door, only stumbling slightly.* Walk me to my room?
Sideswipe (4:59:16 PM): *oh, and his arm is around her waist again!* Of course! *and so he starts to lead her down the hall, walking slowly so that neither stumbles*
Moonracer (4:59:53 PM): *she grinned at that, yay for help! Cause she kinda needed it, she was pretty tipsy still!* Great! Thanks!
Sideswipe (5:00:33 PM): No problem! *well, they're helping each other, cause Siders is a bit tipsy too!*
Moonracer (5:03:00 PM): *she giggled again, then pointed to her room.* There it is! *in a sing song voice with a smile!*
Sideswipe (5:08:56 PM): *and there they are! He stops infront of her room, allowing her to open the door, hand still supporting her incase she needs it*
Moonracer (5:09:34 PM): *she fumbles with the door for a bit before stumbling in happily.* Woo!
Sideswipe (5:11:20 PM): *walks her in, leading her over to her berth* Thanks for tonight, Racer. *smiles* It really cheered me up.
Moonracer (5:12:47 PM): *she glanced at her berth then smiled beautifically up at him.* Hey, no problem! That's what friends are for, right?
Sideswipe (5:15:59 PM): Right! *steps away slowly, smiling and heading for the door* I'll let you get some rest. And let me know when you're free next; we can go do our exploring, yeah?
Moonracer (5:16:33 PM): *she nodded and grinned,then pranced forward and gave him a big hug.* Yes! We'll go to Mars! And my planet! And you - you stay cheery, okay?!
Sideswipe (5:18:05 PM): *hugs back tightly, still smiling* I will! And if I ever get... not cheery, I'll visit you!
Moonracer (5:19:01 PM): *she nodded and let go, flopping down onto her bed.* Yes. Just visit me. *she yawned again, then gave him a another sleepy smile *
Sideswipe (5:20:30 PM): *nods* Mhmm. *he reaches the door, giving her one last smile* Night, Racer.
Moonracer (5:24:22 PM): *she curled up on her berth and gave on one last grin.* Nightnight, Siders.
Sideswipe (5:25:17 PM): *he closes her door gently, then turns and heads towards his own room*
Moonracer (5:25:59 PM): *out! Zzzzzzzzzing!*

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log, moonracer, sideswipe

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