[RP Log!] Aftermath of the public Breakdown slagging! (The morning after...)

Dec 17, 2007 20:42

And NOW part two!

And the morning after.... (comes right after Fireflight's LJ entry )
Fireflight: *For a few moments, Fireflight stared at the Stunticon snuggled against his chest, his optics blinking. He was sure he must be glitching, but he did have some hazy, very fun memories of last night...*
Fireflight: *He shifted a bit, trying to get comfortable again, sighing as he began thinking. This was going to be a problem, especially if the rest of the Stunticons found out. Or anyone else. What would they think of him? This? After trying to protect him? Worry about that later...for now...just enjoy the warm mech and try to figure out how to handle the current situation*
Breakdown: *Breakdown rumbled unhappily as the warmth next to him shifted around, the movement beginning the inevitable process of driving him from recharge - and making that unholy pounding in his processor all the more noticeable. His nasal plates scrunched up in displeasure as he curled closer into the shifting warmth, trying to fall back into recharge despite the growing wakefulness* Nrughhh....
Fireflight: *does his best to curl him closer, trying to keep the other warm. Hopefully, he won't freak out and they can talk rationally about this.*
Breakdown: *presses close, hands pawing at the armor of the other mech next to him as his fuzzy mind takes in the situation. Huh. Cuddling warm and close usually only means Fallen... But the warm body next to his own is too small to be him... his hands paw more deliberately now. The armor is much too smooth and rounded and...and is that a CANOPY?! Hands freeze on said piece of armor-glass as a single, full body shiver trailing down his entire frame. Oh SLAG...*
Fireflight: *Gives a slight purr as the hands take in his frame, but frowns as they freeze on his canopy. Then he feels the shiver going through the other's body and he tightens his grip slightly. Please don't freak out. Please, please, please don't freakout...*
Breakdown: *Yeah, so much for that. As soon as that shiver passes through his body, his engine, which had, up until now, been going at a nice, purring idle, ROARS to life in a frantic rev, optics snapping online (white and red?! WHITE AND RED AND GLASSY YELLOW OHSLAAAAG!) as hands suddenly slam against the armor of the other, shoving him away, shoving /himself/ away, flailing against the gentle grip around him as he lets out a keening wail of shock and fear*
Fireflight: *His optics widen as the Stunticon dissolves into flailing, roaring mass of scared bot. He does his best to hold on, maintaining a firm but gentle grip as he tries to get the other to calm the slag down* Breakdown! Calm down! Relax! It's me, Fireflight...I'm not going to hurt you.
Breakdown: *the continuing grip does little to calm the Stunticon, nor does the confirmation of just who it is he went and interfaced with - an Aerialbot?! OohheisslaggedslaggedSLAGGED! Breakdown continues to flail against the grip, legs kicking out and shoving him away in the midst of his panic, still screeching* Ohprimusprimusprimus!GetoffgetoffgetoffOFFOFFOFFOFFOOOOOOOFF!!
Fireflight: *with a soft sigh, Fireflight rolls away from him and lets him go. At the same time, he darts to the door and stands there, waiting for the Stunticon to make his next move. Primus, he hadn't expected him to freak out this much...*
Breakdown: *Breakdown flails backwards off the berth the moment the grip against him is removed, crashing to the ground in a thrashing heap, skittering around to the relative safety of the other side of the berth, putting it between him and the flyer now guarding the door, not once letting up his mad tirade of panicked garble, armor rattling as his engine continues to scream* ....Slagslagslagcan'tbelieveitdumbaftdumbaftmorondon'tevenKNOWHIMwhatinthepitnonononoonnooooooooo!
Fireflight: *holds his hands out placatingly* Breakdown...calm...Don't freak out so much. Let's talk about this, OK? *he's watching the other, amazed at how much he's freaking out about this. He's not a horrible person, is he?*
Breakdown: *peeks over the edge of the berth, head shaking frantically, optics wide and panicked* AREYOUOUTTAYOURSLAGGINMIND!? DOYOUH-H-HAVEANYFRAGGINIDEAWHATSGONNAWHATSGONNAHAPPENNOW?! *shrieks incoherently, voice going down to a garbled whine as he twitches about, ready to bolt if he could just find a way /out/*
Fireflight: *sighs* Breakdown...Can we just talk about this? And no, I don't know what happens now...tell me.
Breakdown: *his engine makes a painful sounding whine as he twitches in place, looking as though he either wants to hide behind the berth, or like he's thinking about tackling Fireflight to get past him and out of that room* YOU'RE A S-SLAGGIN AH-AERIALBOT! WHAT D-DO YOU TH-THINK WILL HAPPEN! JUSTLEMMEOOOOUT!
Fireflight: *slumps a bit and shakes his head* Breakdown...factions shouldn't matter any more. We're at peace... *he straightens again* And I am not going to let you out until you calm down. If you run out there like this, then Motormaster is going to find you and hurt you again. And no one has to find out if we don't want them to, OK?
Breakdown: *his engine jumps at the sound of Motormaster's name, and he trembles at the thought. But...but that last bit... That slightly gets to his panicked processor and he blinks at Fireflight, still a bundle of raw energy but held taunt and restrained for a precious moment* W-we don't have to sa-...Nooononooo... They'll s-still find out... Th-they always find o-out... *keens desperately, gaze gone from panic to hopelessness in a flash*
Fireflight: *shakes his head* No, they won't. You don't have to let them know, OK? It's your mind, your body. If you don't want to tell them, you won't...
Fireflight: *he takes a few steps forward, hands still out* Now, let's just sit down and talk, OK? No one is going to hurt you. I don't want to hurt you. Please.
Breakdown: *and just like that, he's back to suspicious, and he takes a flustered step back, hands going out defensively, rambling on to both Fireflight and himself, well on his way to utter manic* Nooooonononono...! Just wa-wanna go, just wanna LEAVE, (can'tbelieveIdidthat;lethimtouchandSTAREandwatch! Don'tevenknow,don'teventrustnonono!) JustlemmeoutIwannago! Justwanttogoawayawayaway!
Fireflight: *has a sad look on his face now. He really wants to help the Stunticon and it seems he can't. He makes one last effort, backing off again, wings lowered* Breakdown, please...I just want to help...
Breakdown: *Breakdown shakes his head again, just as frantically as before, crouched and trembling on the other side of the berth, ready to run* C-can't help, crazy A-autobot. J-j-just make s-slag worseworseworse! L-longer I s-stay, wo-worse things 's guh-gonna get... Justgottagooo.... *he trembles continuously, processor going a million miles an hour as he stays stuck in his own vicious mental loop. Only time can really calm him down right now...*
Fireflight: *sighs and settles his back against the door* Look, let's just sit for a few minutes, OK? I really don't want you running through the halls screaming right now...It wouldn't be good for you or anyone else.
Breakdown: *his engine gives a high whine at that, Breakdown echoing the sound with his own vocalizer as he frets, twitching and unable to remain idle* Nooooooooo....... *he keens loudly, before slumping slowly down to his knees, hands dropping from his tight hold on the edge of the berth the clutch at his helm, thoughts nothing but a frantic jumble as he goes into a dull mental panic*
Fireflight: *resists the urge to go over and make sure that the Stunticon is alright. Him coming close will probably just make things worse right now. Instead, he waits, watching the other with a mix of concern and pity.*
Breakdown: *starts rocking back and forth slightly, whimpering as he tries to get past one of his fits in a less then ideal place for it. His paranoia is making him focus on what’s going to happen eventually - and it WILL, he is sure of it - as well as what happened /last night/, and how much the other mech must have /seen/ and /watched him/ andandandhestillwas...! * STOPSTARINGATMEEEEEE! *he suddenly screams, not even bothering to look up - heKNOWSHE'SWATCHING - the increasing grip on his fingers denting his own helm*
Fireflight: *Okay...he's gonna have to get hands on. Can't take this anymore...He walks over to the other mech and kneels next to him. He considers for a moment, then sweeps the other into a hug and cuddles the other against him, come hell or high water.*
Breakdown: *SCREECHES the second the other bot touches him, despite the now vaguely familiar touch; falling back and flailing against the hands and arms holding him, feet and fists lashing out as best they can against the grip, trying to get some leverage for enough force to get AWAY*
Fireflight: *holds onto him firmly, refusing to let go, even when he catches a few hits in the head or chest*
Breakdown: *continues with his thrashing, more like a bot having a seizure then anything else at this point, vocalizer warbling madly with static as he continues to flail, intakes gasping as his engine howls fitfully*
Fireflight: *holds onto him grimly. He has to tire out sometime and there is no way that he is letting him out into the halls just yet.*
Breakdown: *continues to screech and fail for several moments, before abruptly going completely limp in Fireflight's arms, head lolling back as his optics dim, his gasping intakes the only real sound still coming from him*
Fireflight: *sits, holding him and waiting still. He makes soft, soothing noises, still attempting to calm the other bot* Its going to be OK, Breakdown...
Breakdown: *continues gasping for air to cool overworked systems, processor only half offline as it underwent a partial emergency shutdown to prevent a crash. He can only shiver in the flyer’s arms, armor rattling as his systems tremble from stress*
Fireflight: *continues to cradle him, doing his utmost to get the bot to calm the slag down and relax. He's worried about him and this...this isn't good.*
Breakdown: *groans softly as things start rebooting again, the parts of his processor that are most often the cause of his little freak outs still safely offline for the moment. He blinks up at Fireflight, optics still dim* Whazit... Nugh... Y-you can lemme go now... *whispered, voice rough from overuse as well*
Fireflight: *nods and slowly releases his hold, watching him with a worried expression* Are you going to be OK for now?
Breakdown: *stumbles back onto his heels, nearly flopping onto his aft as he shakily stands up, grasping at the berth for support* Meh...'S g-good as I ever a-am..
Fireflight: Well...that's good...*sits down on the other side of the berth* How are you feeling?
Breakdown: *stands up straight, blinking slowly as he looks around, taking in the situation with a partially-there processor. Better then being a manic wreck at least* ...like slag. C-can I leave now...?
Fireflight: *sighs and nods* Yes...you can leave...I...I don't really know what to think about what happened...but if you want to talk...?
Breakdown: *shudders slightly at that reminder, processor beginning to come back online. He shows little outside sign of it though, as he slowly thumps on past the flyer, heading for the blessed door at last* Meh...W-whatever... *voice croaks thickly*
Fireflight: Breakdown...I'm serious...if you ever want to talk or you need something or someone...come see me, OK?
Breakdown: *pauses by the door, hand on the keypad, and glances back, expression fairly blank but...vaguely considering* ...W-whatever...
Fireflight: *nods, watching him go* Alright...Just keep it in mind...Catch ya later.
Breakdown: *nods, and opens the door and steps out, speed gently increasing the further away he gets as his processor slowly onlines fully*
Fireflight: *sighs and slumps a bit. Hopefully, he got through to him...*
Breakdown: *and off he goes. He may not be in a mad panic, but... but he still feels a need to just /run/. It might make him feel better... And so he does*

(LJ-ify your IMs before pasting!)

And then Breakdown made HIS entry...and found Dead End half-DEAD in the hall... And cracktran goes on. XD

fireflight, log, breakdown

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