(no subject)

Dec 17, 2007 14:25

In the aftermath of the SlagFest, the Vok Leaders Set and Re show up and lay claim to Divebomb and Sunstreaker. And, Proof that the Vok do have Energy weapons as well as cables.

Air Raid: *Is heading towards his mate, already torn up from the slagging earlier- and heading towards Dive Bomb to assess him of Tigatron's situation and condition*
Divebomb: *has been in the Pad and really has no idea what the slag is going on*
Air Raid: Dive Bomb.
Vok[Set]: --- Maliciousness is in the air. They have been watching, waiting. Now they will strike. ---
Divebomb: *looks up* Air Raid. *frowns* What's wrong? *stands up from where he was doing some tidying*
Air Raid: Megatron broke out of his condition today.
Air Raid: Took out almost everyone.
Divebomb: ...
Divebomb: Slag.
Air Raid: Took Prime Down, Took Runabout Down, Took Runamuck. Bonecrusher...Thundercracker.
Divebomb: *thought* Is Tigatron OK? *looks alarmed and rather stunned*
Vok[Set]: :: ...... :: --- Coldness. ---
Air Raid: One of hsi optics is gone, the other's damaged..
Air Raid: And he's bleedin'..in the medbay.
Divebomb: *fists clench*
Air Raid: Megatron and TC are offline.
Air Raid: I don't know who else is down.
Divebomb: Slagger.
Divebomb: THis...from our own ranks.
Divebomb: *slams a fist into the wall with a snarl*
Air Raid: Yeah..*wince*
Air Raid: Been with...Tigatron.
Air Raid: He got some bites in.
Divebomb: Is he OK? Should I go see him?
Vok[Set]: --- One True form of the Vok appears, silent, deadly. --- :: This one. :: :: Yes. One of the keys, Disable it swiftly.:: :: As you wish. ::
Air Raid: I would, he's probably offlined by now.
Air Raid: ...
Divebomb: *swings around, claws out*
Air Raid: NO!!!
Divebomb: *and out come the killing blades*
Divebomb: *deadly calm*
Air Raid: For the love of Primus, PLEASE.
Divebomb: It's gonna take more then a floating skull to take me down.
Vok[Set]: --- Not cables, but an energy weapon appears now, and fires twice. It is a miniature replicate of the Moon Cannon. Deadly, but not lethal. They only aim to disable. ---
Air Raid: *He tugs Dive Bomb down*
Divebomb: *dips to one side, dodging on blast and taking another glancing blow on one of his arms*
Divebomb: *then leaps at the Vok, blades coming around ina vicious arcs*
Air Raid: Dive!
Air Raid: *He snags a statue off one of their stands- and flings it at the Vok*
Vok[Set]: :: Your aim is off, Re. :: :: Silence, Set. If you shall not help, then be gone.:: --- Another blast at Divebomb. Cables creep up behind the other. ---
Divebomb: *takes it and keeps coming, cutting and snarling*
Air Raid: *He snarls at blast*
Vok[Set]: --- It is intangable for the most part. -- :: Fool. ::
Air Raid: *Snagging a bit of the berth frame off, and wrenching it into a javelin*
Air Raid: *flinging it*
Divebomb: *cuts at the tangible bits*
Vok[Set]: -- Cables snare it. ---
Air Raid: *Damn it*
Vok[Set]: -- Cable snare-grab Divebomb next. --- :: You shall be coming with us. ::
Divebomb: :: This is a really bad time, Vok. ::
Air Raid: ...
Divebomb: Can't you reschedule for tomorrow or something?
Air Raid: *And leaps*
Air Raid: *stabstabstabstab*
Divebomb: *keeps cutting and attacking*
Vok[Set]: :: It is perfect to snatch two Keys. ::
Air Raid: Leave. My. Mate. Alone *STABstabSTAB*
Divebomb: I am not your slagging key.
Vok[Set]: --Energy blast to Air Raid, aiming for wings. ---
Divebomb: I'm not going to slagging help you!
Divebomb: *powers up his own energy weapons and starts shooting*
Air Raid: *He yelps as one goes through his wings*
Air Raid: *twitching, but continues to stab*
Vok[Set]: :: No... You are right. You will be imprisoned so that you can not find what you are key to. ::
Divebomb: :: Imprisoned? I'm going to kill you! ::
Divebomb: *cutstabshoothurt*
Vok[Set]: :: Your weapons are useless. All you are doing is feeding us. :: -- Cold laughter.---
Air Raid: NO!
Air Raid: Don't take my MATE.
Air Raid: Please!
Air Raid: *still stabbing*
Vok[Set]: :: ... :: -- Gleed. Dark Glee. --
Air Raid: *starts punching into the mass of*
Divebomb: You can bleed! We killed one of you yesterday!
Divebomb: Three of you actually.
Vok[Set]: --- Energy blast, semi lethal powers up, aiming to Air Raid. -- :: You are its Mate?::
Vok[Set]: :: That loss shall be avenged. ::
Air Raid: Leave him alone.
Vok[Set]: --- Cables snareholdtighten around Air Raid. --- :: Negative. ::
Air Raid: *He twists at that, snarling*
Vok[Set]: ---Thicker cables snare around Divebomb. ---
Air Raid: *He twists an arm out- and starts stabbing what he can*
Divebomb: *strains at the cables*
Divebomb: If and when I get away from you, your project is toast.
Vok[Set]: ---Hiss. -- :: Still or we will Kill you. You are useless to us.::
Vok[Set]: :: The Project will be wiped clean soon enough. ::
Air Raid: *He fires at one of the "eyes"*
Vok[Set]: -- SNARL. Cable tighten painfully, chocking, attempting to rend Air Raid apart. -- :: We warned you. ::
Air Raid: *He does pause at that, hand shaking slightly from the strain*
Divebomb: *stills, snarling*
Air Raid: *Entire body tensed, wingtips trembling just a bit*
Divebomb: Air Raid...
Divebomb: Go back to Tiga.
Air Raid: D-di-dive.
Divebomb: I'll be along as soon as I rend their still-beating organs from their pathic, organic bodies.
Vok[Set]: :: Now... :: -- Attention turned to Divebomb. -- :: Shall this be easy or shall we invade your processors to offline you?::
Divebomb: I don't want you dead or hurt.
Divebomb: Tiga is gonna need someone as it is.
Air Raid: ::His optic glint painfully- watching his mate*
Divebomb: Let my mate go and I won't fight now.
Vok[Set]: --- Cables twitch around Air Raid painfully tight. --- :: That is not a desired response. ::
Divebomb: *growl*
Divebomb: I'll go along with it for now.
Air Raid: *hiss-squeak*
Divebomb: But if you hurt my mates all bets are off.
Divebomb: And then you die in the most painful way I can devise.
Vok[Set]: --- More Cables tighten around Divebomb. --- :: We shall See. Now.... Offline your self or we shall do it for you. ::
Divebomb: I love you Raid. Give Tiga my love and my apologies.
Divebomb: *glare
Divebomb: Slag you to the pit.
Divebomb: I hope your tentacles rust and fall off.
Vok[Set]: :: You have three seconds. ::
Vok[Set]: :: One. ::
Divebomb: *offlines his optics*
Divebomb: *starting a system shutdown*
Divebomb: :: I love you, Raid... ::
Divebomb: :: I'm sorry. ::
Air Raid: ::...Its okay, Dive. I'll find you somehow::
Vok[Set]: --- Fling Air Raid into a wall. -- :: We lied, we will offline you all the way now. We can not have you fighting. ::
Air Raid: *He snarls as he crashes into the wall*
Divebomb: *systems start flaring back on and he starts struggling*
Air Raid: *sliding down, then rebounding up* DIVE!
Vok[Set]: --- They start to forcefully invade his systems, turning them off, painfully. ---
Divebomb: *twitches, back arching as he screeches in pain*
Air Raid: *flinging more javlins, and anything he can*
Divebomb: :: Love...you... ::
Vok[Set]: --- Another Energy blast at Air Raid. -- :: Unlike the one that you killed, I am not adverse in using energy Weapons more than once. ::
Air Raid: *Is flung back into the wall, again- this time streaking energon down the wall*
Vok[Set]: --- Then two cables to the wings to pin him down. --- :: Fool. You are lucky that we will allow you to live. ::
Air Raid: Don't take him.. P-please.
Divebomb: :: Leave...him...alo-*fizt* ::
Vok[Set]: --- Final offline procedures down to ensure that Divebomb is offline save for the basic supporting systems.--
Vok[Set]: --- Dispassionate gaze. --- :: ...... Fool. ::
Air Raid: *Is just watching this, fingers twitching*
Vok[Set]: :: Tell them that Set has two Keys now. This one, and the one called Sunstreaker.:: --- Divebomb vanishes in the mass of cables, then does the Vok. --- :: We will return to claim more soon enough. :: -- Gone. --
Air Raid: *He just at the base of the wall...and slams his fists against it*
Air Raid: *If he could cry, he would- a soft electronic sob*
Air Raid: *He does, eventually- pick himself back up- and limps back down for medbay- hopefully someone'll see him*

Elsewhere, At the same time, Sunstreaker was taken.

Sunstreaker: ::is sitting outside, thinking VERY HARD. You can see the smoke::
Vok[Re]: --- Coldness. --- :: Perfect. :: ::All alone, little key?::
Sunstreaker: What?
Vok[Re]: ::It does not matter. Seize it. :: --- The true form of a Vok, a gaint, intangiable skull appears. ---
Sunstreaker: ::stands up and summons weaponry. A lot of it::
Vok[Re]: :: I am Set. You shall be comming with me, willing ... or not. ::
Sunstreaker: Because..?
Vok[Re]: :: You are a Key. ::
Sunstreaker: A what now?
Vok[Re]: :: You have had the dreams, have you not?::
Sunstreaker: ::flat:: No.
Sunstreaker: ::also, lying::
Vok[Re]: :: You lie. We know that you have. :: -- Cables appear. --- :: We know that you are a key. Do not lie. ::
Vok[Re]: ::No...::
Vok[Re]: :: This can be done two ways... ::
Sunstreaker: ::steps back from the cables:: What the hell is a key?
Vok[Re]: :: Your dreams. You dream of pieces of an Island, correct? You long to find them, yes?::
Sunstreaker: Key. Is. What.
Vok[Re]: --- Cables snare. --- :: Enough, You shall be comming with us. ::
Sunstreaker: ::flailing about madly but not very effectively::
Sunstreaker: And I'm doing this why?
Vok[Re]: :: You have no choice. ::
Sunstreaker: Says who? ::more struggling::
Vok[Re]: :: Now... Offline yourself or we shall do it.:: -- Cables hold tight.---
Sunstreaker: You and what army?
Vok[Re]: --- Forceful telepathic invasion. ---
Sunstreaker: ::complete freakout straight into offline. Turns out Sunny doesn't deal too well with people in his head::
Vok[Re]: --- They keep in his head, ensuring that he is offline untill only basic programes remain running, Then They leave with him. ---
Sunstreaker: ::And he's down for the count::
Vok[Re]: -- They place him in a holding cell inside the remains of Nexus Zero that the Vok were able to call back before Vector Prime placed a dent in their plans. He will not be able to eascape, but he does have access, limited though it is, to contact Sunstreaker. By the end of the week he will beable to gain a signal to the outside. His cell is small, and he is held fast by massive cables. --
Vok[Re]: [[Contact Divebomb I do mean, ]]
Sunstreaker: ::And that is not the face of a happy camper::
Vok[Re]: --- After ensursing that he is secured, they leave. --
Sunstreaker: ::Is going to go on a murderous rampage...as soon as he gets around to waking up::
Vok[Re]: --He will not be able to, as he is held fast and tight, incapable of moving. --
Sunstreaker: ::Eh, better gag him if you're going to be in the same room as him, or he'll give you the rough side of his tongue::
Vok[Re]: --- If it is needed, after he wakes, they shall. But for now, they have left the holding cells. --

log, air raid, vok, divebomb, sunstreaker

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