Day 27: The Science Girl Appears!

Sep 27, 2010 00:08

I just finished another scene of Science Girl Cinnamon, this one the actual scene where she BECOMES Science Girl Cinnamon for the first time. That is pretty exciting. And a good way to end my weekend.

I had a really great weekend. I did not do a podcast this weekend, my first time since bringing the podcast back. It's going to happen from time to time. Sorry.

But, I did have a great weekend. Yesterday, Lyn came by, and we never got a round to recording. Instead we played some good games, watched Bill Maher, and finished the first season of the new Doctor Who (9th Doctor, that is). Then, at the end of the day, I got quite a treat. I've mentioned the band The Indelicates (whose song, "Sixteen", I recorded a cover of, see previous entry). Like I said, I've been getting into them in a big way, recently. Well, last night I was tweeting back and forth with Julia Indelicate about comics, which was pretty sweet. I think their music is really terrific, their songs so much fun to listen to/sing/play. It was a real thrill to be virtual twitter chatting with her.

Anyway, on to today--I had a nice day with Devon, which is why I did not podcast. Totally worth it. It's nice to relax, too. And Dev is between rotations right now, so it was a good day to hang out.

But, I did just spend an hour and a half listening to Get Set Go's saturday show on uStream and working on the first episode of SGC. I really need to finish this episode. But today was a good night of it--I wrote a few pages, and I thought about some thoughtful stuff on the episode.

I was thinking about the whole idea of getting the episode done before revising, and it really hit me what that REALLY means. I like my outline, so as far as this first draft goes, I can really just smash it out, and fix it later. It's really more important to get it done than to get it perfect. Again, I knew it, but REALLY knowing it can be difficult. I never wrote with that thought before. I always was trying to make it as best as I could in the first pass. Which is fine, I guess. But I am finding comfort in this. I guess I am getting old. The characters are still not in perfect focus to me, but as I write, they get clearer. And knowing I can go back and focus them once they have crystallized makes me very happy.

The other thing I was thinking about is how this series is inspired mostly by TV shows, but it is itself an audio show, so I need to really find a way to play that up. I have not completely cracked what that is going to mean just yet. But it is important to think about, and I think that, as I complete the first episode (and revise it) it will come clear to me.

Anyway, let me go to bed now. I am going to try to get up at 6 tomorrow. I wonder...I wonder if it would be better to go to be earlier and get up and write in the mornings? I have a feeling I would never be able to get up early enough. Ah well. Good night.

Also--I have NO idea why I put "Jack" as a tag on that last post. ???

sgc, indelicates, jack

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