But even though I have not been posting, I have not been a total slug. I've been doing stuff on most of the days.
Monday I did a bit of writing, but then by the time I finished I was exhausted. I didn't write a ton, but I did finish off the scene I had left dangling a bit on Sunday. So, yeah--Monday I worked on writing Science Girl Cinnamon.
Tuesday I don't think I did much of anything. I cannot recall what I actually did. I probably read comics.
Wednesday, AKA last night, I intended to write, but at the last second, I changed my mind and was up until 1:30 AM recording a song. It was a cover of a song by The Indelicates called "Sixteen". I've been really getting into them recently, and I highly recommend their songs. They sell them on their site
http://www.indelicates.com/ and on iTunes and eMusic. They are British and super smart and witty.
Tonight I finished recording the song. I had done all the instruments last night, so tonight it was all vocals and mixing. You can hear the cover in all its glory here:
http://www.wax-work.com/music/noise.htm if you like. Let me know what you think. Then, after watching a little TV, I did a tiny bit of writing. And I mean a tiny bit. It was maybe an inch or so. Maybe less.
See--I guess it all depends on how you look at it. No, I did not get a huge ton of work on SGC, but I did do creative work. I recorded a song, which I do love to do, and do find very fulfilling.
When it comes down to it, I am very much a Jack of all trades and master of none. Love to write, love to do music, do some light acting, used to draw a lot...but I am not amazingly awesome at any of these things, I am pretty ok at them. Ah well.
I had fun, so far.