Want to know how to properly make the UNCE noise you hear in some techno songs? Why do you want to know this? I don’t know, but you will need some help(Its hard to do it right)!
1. To start, make a deep noise with your vocal cords, but dont let it get through your throat.
2. Then right after doing this make a “sss” noise. UhSS.
3. Still dont get it? Try to pronounce these words using the tips above:
4. Tzu, Uhzz, Uhss, UNCE (But do not use the N)
5. Keep on practicing, and eventually you will get it.
* DO NOT ACTUALLY SAY UNCE. The noise is made from your throat. Not your mouth.
* UNCE is just the word that is closest to the sound.
* Do not do this Continuously. For you will run out of breath eventually
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