Jun 23, 2006 17:42
1. There seems to be a lot of new mood theme LJs lately, which is great. My only problem is that some of them are using my instructions and .txt files (and sometimes everything down to my friggin userinfo) without credit, and it's pretty annoying. I have absolutely no problem with you linking to my mood theme instructions post, or even copying and pasting it into your own posts if you credit me. It's not so much the instructions that I'm annoyed about as the .txt file, as that took a couple hours to make, and I'm pretty sure it helped along any future carpal tunnel syndrome. Also, if you don't understand how to install a mood theme, so you can't even write your own instructions, how are you going to help anyone with questions?
2. I swear I wasn't teasing when I asked for Buffy suggestions before, I will do them eventually, I just want to rewatch the series before I do, and I'm only on season 2 so far. It's a very intimidating fandom to make themes for, when everyone seems to remember every scene. I will prevail, however! I promise I'll work on them before the end of summer.
3. Next: Alias themes (Sark, Spyfamily, maybe more?) are coming soon, I'm planning on updating the BSG themes I've got already (if the terrible murky caps of s2.5 will be good), and I'm going to re-do my first 3 Firefly mood themes as well. Because I'm insane. And I think the colours could be better. But mostly because I'm insane.
And despite all of that, I'm going to post a request post in about 2 minutes. Insane!