Sunday, December 26, 2010 - Porn

Dec 27, 2010 02:03


Supernova by withthepilot (Kirk/McCoy, NC-17, 625 words)
Summary: Jim asked for this, not quite prepared for the reality. Leonard talks him through it.
Notes: This is 625 words of perfect porn about a first-time fisting experience. Most of the responses to it consist of things like "Nnnnnnf" and "aks;faksldjf" because it is HOT. It also has perfect characterizations of Jim and Bones: Jim is so eager and determined, and possibly jumps into something that's a little over his head, and Bones, unable to resist him, loves him enough to get him where he wants to go. Did I mention that it's hot?

kirk/mccoy, !porn

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