Monday 27, December, 2010 - Slash

Dec 28, 2010 00:07


Grand Pas de Deux by mercaque (Sulu/Chekov, NC-17, ~24,700 words)
Summary: Falling in love with Pavel Chekov, his daughter’s ballet teacher, is one of the most terrifying things Hikaru Sulu has ever done. Little does he realize that neither the attraction nor the terror are one-sided. Modern-day AU.
Notes: The author does a lovely job with all of the characters -- including Demora, Sulu's daughter, who feels like a real kid but is never annoying about it -- but it was Sulu who completely had my heart here. He's such a fundamentally decent, generous guy who is falling for Chekov but hasn't quite figured out how to be a good dad and let himself be happy. Chekov's experiences and insecurities are a perfect match for his.

Trust, Openness and Honesty by madeyemax (Sulu/Chekov, Sulu/Chekov/Scotty, NC-17, 27,511 words)
Summary: After dating for a year, Hikaru and Pavel spice things up a bit and test the boundaries of their relationship.
Notes: I love a PWP threesome as much as the next horny fangirl, but I really love it when authors explore the potential emotional ramifications of a threesome, awkwardness and misplaced desires and all. This story has two threesomes (if you consider Sulu's oh-so-friendly plant a third partner *g*), and while they are both hot like burning, they also have unforeseen effects on Sulu and Chekov's relationship. Scotty is an absolute love here, so warm and mature, and I enjoyed the small cameos by Kirk and McCoy.


Twelve by checkerboxed (Kirk/McCoy, NC-17, 4,000 words)
Summary: bones gives jim twelve gifts. CLICHE PLOT IS CLICHE.
Notes: This is a college AU with Bones as an older-than-usual student and Jim as his TA. And yes, this plot has been done before, but this fic does it so well that you won't mind. Sweet and sexy.

A Sensible Alternative by thistlerose (Kirk/McCoy, PG, 3,130 words)
Summary: The first Christmas after his divorce and his father's death, McCoy just can't get into the holiday spirit. Kirk offers him an alternative.
Notes: Like all of the best holiday stories, this fic warmed my heart. I love when Jim takes care of Bones even when he's being cranky.

kirk/mccoy, !slash, slash other, chekov/sulu

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