tuesday, september 15, 2009 - gen

Sep 16, 2009 00:53

Welcome Interruptions by celebros (Winona Kirk, Christopher Pike, PG-13)
Summary: He convinces himself the use of transport credits is reasonable: if Kirk turns him down by vid message, he'll have to make follow-up attempts to show that he made reasonable effort. If she turns him down in person - possibly with a bloody nose or a broken cheekbone - he's pretty sure his thesis committee will forgive him the lack and say he's done his best.
Notes: This is a fantastic look at Winona who after years of decidedly not talking about what happened on the Kelvin is now ready when a certain Starfleet cadet shows up at her door. Pike is pretty fantastically awkward here, and bonus glimpse at the Kirk boys who already show glimpses of who they will become.

The Surly Bonds of Earth by denorios (Pike, Enterprise, G, 700 words)
Summary: A man and his ship.
Notes: A lovely, quiet, introspective piece about Captain Pike and his dreams.

Untitled by marinarusalka (McCoy, Spock, Not Rated, 272 words)
Summary: "You know what I hate about space travel?" McCoy asks.
Notes: This is hilarious both as a story and as meta-narrative, and it contains some excellent Spock-McCoy snark. Short, but awesome.


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