Monday, September 14th 2009 - slash

Sep 14, 2009 20:57

Twould Be A Wildish Destiny by thistlerose (Kirk/McCoy, adult, ~3600 words)
Summary: 'Twould be a 'wildish' destiny / If we, who thus together roam / In a strange Land, and far from home / Were in this place the guests of Chance... - William Wordsworth
Notes: Quiet and powerful, with just the right amounts of angst and sweetness.

In The Event Of An Accidental Marriage, Please Fill Out Form 27b-6 by toastedtea (Kirk/McCoy, R, ~7500)
Summary: Bones and Kirk have to get married for whatever clichéd reason. (Probably aliens.) They agree that they'll marry but divorce as soon as they can--in a month or two. During their marriage, they both come to realize that they love each other, but due to their horrible communication skills, they both assume that the other can't wait to get divorced. Angst ensues.
Notes: oh, this is just JOYFUL. I fully admit, half of that is because Gaila is so wonderfully written in this fic. I adore here! The other half is how well toastedtea writes Jim and Bones, handling the angst with just enough oomph to make it sting but not overwhelm, which allows for some brilliant comedic moments in the story.

Keeping Count by callieach (Kirk/McCoy, R, 4,442 words)
Summary: They're best friends, sure, but this only ever leads one place. And for the first time in his memory, Jim is getting sick of sex with no commitment.
Notes: Really well-written and so achy-sweet, with Jim wanting what he thinks he can't have and doesn't deserve.

To The Best of my Recollection by svilleficrecs (Kirk/Spock, R, 3400 words)
Summary: He can't understand why it disturbs him so deeply.
Notes: A wonderfully touching story, told in a beautiful and understated writing style. The character voices are stunning, and the whole fic is an amazing read.

The Sky Was Made for Us Tonight by dansenocturne(waketosleep@DW) (Kirk/Spock, PG-13, 5500 words)
Summary: The Vulcans thought that humans in space, unsupervised, would be too much for the galaxy to handle. And that was before Jim Kirk came along.
Notes: This is an incredible AU, brilliantly constructed and so simply conveyed. The execution is deft, the pace is intense, and Kirk's voice is absolutely perfect. Spock's reactions every time Kirk surprises him are too wonderful for words.

Some Distraction by red_at_three (McCoy/Chekov, R, ~1300 words)
Summary: Pavel goes swimming. McCoy watches. Then other stuff happens.
Notes: An interesting look at the public and private sides of a May-December romance.

Passing It Forward by templemarker (Gaila/Demora Sulu, PG-13, 1000 words)
Summary: She's still got it.
Notes: Gaila as a confident older woman is gorgeous to watch, especially when she's seducing an attractive young ensign.

kirk/mccoy, !slash, slash other, kirk/spock, femslash, mccoy/chekov

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