Love Letter from a Scientist, by utterlybanjaxed (a.k.a. mccoyquialisms) et al. (G)

Dec 01, 2013 23:33

Ooh, extra posting days! Since this is apparently the one and only time WtNV will be recced here (unless someone slips some fics in next month), guess I better make hay while the sun shines...

Pairing: Cecil/Carlos
Length: 222 words
Author on LJ: unknown
Author Website: mccoyquialisms on Tumblr; nimsley on Tumblr and deviantart; arbeekeypok on Tumblr and deviantart; damatris on Tumblr and deviantart
Notes: poetry and fanart
Why this must be read:

Fandom, alas, can be divisive: het shippers versus slashers, competing OTPs, oldschool fans versus newbies and/or reboot fans, and in some sad cases fandom versus creators. This work is the antithesis of that, a marvelous example of fans sharing their love of a canon by riffing on it, and each other’s work. I first encountered “Love Letter from a Scientist” through damatris’s adaptation of some lines from the first stanza of mccoyquialisms’s free verse:

I am not a poet.
I am a scientist.
I can measure the exact frequency
of your voice when you speak my name,
but I cannot explain how it resonates
with such perfect clarity down my spine.

It was with great pleasure that I later found the complete version, as illustrated by nimsley and arbeekeypok, on my Tumblr feed.

Text only version

Full illustrated version by nimsley and arbeekeypok

Abridged version by damatris

fanart, welcome to night vale, fanfic

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