In the Line of Duty by wildcat88 (PG)

Jul 28, 2013 18:34

Pairing: none
Length: 1,231 words
Author on LJ: wildcat88
Author Website:
Why this must be read:

Author's Summary : When Patrick learns John is injured in Afghanistan, he pulls some strings to be with his son.


This character doesn't get any screen time in canon besides a brief shot of his coffin. We have no face to put to the man, but I think we can all agree on the impact he has had on the character of John Sheppard. He's been a driving force John's entire life, his attitude towards John's life choices and the tension between father and son helping to create the man we know and love.

And yet, we barely know anything about Patrick Sheppard besides the impact he's had on John. We don't know what drives him in his reactions to John nor do we really know his thoughts on John's life. This piece helps bridge the gap of that loss in a moving piece of parental pride and sadness over a son's pain. While he may not agree with the direction John's life has taken, he still feels pride over his accomplishments and tears still spring to Patrick's eyes at the current situation he finds his son in. I really felt for the this father and wish there was more fiction out there exploring him that was this good.

In The Line of Duty

stargate atlantis, fanfic

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