Breathless by sg fignewton (PG)

Jul 28, 2013 17:55

Pairing: Daniel/Sha're
Length: 1,00 words
Author on LJ: sg_fignewton
Author Website: Fanfic by Season on LJ
Why this must be read:

Author's Summary : Four times Sha're caught her breath, and one time she didn't. Mostly gen, with some Daniel/Sha're. Includes spoilers through FIAD and canon character death(s).


Sha're is beautifully explored in this collection of five vignettes that explore her life and herself as an individual. She's given a strength of character and a deep well of motivation that canon just doesn't deliver. She's more than just the catalyst that got Daniel further into the Stargate program and the fight with the Goa'uld; she's a mature woman who knows how to show defiance and strength just as well as she knows how to love. From the uplifting to the tragic, these looks at Sha're will please and inspire.


stargate sg1, fanfic

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