Traveling With Wolves [Mature]

Jun 07, 2013 20:20

Fandom: Stargate: Atlantis
Pairing: John Sheppard/Rodney McKay
Length: 65,374 words
Author on LJ: issaro
Author Website: Issaro on AO3
Why this must be read:

Author's Summary: The world is ending and there's nothing John can do about it except listen to it pass by on his small radio. The world has ended and there was nothing left for Rodney to do except hope that when he got where he was going, someone else would be there as well. John just wants to keep his sanity but might have to give up on being human in the process. Rodney just wants to find some answers provided he can make it there in one piece. It's the end of the world and only the wolves will survive.

This actually covers two fics - a series. The first is labeled gen, but the second is very much John/Rodney. It combines two of my favorite tropes - apocalypse and werewolves. Rodney is following a beacon, making his way by foot through forests and around cities. In one of these forests, he comes across a trapped wolf and sets about freeing it. Once free, the wolf takes to following him, stealing his food and keeping him safe. But this is no ordinary wolf, as Rodney discovers. The fic is very true to their characters, though they've been understandably damaged by the apocalypse. As always, I love John and Rodney's relationship, which is very well done. An engaging read - once I start it, I can never stop until I've read it all. There is some end of world imagery that may bother readers, however.

Traveling With Wolves

stargate atlantis, fanfic

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