Pairing: Jim Kirk/Spock
Length: 5500 words for the first; no word count for the second, but it is a medium-sized one-shot
Author on LJ: keelywolfe
Author Website: this must be read:
Hey guys, I'm your STR reccer this month. I come from the POV of someone who's more familiar with the Reboot 'verse, as opposed to the other Star Trek canons. Because of that, I'm particularly interested in fics that fully embrace the J.J. Abrams version, with canon details such as the characterization of "Jim", instead of "Kirk". I wanted to do all Into Darkness fics since it just came out, but most of the ones that caught my eye are multi-chap WiP. I'll try to slip in a couple non-WiP. I wanted to have some kind of theme, but that's also kind of gone out the window. I'll probably rec a variety of slash pairings, since that's my preference in this fandom, though there might be some gen in there 'cause I've had a thing lately for fics that explore the estranged relationship between Jim and Winona. I'll warn you, I can be kind of long-winded. I'll try to keep that in check, but no promises.
To start with, I bring you "This Rebellious Nature" and "These Fevered Dreams". I'm reccing these two together, because even though the first stands alone, the second is an au of the first and does not stand on its own. If you read the first, you will feel the need to read the second, which will fill the void the first one left. The end of the "Rebellious Nature" is what would happen if Jim wasn't his proactive self in the sequel/AU "Fevered Dreams". Vague enough for you? ;) Bear with me as I try to avoid spoilers.
Inspired by a Death Note fanart of L and Light making out in the rain, these two fics have nothing to do with Death Note. The inspiration serves as a centerpiece scene around which the fics revolve where Jim and Spock are teenagers and haven't realized their big space destinies yet. Teenage Jim and Spock in the rain. Sounds hot, right? And it is, it really is. But there is so much more going on. Keelywolfe gives us the seeds of half-human Spock's inevitable rebellion from a 100% Vulcan upbringing and how that strains his relationship with his father. We are given Jim's already full-blown rebellion. We get an alternate Jim/Spock "first contact", that still ties in with the J.J. universe.
As one would expect, Jim is the aggressor and Spock is the one along for the ride. But Keelywolfe comes up with characterizations that subtly go against the grain of a lot of fanon, and yet come across as true. Her Jim is inappropriately forward almost to the point of being invasive, but it's just the thing to wrench Spock out of his lonely internal world. Keelywolfe conveys Spock's relative innocence without turning him into Bambi. He's uncertain and inexperienced in a lot of social situations, including sex, but he's still Spock. He's a badass.
In addition to all that, we get Amanda putting her foot down, Jim's defiant insistence on shamelessness, Jim comforting a feverish Spock both inside and outside of reality, an intriguing non-Earthling perspective on Earth, and Keelywolfe's uniquely smooth writing.
Link goes to "These Fevered Dreams", which has a link to the previous "This Rebellious Nature" in its header:
These Fevered Dreams