Pray your gods by perryvic, Zaganthi (Caffiends) (R)

Jun 01, 2013 13:05

Hello all. I will be driving the Sherlock Holmes van this month (along with another- I’ve got this multi-fandom-tasking thing down to a science now) and I really am excited.

Pairing: Moriarty/Moran
Length: 7129
Author on LJ:
Author Website: perryvic , Zaganthi (Caffiends)
Why this must be read:
It was understood that regardless of what case Lestrade brought us in the meantime, when She sent her envoy, it would be my friend's new focus.

 He slept feverishly that night, and I did not sleep at all. There were half thoughts, fringe memories of that flat mirrored lake and the slick of incomprehensible eldritch limbs against my skin. I gave up on sleep, made tea in the kitchen and doctored it with laudanum, serving the both of us. It made for a lazy morning the next day, and my back was quite poorly as I slept on the floor of his room.

So I wanted to start off this month by reccing an entire Sherlock Holmes universe a fic for of one of my favourite Sherlock Homes fic/short stories ever- Neil Gaiman’s A Study In Emerald which is Victorian era Homes set in a world where Lovecraft’s ancient Gods have returned to reclaim rule over the world. The short story is insane and brilliant and gives a slithery, creepy twist on the first Sherlock Holmes story, and creates an amazing Victorian period London universe to explore. Plus, the character twists in the story are brilliant.

What I am reccing is fic for that short story. (Definitely read it first if you haven’t!) I may be biased because this was one of the many amazing gifts I got for Yuletide last year, but it is fantastically written and works in the universe perfectly. Done in a gorgeous styled first person (imitating canon and Gaiman’s story), the consulting detective’s soldier recounts a horrifying case seeped in the eldritch taint of the Old Ones. Featuring some familiar faces and plenty of tentacles.

Pray your gods

sherlock holmes, fanfic

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