No Aspirin in the Jungle by Heliophile (Teen and up)

Jun 01, 2013 16:19

Hello! It's June, and I'll be driving the Pros crack van this month, with absolutely no plan whatsoever except to rec Pros stories that absolutely must be read... so just following instructions, really... *g* Hopefully I'll find something you might enjoy - such as this wee gem...

Pairing: B/D
Length: short story
Author on LJ: heliophile_oxon
Author Website: on Archive of Our Own
Why this must be read: Heliophile is such a good writer that I can just imagine walking in at the end of this ep - the action is pretty much finished, the villainy nipped in the bud, and our heroes are finishing up for the day. It's a great way to start a B/D story, because we end up with exactly what we want - finding out what the lads get up to next, off-screen. The problem is that this time, Doyle's been undercover, and George Cowley's finding him unusually chatty...

Excerpt: “…not parrot food. They don’t eat it, ‘s jus’ for sharpenin’ their beaks on, cuttlefish bone… Do cuttlefishes have bones? Not a bone. Dunno. Look, in the cage, if you can get it out, not me, ‘m not goin’ anywhere near that damn bird, bloody great harpy… Sorry sir, findin’ it a bit hard to concentrate. Had to blend in, y’know, ‘m all about the blendin’ in, fine, no problem, but Kirstin baked a cake today an’ I’ve had the tea as well an’ I dint know she’d put dope in the cake … as well as the tea … an’ I had to blend in, take a few hits, pass a join’ aroun’, don’ wan’ blow me cover... Bodie!”

No Aspirin in the Jungle

the professionals, fanfic

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