"Beginnings" by Rayneken (PG)

May 10, 2013 22:30

Fandom: NARUTO
Pairing: none, Naruto-centric gen
Length: 12 chapters, 81,685 words
Author on LJ: unknown
Author Website: FF.net profile page
Why this must be read: Here's a fun story! I'm not one to seek out kid!fic, but the summary lured me in: Naruto was six years old when he met the man who changed his life. ...Now he's kind of just hoping he survives it., and I ended up really enjoying it! The fluff can be so cute it hurts, but the author balances it with some great comedy and darker moments. It does have a rather large number of canon-defying pop culture references, but they are easily forgiven. I must admire Senji's patience; kid!Naruto would make me run--screaming--for my sanity AND my life! [AU starting before volume 1, but it's best to have read canon through volume 50 or you might be rather lost at times.]

Beginnings by Rayneken

naruto, fanfic

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