"Xylophilia" by Crunchysunrises (R)

May 09, 2013 22:36

Fandom: NARUTO
Pairing: main ships: Kakashi/Yamato, Sai/Sakura/Yamato, side ships: Aoba/Anko/Yamato, Sakura/Yamato, Sakura/Sai, Sai/Yamato
Length: one-shot at 4,414 words
Author on LJ: crunchysunrises, though author suggests her DW page is better: crunchysunrises
Author Website: fic master list
Why this must be read: I can really feel Yamato's frustration with his sempai's avoidance of his feelings--something that makes the ending very satisfying. This fic has some delightful interpretations I've not run across before, such as exactly how Kakashi's obtained his houseplant, Mr. Ukki, and the different reactions to Yamato's wood jutsu and his origins. Sakura's delight with Yamato's skills is sweet and made me very happy for him. Blunt Sai is perfect! [begins when Yamato AKA Tenzou is 14, extends to when he's 26, no canon spoilers aside from Yamato's origins]

Xylophilia by Crunchysunrises

naruto, fanfic

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