Pairing: No pairing
Length: 1,154 words
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vedette_cielAuthor Website: and under tag author:vedette_ciel
Why this must be read:
The extremely close relationship between Starsky and Hutch was mirrored in real life by the close friendship between Paul Michael Glaser and David Soul, which continues to this day. Starsky & Hutch fans were writing Real Person Fiction (mostly slash) while the show was still on the air, and according to Fanlore, may have produced " the first known and confirmed examples of RPS fan fiction in media fandom." In recent years, examples of RPF in S&H have been rare. Nexus gives us a moment between PMG and DS just prior to a public event held in February 2012. As Paul thinks about seeing David for the first time after a long separation (PMG lives in Los Angeles, David in England), his recollections of working with his friend when they were young and his anticipation of seeing him again after this most recent separation rings so vividly true it's hard to believe it didn't actually happen. Which is exactly what good fiction is all about-making us participants in a moment in fantasy, and making us believe it is real. This charming story is a tribute to friendship and love.
Nexus by Vedette Ceil