Bandom/Popslash (pg)

Feb 15, 2012 20:54

Title: Colours of the World (Spice Up Your Life) by gala_apples
Pairing: gen, mentioned Show Pony/Doctor Death Defying and hinted Spice Girls GSF
Length: 2,120 words
Author on LJ & DW: gala_apples &
Author on AO3:

Why this must be read: Ghoul doesn't like getting visits from other resistance groups, but it's a necessary evil. - The one where the Spice Girls is another of the resistance groups in the Killjoys universe.

This is a fascinating story. It's the kind of scenario that could easily be played for laughs but gala_apples really makes it work. I love the subtle way we're shown that this isn't only trading for goods, it's also an exchange of knowledge and an opportunity to see other points of views. Even Frank, for all his reluctance and suspicions, realises how important it is, particulary for Grace and her future.

Excerpt from the story:

He knows he should probably trust Spice. The other Killjoys do, and if Ghoul didn't know Show Pony and Death Defying had been in love since before they became rebels he'd suspect Show of being in love with Baby from how much time they spend together. Hell, he's even let her try on his skates, and those things hardly ever come off his feet.

So he should trust, but he doesn't. When he gets back from pissing and sees Grace is gone, he panics. Jet Star can see it in his face and doesn't give him a chance to start babbling before he explains Grace and Ginger are in the bathroom. Ghoul doesn't hesitate a beat before walking in. The tiny room is incredibly cramped, Party is balanced on the open tank of the long broken toilet, Grace is sitting on the counter and Ginger is standing in front of her. Ghoul plops down on the grimy seat of the toilet. If Ginger suddenly goes rouge, it'll take one of them to kill her while the other protects Grace.

It takes Ghoul a minute to realise what Ginger's doing, and even then it seems odd. Odd enough that he finds himself asking ‘What are you doing?', even though he doesn't want to encourage any kind of friendship with any member of Spice.

"I'm showing Grace how to use makeup."

"Why?" If Grace starts liking it, it'll be just another thing that they can't always provide her.

"It's another form of colour. I'm sure you've noticed by now we're always in black."

"Yeah, it's pretty BLI of you."

"Spice wears their colour on their face. I've already told him" she gestures to Party with her hand, a tiny match stick looking device with green powder in a pinched grip "a few different places he can get some, on your next raid, although with his gorgeous hair I'm guessing they weren't all surprises. But she has to know how to wear it. God knows there aren't any female role models here. Except maybe Party."

The response comes from behind his ear. "I should be offended by that, but I'm not."

"Fucking right you shouldn't be offended by being compared to a female." Ginger smiles at the girl in front of her. "Grace, honey? Jump down and tell me if you like it."

Grace complies, and grins upon seeing the green smeared on her eyelids. Ghoul breaks, just the slightest bit. If someone's made his daughter smile like that, they can't be all bad.

Colours of the World (Spice Up Your Life) (on LJ) or here (on DW)

bandom, pop slash, crossover, fanfic

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