Life on Mars/Slings & Arrows (PG)

Feb 15, 2012 13:39

There are actually more Life on Mars crossovers than I had anticipated. There are the crossovers with Ashes to Ashes, Doctor Who (and related fandoms) as well as other shows featuring John Simm and Philip Glenister. And then there are crossovers that don't seem nearly as intuitive, until you finish reading them just *knowing* that they actually happened. In both canons.
Title: An entrance somewhere else
Pairing: Gen  
Length: 1,400
Author on LJ:petronelle
Author Website: here
Why this must be read:
Oliver Welles finds himself transported to 1970s Manchester, where he offers helpful advice to Sam and Gene and is then forced to spend more time in CID than he may have wanted for his trouble. Petra's Oliver, Sam, and Gene are wonderful as always, and this fic combines Oliver's thinking about his past and continued attention to ways he could stage everything around him with his observations of Sam and Gene. It combines humor with moments of sadness and is an excellent character study/ casefic.

When he has finally stopped shaking, he's outside the police department. There are two men arguing by a brown car, one large and shouting, the other slim and earnest, undercutting him in a voice so low it's nearly a whisper. Oliver watches, thinks of the ways he could use that contrast, that staging.

He's still dead. Nothing to stage here. Not even for Robert.

"There's no bloody connection!" the loud man shouts. "Poison, drowning, stabbing--no connection at all!"

"I'm telling you there is, guv," the quiet man says, earnest and certain. "More than just the notes."

"What is it, then?" The loud man flings out his arm, gesturing with his camel coat like a cape. Classic declamatory technique, Oliver thinks, and hates himself.

An entrance somewhere else

slings & arrows, crossover, life on mars, fanfic

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