"In Vivo" by Narroch (NC-17) (NSFW)

Dec 07, 2011 22:01

The same figure who's been dressed in white is currently jacking up the YnM van, which has hit a pothole and lost a wheel.

Sorry for the sudden silence after that orgy of posting: the hackers who've been attacking LJ recently nearly ran the van off the road. Not to worry: I know someone who could use a few test subjects for his experiments.

Pairing: Muraki/Tsuzuki (non-con)
Length: 5,115
Author on LJ: Unknown
Author Website: Author page on FF.N

Why this must be read: Speaking of experiments... this has to be one of the most *sick* Muraki/Tsuzuki fics I have ever read. Usually, I don't go for much in the way of gore, but this one captured Muraki's twisted personality so well, it broke past my inhibitions. Written as if it might be a cut scene from near the climax of the Kyoto Files arc, it shows us just what Muraki might have been up to, after he kidnapped Tsuzuki and held him hostage for seventy-two hours in that sub-basement lab beneath Shion University. There's a gleefulness to the gruesomeness, and that's utterly befitting Muraki's tendency toward morbid humor.


yami no matsuei, anime/manga, fanfic

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