Pairing: Mark/Eduardo
Length: 22,000 words
Author on LJ:
vaingirlficAuthor Website:
At AO3Why this must be read: An AU fic, and the first fic I've recced this month which is less than all sweetness and light.
This one is an AU where Mark is Mark but Eduardo never went to Harvard due to his abusive upbringing, where his father pimped him out for business deals. (Warning for non-explicit, underage rape references.)
Eduardo is understandably rather messed up, but Mark, not, perhaps a bastion of mental health himself, doesn't really mind. I think I would, personally mind a little if even someone as hot as Eduardo got me put in jail, but not Mark. Not really...
“I know this doesn't really register with you most of the time, but I'm a crazy person, Mark. Normal people wouldn't put up with me.”
“That's not true,” he says, though not as emphatically as he meant to.
“No, you're right. Everyone is easily infatuated by some dude that got them sent to prison-”
“Only for a few hours, and it wasn't even prison, just the police station, it was no big deal!” Mark interrupts indignantly
The fic is beautifully crafted, with the creeping horror of Eduardo's upbringing carefully expressed, and the mess that it left Eduardo not flinched from, but showing a slow recovery with Mark's stalkinghelp (and his mom's). And there's what the author jokingly calls inappropriate humour, but I call just enough to make this a perfectly balanced fic.
The boy's never been good for much...