Pairing: Justin/Alex
Length: 2.534 words
Author on LJ:
tabacoychanelAuthor Website:
fanfiction.netWhy this must be read:
Twelve years. Such a long time but sometimes you only need few moments to see how much a life could change. One moment and everything is different. One look, one touch and you realize you can't be alone anymore.
This happen to Alex and Justin and the reader can see how their lives change. The fic starts twelve years in the future and shows then earlier moments. The time gapes between them grow till the fics end with the present time and you realize that this future is inevitable. It's the normal, the right path for these two people.
I simple love the style of the fic. The idea to start with the end and end with the start isn't new but as I read
tabacoychanel's fic I still was amazed. Somehow the author give this timeline presentation a new twist. Together with her wonderful characterization of Justin and Alex this is the reason the fic is under my top ten of WoWP-fics. Also the fic gets bonus points for an amazing Max even if there are only few scenes with him. ;-)
So I can only say... read the fic and see how Justins and Alexs evolved.
So what if you catch me where would we land (LJ),> Justin and Alex's lives unfold like a butterfly in reverse.