"The Demon" by scymnus (PG)

Dec 03, 2011 00:24


Pairing: Yukitaka Muraki/Asato Tsuzuki, pre-slash

Length: 222

Author on LJ: Unknown (Link me if someone knows??)

Author Website: Author's Page on fanfiction.net

Why this must be read: Part of what seems to draw a lot of fic writers to YnM are the shadowy pasts of the main characters: they beg one to attempt to fill in the blanks and imagine how these characters got there. This is especially true of Tsuzuki, whose past is hidden even from him. This short fic shows us the moment when he first becomes a patient of the grandfather of his future archnemesis, and the implications of what contributed to his years of mental anguish and torment... It's a very subtle, simple fic on the surface, but it hints at things that will leave one shivering...

The Demon

yami no matsuei, anime/manga, fanfic

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