Pairing: Lorne/Ronon/Teyla
Length: 2200
Author on LJ:
princessofgAuthor Website:
Most of her fic is archived at AO3Why this must be read:
A "Hail Mary" Pass is set in a potential future after seaosn 5, where a small team went back to Atlantis and it didn't go well. Instead, Lorne is on the run in Pegasus, looking for leads, and stumbles upon two very familiar faces.
I think this is the only fic with this ship that exists, and Princess writes it brilliantly, building on a past casual relationship between Lorne and Ronon. She also does a great job, in a very small number of words, of getting across how lonely Lorne is, how desperately he needs a friendly face.
He is crouched in the lee of a crumbling wall, eating smoked meat on a stick that he's just lifted from a vendor's fire, and scanning faces, scanning shadows. He coughs on his meat, stunned, and does a double take. A man has stepped from a tent, lantern-light behind him. The strong familiar line of clean-shaven jaw, the swell of hair, tied back so as not to be in the way-so familiar. The man looks over his shoulder, toward Evan but not at him, and turns away. Evan bolts down the rest of the meat and rises. He has to be sure. He has to know. Is it Ronon Dex? Or just his twin, here to taunt him unintentionally with the hope of a familiar, friendly face?
A "Hail Mary" Pass