Ghosts by roo2 (PG)

Sep 20, 2009 15:17

Fandom: HEROES
Pairing: Luke, Sylar (gen)
Length: 7,027
Author on LJ: roo2
Author Website: roo2's fic tag

Why This Must Be Read: Because it's one of the most original premises for a fic that I've ever read. In this fic, Luke is on the run after being left behind by Sylar. Exhausted and feverish, he ends up squatting in an old, abandoned hospital. Except that he quickly learns he isn't as alone as he first thought. Who are the mysterious people who seem to live inside the decaying building and what do they want from him?

This fic is funny and creepy, and will keep you guessing until the end: a really enjoyable read!


"Who are you?"

The man tilts his head to the side. "Taub. Sometimes."

"Oh." Luke looks back down. He has no idea what to say to a crazy ghost. "Can I have more soup?"

Taub gets up and wanders over to the camp stove and starts cooking.

"Where'd the stuff come from?" He'd always thought ghosts were stuck in one place or something. It looks like this bunch can get out and go shopping. Unless it's the ghost of a camp stove and he's eating ectoplasm or...yeah. He tries not to think too hard about that.

"We can make short trips out of here," Taub says as he hands over a bowl of hot soup. "We just can't go far."

"So there are rules?"

Taub shrugs. "He doesn't let us go far. He keeps coming back here. He feels safe here."


heroes, fanfic

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