Letting Go (NC-17) by tainted_velvet

Sep 19, 2009 15:00

Pairing: Brian/Nick, Howie/Nick
Length: multipart
Author on LJ: tainted_velvet
Author Website: Touched by a Boy(fic journal)
Why this must be read: Firstly I should warn that this story is unfinished, but that should not in the least prevent you from reading it! I would recommend everything tainted_velvet has written actually. I guess this could also be called one of those stories where "not much happens," but it totally makes up for the lack of plot in gorgeous characterizations and group interaction. Brian sees something that makes him remember his past relationship with Nick. And I apologize for this rec's incoherent-ness, as my brain is muddled with fever, but have an excerpt! And then go read!

...Brian remembered a lot from back then. He remembered two young boys searching for comfort, acceptance and even...love, in each other's arms - as they passed through foreign towns with strange names. He remembered soft skin, firm touches and whispered pleas, and wanting things that he shouldn't have, because he wasn't raised to want those kinds of things....

Letting Go

pop slash, fanfic

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